No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 241: Damn Monk...

Chapter 241: Damn Monk...

I grabbed Abby's waist to get her off my lap while using [Mythomania] to hide the space mark I put on her body, then stood up in front of the monk.

I made a respectful bow typical of cultivators. – "Greetings sir, I am the knight of the Archangel of Hope and I think there is a misunderstanding here…"

"Oh, interesting, so you are Miss Auriel's knight" – The monk showed a kind smile as his energy continued to suppress the three women. – "But I do not understand what misunderstanding you mean"

BB, Abby, and Nyarlathotep were very injured and their Paths of Maddness were being damaged by the monk's mantra so I must hurry or they might be sent to the reincarnation cycle while losing their skills and personalities...

It's an interesting way to deal with a Higher Entity without destroying its soul, but I don't have time to analyze this skill.

I drew Auriel's sword while maintaining my respectful attitude and approached Nyarlathotep.

Nyarlathotep didn't trust me so I had to use the Contract she signed to force her to stay put.

I put my hand on her head in a friendly manner and put a space mark on her, then showed a kind smile towards the monk. – "As you must have heard, my holy lady seeks harmony among all races, so these Outer Gods are not enemies, on the contrary, they are the first entities willing to join the just cause of my holy lady…"

"Oh" - The monk nodded and smiled kindly. – "You must be the Hero of Harmony… I have heard that there is a talented boy who received recognition from Miss Auriel, I also heard that you are one of the few heroes willing to treat all species with respect, something very rare among youths"

"Thank you for those words sir" – I used [Mythomania] to make myself think that I am grateful for those words.

"However" - The monk sighed. – "Even if this is Miss Auriel's wish, I will have to apologize to her since I cannot let these evil creatures escape… Daoloth has destroyed eight temples of my sect, Nyarlathotep stole the treasures of one of my disciples, and Shub- Niggurath corrupted my brother's Dao into total degeneration… I'm sorry, but I can't let go of this blood debt"

Damn bunch of idiots, stop causing trouble!

"I understand the predicament that you have sir" - I kept the respectful bow. – "But it is my sincere wish to create an environment of harmony between all species so I cannot renounce the Outer Gods…"

"Boy, your wishes are noble and I can feel that you have led a fair life to the point that Miss Auriel favors you" - The monk looked at me kindly. – "So I will tell you kindly, go away now or I will have to bury you next to these evil creatures"

Damn stubborn idealists…

I sighed. – "Sir, please, there must be a way for us to reach an agreement…"

The monk sighed. – "Boy, do you think I have not noticed that there are barriers designed to suppress Madness? Just tell me the truth, you want to capture these creatures on your own to increase Miss Auriel's prestige…"

System Goddess made changes to the barriers to make them seem focused on hunting an Outer God, so the monk won't be suspicious and try to break through the barriers.

I showed an embarrassed attitude as if my true intentions had been found out.

"Although I personally find lies distasteful, I applaud your devotion to Miss Auriel" – The monk sighed slightly, all his actions brimming with kindness. – "Not many people would dare to face these evil creatures out of pure devotion and loyalty, even so, I'm sorry boy… Although we can reach an agreement"

I have a feeling I'm going to hear something unpleasant.

"I am going to purify the three creatures and I will take the corpses of Daoloth and Nyarlathotep, you can keep the corpse of Yog-Sothoth, that will be enough for Miss Auriel to gain prestige" - The monk smiled like a grandfather taking care of his grandchild.

That's a good deal, it would not only increase my closeness with Auriel, but it would also help me create a friendly relationship with one of the leaders of Eternal Heaven Immortal, the strongest faction of cultivators in the multiverse.

Also, this would lessen the chances of my Outer God identity being exposed and might even get rid of one of my headaches...

In objective terms, the gains outweigh the losses, but… Stupid feelings of attachment.

I sighed. - "I'm sorry sir"

BB, Abby, and Nyarlathotep disappeared from the room and were sent to my Core of Existence so that they can be close to Ray which will help them recover a bit from the wounds caused by the Buddhist mantra.

The Dimensional Gate also disappeared as the monk was focused on purifying the Outer Gods so for now this monk won't get reinforcements, although he doesn't need them either.

All the women I care about in this world have already been transported to the Rasen Dimension and are in a deep sleep state so I'm not worried if this world is destroyed.

I also saved the idiot students who caused me trouble since I still have uses for them.

"We are dead..." - Daedalus sighed in my mind.

I didn't have time to react when a hand-held my neck tightly.

"Where are they?" – The monk stopped smiling kindly and issued a powerful pressure that shook my internal organs.

The monk had perfect control of his energy so only I felt the powerful spiritual pressure that was capable of crushing the will of all living beings in this world.

Even though the monk is using one of the basic intimidation tactics by using sheer power to make me see how insignificant I am, intimidation doesn't matter to me.

On the other hand, the fact that the monk used a relatively gentle method clearly shows that he is not willing to destroy this world so he will limit his own abilities.

