New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 231 - Scene : The End

Zenith kept on pressing the trigger, even though the chamber was empty. The room, which had previously been filled with loud booming sounds, was now replaced with the sounds of the clicking of the gun.

Like a mechanical robot, intent on finishing its programmed action, Zenith just kept on 'shooting'.

Click click click click click click click click

Finally, after what seemed like hours, Zenith stopped. He just stood there, staring at the unmoving figure in front of him. The figure whose eyes never left his, had never wavered, never judged.

Never hated.

Still so full of love and acceptance.

Zenith wailed, the sound piercing and full of pain and heartache. Like a wounded animal, raw in its declaration of pain.

He fell down to his knees, put his forehead on his them and hugged his legs tightly to his chest. He shook his head, mumbling and rocking on his heels, lost in his own world of pain.

Zenith couldn't understand it.

His mind was in chaos. His heart was breaking.

He was ready to kill John, his own father.

The more that man talked, the more agitated he became. The more the things he had been keeping down kept wanting to break free. The man was lying. He had to be.

Zenith couldn't' believe the words that came out of that man's mouth.

Love him? Really?

He would do anything?

Like how he did the impossible task to be with his wife?

Yeah. Right.

It was a trap. A trap to make him lower his guard down. To get rid of him since he was such a dangerous tool.

Even when John put that gun in his hand, Zenith didn't believe it.

John was an elite assassin. His name struck so much fear in the assassin circle that he was regarded like the Boogeyman.

Zenith had laughed inwardly when he got the gun. Did the Boogeyman really think he'd be scared? That he wouldn't shoot? That he really wouldn't kill?

There was no way that an elite assassin like John Wick wouldn't avoid the shots. Any normal man would, what more John Wick. John's survival instinct will kick in, avoid the shots, and they will fight. Either John will die, or he, Zenith, would.

So Zenith let loose and pulled the trigger in rapid succession.

It was so fast and regularly timed that it sounded like a machine gun.

It was Zenith's skill. He had absolute precision and control, able to shoot so fast and so accurately that no one was safe.

As shot after shot was fired, Zenith's heart was breaking. It was as if each shot opened a fresh, new wound within him. Instead of shooting the man in front of him, it felt like the bullets hit him instead.

John really did let him shoot him.

He didn't move at all.

He hadn't flinched and he just stood there, with his eyes accepting and calm as Zenith shot at him. There was no blame in them. Just acceptance.

The bullets flew past his head, some even giving him a close shave that hair flew but none actually hit him.

If John had moved even a centimeter, one of those bullets surely would have hit him and he would have died. Yet, because he didn't move, he lived.

Zenith couldn't deny the truth in front of his eyes any longer.

His heart broke, the dam broke and all sorts of emotions that he had kept away so securely came gushing out. He had believed he could not feel anything anymore other than hate.

Yet now, he felt pain. A pain so intense that he wailed, the anguish clearly heard as it echoed in the room.

He ... he was worthy of being loved?

He ... he had someone who truly did love him?

Could it really be true?

John's own heart was wrenched in pain upon seeing his son sitting on the floor, so lost in pain. He didn't say a word but simply went down on his knees and hugged him. Hugged him tight and kept whispering into his ear how everything was alright.

John just hugged his son tightly to him, not letting go and letting him wail it out.

John had recognised in Zenith, the sort of despair that he had felt before he met Helen.

It was Helen's warmth and unconditional love that made him alive again. Made him believe again. Made his heart beat again.

His son went through the same thing he did and was feeling the same thing he had. He didn't have Helen's warmth to thaw out his son so he did the only thing he could do, as John Wick.

Love him as John Wick would love someone.

Without question, unconditionally.

?? Several hours later ??

Zenith opened his eyes, disoriented at first then all the memories came crashing down in his mind.

He quickly turned to the side and saw, to his relief, that he was alone.

He closed his eyes once again, taking deep breaths as he thought back at all that had happened.


