New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 797 - Reward

Chapter 797 - Reward

Zack was driving and Beatrice sat at the back at the twins' insistence.

"You are our beloved, so how could we let you sit in front?" Zack said.

The unwritten rule about this in Country Tz was rather strange to some people.

If you are friends, or colleagues, then there must be someone sitting next to the one driving as he/she is not your driver.

If you are taking a superior, then only those of the same 'rank' would sit behind with the superior. If there are none, then it is to remain empty. Thus, even if you are in a high position in the company, you are still 'lower' than your superior and is the 'driver'.

If you are with your special person, then naturally, the seat next to the driver is hers (or his) as you are 'equal' partners. The one sitting at the back would be the 'unimportant' person.

However, there is one exception to this.

When they want to serve their beloved like a Queen - which was what the twins were doing.

Beatrice didn't argue with them when they had guided her to the backseat, and was enjoying the treatment.

What normal woman wouldn't?

Once they reached her apartment, Zack stopped the car right in front of the entrance rather than going into the carpark. As it was not allowed, Zack could not walk Beatrice to her apartment - Yuri would do that.

However, he did get out to together with Yuri, who opened the door for Beatrice.

"Thank you for accompanying Grandpa the whole day," Zack said to Beatrice.

"He's adorable," Beatrice said, "It was my p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e."

Beatrice could see the way Zack looked at her longingly, that he wanted a goodbye kiss like the last time when they had dropped her off. Since they had behaved well, Beatrice stepped forward right in front of Zack.

He smiled, not daring to move until Beatrice made the first move. Which was, to kiss him.

Only then did his hands snake around her waist to hold her close. Beatrice wrapped her hands around his neck and when he tentatively touched her lips with his tongue, she opened her mouth to allow access.

Zack was beyond happy, but he knew that he couldn't do more than what was allowed. He had to let Beatrice lead the way and respond accordingly. If he stepped over the line, she would punish him and he didn't want that.

Of course, Beatrice was a novice at this so Zack still guided her. Just not aggressively. The kiss didn't last long (at least, it didn't seem so to Zack though Yuri thought it was way too long since he just had to watch) and it took a whole lot of willpower for Zack to step back after that mind-numbing kiss.

He has had a lot of kisses but nothing could compare to what he had just experienced. It was true what they said. There is a whole lot of difference between having s.e.x and m.a.k.i.n.g. .l.o.v.e.

Beatrice smiled upon seeing the loving gaze in his eyes and she gave him one final peck before leaving his arms, saying, "Goodbye, and thank you Zack."

Zack leaned on the car as he watched his beloved go up with his brother, a smile on his face. They would have to up the game now, because there was no way that they were going to let this precious gem out of their hands.

He reached into his pocket, about to take out a cigarette out of habit when he remembered. With a sigh, his hand found the pack of gum instead and started chewing.

"Beatrice," Yuri said tentatively as they entered the lift to go up to her apartment.

Beatrice turned to look at him, tilting her head a bit as she answered, "Yes?"

He took her hand in his and kissed the back of it, before he asked, "Can you allow us to take you out for meals everyday?"

He looked at her with his gentle gaze and Beatrice felt his request was justified. She had not been fair on them when she avoided them all this time despite saying that she would give them a chance.

Instead of being angry, they were patient and kept on pursuing her.

Now that she had met their grandfather and she had even started kissing them, she should be more serious and invested in this. She couldn't be selfish.

No, that wasn't it.

She had been scared before but now, she was gaining more confidence. In accepting the fact that the twins' feelings for her weren't temporary or a 'spur of the moment' thing. Truth be told, she didn't think they were serious.

Rather, she didn't think that their feelings for her would last. She knew that they were not lying to her, but she had honestly thought she was just a phase they were going through.

Part of the reason why she avoided them before was because she was afraid of her growing interest in them, and partly because she felt they would soon forget her if they didn't meet.

Obviously, it wasn't just a phase.

"Yes," Beatrice replied, "But for the time being, it must be either you, or Zack. Take turns everyday. I want to get to know both of you separately before we go on dates together."

Yuri smiled, his lips curling up a bit as he nodded, "Sounds fair. Thank you."

The lift stopped at a floor, the door opening and Beatrice stepped back to allow the people from outside to come in. Her eye twitched when she saw who it was.

Delores from the apartment across from her.

Beatrice had often been given 'friendly' advice about finding herself a man because she was heading to be an 'old maid'. She labeled Beatrice as a 'prude' saying that girls like her were a dying breed that no man would like.