I coughed up blood unable to speak so the monk released me making me fall to the ground.

"Speak, where are those creatures" - The monk spoke with slight anger while he still maintained a trace of calm.

The monk has decent self-control of his emotions which will be problematic as it will be more difficult to make him lose his rationality.

On the other hand, and according to information from System Goddess, the monk does not have a good command of spatial skills, and the only reason he managed to come to this world is that he specializes in combating chaotic energies such as Madness.

He did not follow the spatial coordinates to pursue Nyarlathotep, but instead followed the trails of Madness and since Rasen's spatial abilities are not related to Madness, he cannot detect them.

Golden light covered my neck healing my wounds, then I looked up and smiled with slight irony, but still maintaining a certain level of respect. – "Where was the inner peace?"

I received a slap that threw me against the wall at the same time that my skull cracked.

My own regenerative abilities were suppressed, but Auriel's blessing is healing me so I'm fine.

"Impertinent!" – The monk held my shirt collar to look me in the eye. – "Boy, you are courting death"

I smiled. – "Disappointing my benefactor is more terrifying than death"

The monk frowned, then sighed. – "You are a loyal boy and I respect that, but you are pushing your luck"

I kept my friendly smile. – "I do not believe in luck, the sir can kill me easily, but even in death, I will not give up my principles"

The monk sighed and threw me against the stone wall.

My body broke through the wall causing most of my bones to break as the walls were fortified with valuable materials.

Again the golden light healed my wounds, but I couldn't get up as a foot pressed my head down causing my face to crack on the stone floor.

"Miss Auriel's blessing can heal your wounds, but it doesn't remove the pain" - The monk sighed with disappointment. – "Boy, do not force me to be cruel and tell me where the evil creatures are"

If this is the cruelty of a Buddhist then I want to laugh, these blows are too gentle compared to real torture.

Some time ago System Goddess had told me about the Buddhists and from what I know, they are guardians of order, but their own concept of order.

Unlike the balance that seeks the midpoint between order and chaos, Buddhists seek peace and calm so they are not enemies of evil entities, but are enemies of chaotic entities, and the greatest representation of chaos is the Outer Gods.

It can be said that a Buddhist can be a friend to a demon, but he will always be an enemy to a villain. To some extent, I don't dislike that mentality.

The monk was strong, stupidly strong, even with all the skills I have no chance to scratch him, but the monk had one huge weakness, his kindness.

The monk continued to beat me.

Whenever my injuries were serious, he would stop and wait for the golden light to heal me, only when my body was fully recovered would he hit me again.

This may seem like cruel torture as it is a constant and relentless beating, but compared to everything the monk could do with his destructive abilities, this is just a minor reprimand.

It is ironic that such a powerful entity cannot make a mere cockroach talk because the entity is kind while the cockroach is stubborn.

So much power is limited by simple moral principles... It's so funny I want to throw up.

"Luis..." - System Goddess spoke with great concern.

Seeing that I am beaten without being able to defend myself can be shocking for her since in her eyes I am always in control of the situation, but for me, this is just a Friday night.

Being beaten, humiliated, and insulted is so normal in my life that I'm getting bored, I expected more from an entity capable of destroying universes.

"Everything is fine" - I sighed internally. – "If the monk decides to kill me then I will use a soul from Ortro's warehouse to fake my integration into the reincarnation cycle… To tell the truth, this is disappointing, I thought I would find myself in greater danger"

"You are lucky that this cultivator is a genuine Buddhist and not a member of a righteous sect that only feigns integrity while secretly practicing demonic arts" – System Goddess sighed. – "Although I am worried, if this continues it is possible that you will be taken to this man's sect to force you to spit out the information"

That would certainly be a problem… But it could also be convenient.

"If that happens, don't use the emergency method, let the monk kidnap me" - I sighed internally while my body continued to be beaten.

The emergency method was to make the core of this world unstable with the energy of BB and [Rasen] turning this world into a huge bomb.

This won't damage the monk, but it will give me time to escape, especially since the monk will try to stabilize the core to save this world.

Sure, this method will get me into big trouble if the monk talks to Auriel since destroying a world is something only psychos and Devourers would do.

"Boy, your loyalty is unbreakable like an iron mountain and your determination is as immeasurable as the heavens because not everyone can face seeing death up close and still manage to smile" - The monk sighed after breaking my arms and legs.

I spat out a couple of teeth and smiled. – "Thank you for the kind words, although it would be nicer if the sir stopped hitting my face"

As the golden light regenerated my limbs, the monk looked at me compassionately and placed his hand on my head.

[Paranoia] is still unavailable, but I have a really bad feeling...

Instinctively, I covered my Existence Core with [Anti-Rasen] to isolate the women in my harem.

At the same time, I separated a fragment of my mind and turned it into a USB-like spirit projection, then stored that fragment in the Rasen Dimension.

"Eternal Samsara Cycle of Golden Purification!"

[Warning: The user is being…..]

Shit, this is going to be nasty… Stupid unnecessarily long names…











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