As one who had considered himself an elite assassin, he really was a wimp this time. Never, in his entire life, had he ever shown such weakness and vulnerability. Well, not since his siblings died.

Flashes of old memories long forgotten came into his mind. Him, actually laughing with his siblings. How they would hide their emotions every time their Mentors came. How they would stop showing care in front of others.

Deep down, Zenith blamed himself for their deaths. If he hadn't been so close to them, would they have died? If he hadn't shown some sort of attachment to them, would they have been spared?

The High Table must have noticed how Zenith didn't put 100% of his effort each time he fought with his siblings. He just couldn't bear to hurt them, even though they told him he should. They went all out against him, though Zenith easily defended. He just lacked the attack.

"You're finally awake," came a low, familiar voice that now made Zenith's heart feeling warm. And nervous.

Damn it. He was so lost in thought and past memories that he didn't even hear John enter the room. It was true. Emotions made your skills dull.

Zenith turned his head, to see John standing next to the bed with a tray of food.

Zenith blinked.

The image in his mind of John Wick and the person in front of him didn't quite match.

John Wick was ... domesticated?

John put the tray down on the table next to the bed, said curtly, "Eat up. Gain strength. We have a whole organisation to bury."

Zenith stared at him, "We?"

John looked down at him, tilting his head and asked, "Don't you think it's high time the High Table became dust?"

Zenith smirked, his face lighting up as he got up. Swinging his long legs over the edge of the bed, Zenith took the food, and replied simply, "Most definitely."

John nodded in approval, seeing Zenith recover from the previous breakdown. There seemed to be a tacit agreement between them not to bring it up. It was as if it never happened.

John patted Zenith's head, feeling that familiar texture of hair that his wife had and walked out.

Zenith's hands froze, the spoon with the porridge hovering in the air, inches away from his lips. Despite the fact that John had left, he could still feel the warmth of that big, strong hand on his head. His eyes darted to the open doorway where John had left.

His eyes narrowed.

Did his father regard him like a pet? Patting his head like that.

Zenith scoffed at him, looking all angry and indignant.

Zenith went back to eating his porridge, seemingly shoving it into his mouth like he was angry ... but one could see the edge of his lips curled up a bit in a ghost of a smile.

?? ??

" CUT !!" yelled Chad and everyone whooped for joy.

It was the most emotional and intense scene in the entire movie and Chad had been on tenterhooks to see how it would be executed. He envisioned days of filming, with constant retakes - mainly from Kyle's side.

Surprisingly ... again ... it went far smoother than he had anticipated.

Sure, there had been retakes but the quality of acting that the young boy showed was far superior to any new actors that he had seen. And he had seen a lot, even during his stunt days. The boy hadn't even gone to acting school - he truly was a gem.

He could even imagine using Kyle again if there was another John Wick film.

It all depended on how successful this film would be. Chad didn't have a doubt that the film would be successful as they already had those die-hard John Wick fans. The fan base was already there.

The only thing was, could they accept Zenith? Could that character become alive? Any initial fear of introducing such a pivotal character like Zenith had been swept away by how Kyle had made the character.

The bond that was emerging between John Wick and Zenith appeared real. The chemistry was there.

Chad looked at how Kyle was still eating the porridge, not stopping despite him yelling 'cut'.

"This is good," Kyle said, upon noticing how Chad - and basically everyone else was looking at him, "We shouldn't let good food go to waste, you know."

"Just admit you're a glutton," said Keanu with a laugh.

Kyle rolled his eyes and ignored him, finishing the porridge quickly. He then flashed his Colgate Smile to the crew member that took the bowl from him, thanking her. She blushed beet red, took the bowl and ran off.

"Savage," Keanu said to Kyle.

Kyle looked at him innocently, "What?"

Chad watched all of this and shook his head at their antics.

It was obvious to see that the closeness that was forming between Keanu and Kyle, was translated into the screen.

Chad patted himself on the back, feeling all smug. He really did have such a good eye to have found Kyle, just from a picture.

Conveniently forgetting the screen test he had given Kyle initially to get rid of him ...

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