All men loved women who were experienced, she said.

Delores eyes widened upon seeing Beatrice there - because a very handsome and s.e.xy young man was holding her hand.

She stepped into the lift, and gave Yuri a flirtatious smile which he ignored completely. She turned to press the elevator button, leaning forward a bit, stretching the already skin-tight mini skirt that was like second skin on her b.u.t.t even more.

Beatrice rolled her eyes at that.

She lived on the same floor as she did, so there as no need for her to press the button at all. Yuri caught that roll of her eyes and brought her even closer to him, putting his arm around her waist.

Delores turned, and somehow, two buttons on her shirt had magically unfastened so that her cleavage peeked through.

She frowned a bit to see that Yuri wasn't even looking in her direction, but was seemingly whispering sweet nothings into Beatrice's ear.

She couldn't believe that he had not been enticed by her little show, and was instead, paying attention to the schoolmarm prude instead.

Not wanting to be outdone, she asked sweetly, "Beatrice, honey. Boyfriend?"

Yuri chuckled at that, his voice deep and s.e.xy, causing Beatrice to blush a bit because his breath tickled her ear.

"She's not that bright, is she?" Yuri asked Beatrice softly, but loud enough for Delores to hear in that small lift.

Delores's mouth hung wide open at that and Beatrice couldn't help but smile a bit at that. She placed a hand on Yuri's c.h.e.s.t, saying, "Behave."

Yuri didn't answer but instead, sniffed her hair and smiled, loving the feeling of having his beloved in his arms and that she was allowing it.

They reached their floor and Beatrice led Yuri out, with the fuming Delores right behind them. She deliberately took her time to go in, not believing that she couldn't entice the young stud away from Beatrice.

She would wait until Beatrice went in before she would make another move.

So, she dilly-dallied and walked slowly. She watched as Beatrice unlocked the door and as expected, the man didn't follow her in.

What she did not expect, however, was that the two started making out right in front of the door.

Yuri couldn't believe his good luck.

He knew that he would be getting a goodbye kiss like Zack had received, for Beatrice was always fair. He had been anticipating it from the moment she had kissed Zack, but what she was doing now was far more than what she had given Zack.

Who was he to refuse?

Beatrice clung onto Yuri, initiating the kiss but unlike with Zack, she was the one that darted her tongue into his open and willing mouth. She may be inexperienced, but she learns quickly.

She already knew the basic movements and what to do when she had kissed Zack earlier, and now, she experimented more. She was more aggressive and proactive, and Yuri lapped it all up. His hands held her tightly to him and she couldn't help but run her fingers in his hair as they kissed.

As their tongues clashed, Beatrice was starting to get weak in the knees and rather tingly 'down there'. The sensations were far stronger this time and she was rather swept away by the intensity of the feelings.

When they finally broke the kiss, their lips were wet and their breathing a bit heavier than normal.

"A reward," Beatrice said huskily, "For earlier."

Yuri understood what she meant.

For ignoring the woman that had been quite open in trying to seduce him and for standing up to her.

Yuri smiled and kissed her nose.

Beatrice was satisfied with Yuri's behaviour earlier and she didn't worry about whatever tricks Delores may have. She trusted the boys and knew that they wouldn't betray her but she didn't think that they would be completely disinterested towards other women.

Beatrice wasn't stupid or naive, and she knew that men were only human. If a s.e.xy woman flirts with you, it doesn't mean that they would be blocks of wood and not feel anything. What made the difference was whether they actually acted on it.

Thus, she had been pleasantly surprised that Yuri wasn't even interested in the slightest. It wasn't fake either. She felt all warm inside and was so happy that she had given him that kiss.

They didn't continue kissing but instead, Yuri just hugged her to him as both of them calmed themselves down. He kissed the top of her head as she breathed in his scent and felt at peace.

"Thank you," Beatrice said with a smile as she went into her apartment.

Yuri watched her go in and it was only after hearing the click of the lock and the slide of the security bolt did he turn to leave.

Delores stepped forward, 'tripping' right in front of him. Yuri didn't break his stride as he sidestepped and she fell down flat on her face onto the ground. The pain was so severe that tears formed in her eyes.

She turned to look at the guy that had completely ignored her, to see him inside the lift. He saw her looking at him, and he smirked.

He put up a 'thumbs-up' sign to show how happy he was that she was sprawled there before turning it around to be pointing downwards, his eyes suddenly turning cold just as the doors of the lift closed.

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