New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 805 - Dont be Angry

Chapter 805 - Don't be Angry

Lianne waved her special ID card through the system and the security in charge's eyes popped wide open when the details came up.

He looked up in surprise to see this young girl walking through, then Zero following behind her.

Who, in Smith Industries, didn't know who Zero was?

Zero was part of the CEO's elite team, who not only had specialised skills in aiding the CEO, their martial arts were above the norm. For him to be escorting the young girl who held that special VIP card, meant that her position was very special indeed.

He committed her face to his memory.

No way was he going to be like some fool, insulting her or something, and then getting fired.

Zero watched in surprise as Lianne headed to the normal elevator instead of the VIP lift. With her access card, she could easily use it.

Nonetheless, he said nothing as he stood slightly behind her, and to her side.

She glanced at him for a bit, saying, "Isn't it more fun this way?"

Zero's expression didn't change but anyone around him felt the atmosphere becoming a little more oppressive.

Lianne nudged him a little, smiling, and said, "Come on, Zero. Live a little."

Lianne didn't like crowds either but she was even more uncomfortable to use the VIP lift without her mother. It was like she would be abusing the privilege given to her, even though it wasn't.

It all boiled down to the fact that it wasn't hers, so using it didn't feel right. If this was her own building, or her mother in this life, then she wouldn't be bothered.

Zero didn't change his expression nor move when Lianne had nudged him - though the people behind him had this look of absolute horror on their faces.

Who didn't know how unapproachable Zero was? He was the one that was the last sociable and cranky. His face looked like it was set in stone or something, hardly showing any sort of expression.

No one dared to be acting familiar with him and yet, this girl did?

She even touched him!

And … he didn't retaliate nor respond.

Some hidden MIB agents, upon seeing this, shook their heads while rubbing their eyes. It was only recently the 'Silver Volcano' epic eruption had reverted in the MIB gr.a.p.evine. The things Zero had done as well to those that were caught made even the most seasoned ones shudder a bit.

A lot of the MIB agents had their world view shift because of it. Zero had always been the aloof type so the legend had been taken with a pinch of salt.

When it had happened again, it was clear that the legend had actually been downplayed.

Lianne went to the panel on the wall, and pressed the keypad to indicate the floor she wanted to go to. After doing so, the number 4 was shown, indicating that it would be elevator #4 would be her 'ride'.

Hence, she went to nearer to the elevator, followed closely by Zero. Once the elevator arrived, Zero stood back and waited as those who were 'assigned' that lift, headed in.

Once Lianne was inside, Zero gave her a nod as the doors slowly closed.

"Thank you Zero!" Lianne shouted just as the doors closed fully.

She had initially thought that Zero would only leave her once she was 'handed over' to Kyle, but it turns out that he didn't have to accompany her all the way up. The lift was secure, after all.

Lianne tsked at herself.

She should have thought of that, really. She had been too engrossed thinking of other things to have made that deduction, and thus, did not manage to thank Zero before getting on the lift.

What a pity.

She didn't have time to tease him just a little bit more.

? Author only posts on w.e.b.n.o.v.e.l. ?

That evening, as expected, her father gave her some long-winded speech about 'proprietary' and 'being a lady' as they headed over to pick up Joseph from school. Lianne answered non-commitingly, making the proper grunts of acknowledgment once in a while.

Luckily, her father was busy driving so he didn't have the opportunity to see her facial expression and perhaps, start a whole new tirade about it.

Lianne sighed a bit as she looked out the window.

She couldn't wait for the day when she becomes a legal a.d.u.l.t, so that her father would stop all of this sort of speech.

Then again, perhaps not.

Lianne began thinking about her mother and how much she had embraced herself as the male Kyle Smith. From the looks of it, she had also fallen hard for Sayuri.

It wasn't that difficult to make the connection, for she had already seen it when they were at Country M. The one that had been constantly by her mother's side, was her, Sayuri.

Lianne had also seen how caring and attentive Sayuri had been towards Kyle - and, how her mother had treated Sayuri. Her suspicions grew then, but it was confirmed today.

One thing was for sure though.

Once her mother found out about the crush that her brother was having, the sh*t would hit the fan. She hoped she would be in the safe zone, and away from any blame or repercussions.

? Elsewhere, a month or so ago ?

Ali ran his fingers through his hair.

He was ready to throw the file onto the floor and stomp on it. Maybe in that way, it could finally be said that he had left his mark on it. His footprints, at least.

He sighed, thinking that even he thought that joke was lame.

Ali wondered what the other Elite Five were doing.

As expected, once all of them had graduated, they could not meet up as they used to. The bond was still there, however.

The type of bond that when you do meet up - even if it was five years later - it would be as if they had never been apart.

Each was busy with their own lives. They all had responsibilities, be it for work or family. As for him, being groomed to take over his father was part of the responsibilities that he bore.

However, unlike it was for Kyle, he would only take over once his father had either passed on, or became senile. In the meantime, he learned and worked side-by-side with his father.

Should (or when) he has sons, then his sons would do the same. In fact, it would be strange for three generations to be working side-by-side in one company, or have the grandson take over instead.

Ali smiled wistfully.


He had been married for quite some time now, but they have yet to be blessed with children. He hadn't wanted to cause Sofiya any undue pressure, so he had never talked to her about it.

Ali just left it to God, for now, believing that whatever it was, it was for the best. If they were still childless after another year, then perhaps it would be time to see a specialist.

Normally, one would conceive naturally within a year if they have unprotected s.e.x and it was advisable to see the doctor if they failed to conceive by then.

Ali could tell that Sofiya was more affected than him, so he made sure to be supportive of her and not cause more pressure. It was hard, though, because he had to push aside his worry and fear in order to not make her feel worse.

Worry, because there may not be a solution. He had the fear that either he, or Sofiya, is infertile. If he was infertile, then he felt like he had robbed her of her chance to be a mother - something that he knew she wanted to be more than anything.

If it was her that was infertile, he knew that she would feel very bad about it and knowing her, she may suggest something ridiculous like getting another wife.

He married her because he loved her, not because of her ability to bear children.

For Ali, he wanted nothing more than to have little Sofiyas all over the house but if it was not meant to be, it will not be. He had the money to go for fertility treatments, but he was also well aware of the possibility that it could not be cured.

Ali was brought out of his thoughts when Sofiya came into the study with a tray with a mug of tea and some snacks. He headed over, taking the tray from her.

"I told you that you should get the help to do this," Ali admonished her gently as he placed the tray on the coffee table.

"I wanted to do this for my husband. Can't I?"

"Of course you can, my love, but what's wrong?" Ali asked worriedly, noticing her nervousness.

"I've ... been hiding something from you," Sofiya admitted, "Please don't get angry."

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