New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 216 - Goodbye (I)

Samantha had been in deep sleep, and it was one of the best sleep she had for a long time.

Waking up that morning, with the sun streaming into the room, she rubbed her tired eyes and wondered why her father never called out to her. He was normally one that woke up quite early. She turned, and saw him still lying down on the bed.

Guess it was time to wake him up.

She stretched, then her eyes fell onto the table near her. She froze.

Flinging the blanket that was on her aside, she grabbed the items on the table. It was the card.

She looked at it in disbelief. The seemingly simple business card. A Black Dragon on the front. She flipped it over. A black dragon encased in ice. The card fell to the table.

"No no no no ... how can this be?! How ... how did he get in here? Why did I get .... Father!"

Samantha cried out frantically, looking at her father. He couldn't be ... could he? She ran over to him and it looked like he was just asleep. But she knew he wasn't. There, laid neatly on his chest, was the same card she received - only this time, it was the back that was shown.

She slumped to the floor, wailing and crying.

Just at that moment, the door opened. Samantha hardly looked up, hardly registering that there was someone who entered the room. She vaguely heard the footsteps going to and fro, but she didn't pay any heed to it.

Until she felt a hand on her shoulder. When she did bring her head up, she saw the grim face of her uncle, Derek.

?? ??

The trailer door was being knocked on rapidly and loudly. The door slowly opened, to reveal a very tired looking young boy, who was rubbing his eyes and his bedhair sticking up. He was shirtless, only wearing cotton pajama bottoms.

The policewoman that had been knocking loudly on the door paused and gulped as the vision of loveliness appeared in front of her. The drool-worthy physique was right in front of her face.

However, she managed to keep up her professional expression as she watched him yawn and not really focusing, he asked, "Whatsup? Is it time to go already?"

"Sir, we're gathering everyone for questioning," she began and she saw as the young boy blinked rapidly, bringing his face closer to her and tilted his head.

"I haven't seen you before," he said, "Are you new? Why are you cosplaying as a police officer?"

The officer gulped, seeing that gorgeous face mere inches from hers. She leaned back a bit, creating a distance and mentally slapped herself. She hadn't even identified herself. Bad procedure. She had been so caught up in the vision in front of her that she was caught unawares.

She didn't think there was anyone else that could top Keanu Reeves here, so she had been completely taken for a loop when this vision appeared.

"Kyle? What's going on?" came another voice.

Kyle turned, and Sam showed up, wearing a pajama top and shorts.

Kyle's eyes narrowed. "Wait. Why are you wearing my shirt?"

Sam looked down and then looked at Kyle, "I'm not wearing your shirt. Why are you wearing my pants?"

Kyle looked at his legs then at Sam, then back at his own legs. To the policewoman's horror, Kyle pulled the waistband of his pajama pants to look inside.

"Oh. Right. I am wearing your pants. No wonder it was hot," Kyle said and proceeded to take off the pants.

"SIR!" shouted the policewoman, "Stop right there or I'll have to book you for indecent exposure!"

Kyle turned to look at her, giving her a sexy lopsided grin as he said, "You're really into this cosplay thing, huh? Are you going to handcuff me then?"

"I - I ... " she stuttered as Kyle deftly took off his pants, only to reveal the bermuda shorts he had underneath. He flung the pajama bottoms at Sam.

Sam caught it and held it at the tip of his fingers, "Ew. At least wash it first."

"AHEM," the policewoman began again, taking out her badge, "As I was saying. Officer Bradley. We're calling up people for questioning."

Kyle and Sam became serious then, "Oh, sorry Officer. I thought you were a crew member. What's this about?"

"There's been a homicide," she explained, "Please get dressed. I will lead you to the questioning room."

Kyle and Sam nodded and closed the door. In less than 10 minutes, the two boys came out and joined Officer Bradley.


"What were you doing between the time of 11pm till 1am?"

Kyle scratched his head, "Celebrating. We just finished an intense shoot so we were letting loose."

"Any witnesses?"

"Sam," Kyle answered, "And anyone else who was awake to listen to us singing."

The officer nodded his head, just jotting down what was being said. He was not really into this questioning bit. From what he could tell, the guy died from natural causes. The detectives, however, felt it was a hit - and by a professional.

So even though they have yet to wait for the autopsy report to confirm cause of death, they had to make sure they gathered all the evidence and question everyone. The kid in front of him could not have done it, but orders were orders.

One needed to follow the procedure.

"Did you go anywhere?"

Kyle looked at him, raising an eyebrow, "Have you seen those goons out there? Who in their right mind would step out, at night, to meet them?"

"I understand, but I still need to ask," the officer said sternly, though he felt stupid for having to even ask that.

After asking a few more questions, he let Kyle go. As Kyle walked out, Sam also walked out of the second interrogation room. Both looked at each other, shrugged and walked towards where everyone else was gathered.

"What a mess," Chad was saying, "But at least we've completed the shoots. Once they clear us, we can leave."

"What happened anyway?" Kyle asked, "They just kept saying that it was a homicide investigation. Who..?"

"Richard," answered Chad.

They saw as Kyle froze, then asked worriedly, "Richard? How's Samantha holding up?"

"Your guess is as good as mine," Chad answered.

Kyle whipped out his phone, and was about to text Samantha when a police officer came by, "Which one of you is Kyle Smith?"

Kyle looked up and said, "That's me. What can I do for you, officer?"

"Come with me," he said tersely, giving Kyle a brief look.

Kyle's eyes darted, looking anxious and followed the officer obediently.

"Officer, officer," said Kyle as he walked beside the guy, "What's this about?"

The officer looked at Kyle again, studying him. Earlier, the IO* stated that there was low to no chance of any of the crew members being involved due to the tight security around. There had been no reports of any of the crew members coming out of their area the entire night.

Yet, it was discovered that this young kid had a connection to the Greene's. In fact, he had stayed there until just recently.

He didn't think the kid was involved directly, but who knows? Maybe he was the person who gave the intel?

The guy didn't answer but instead, said, "Just follow me quietly. You'll know soon enough."

Kyle kept quiet then, but rolled his eyes at the officer. Would it kill him to actually open his mouth to say something? It wasn't that Kyle was worried but it was basic etiquette, you know?

Shrugging, he walked silently next to the officer, seemingly deep in contemplation. He was walking normally, but he had this rather worried look on his face. The officer beside him took note of every single thing.

Once they went through the door, they were ushered into the living room. There, Kyle saw that Samantha was sitting on the chair, her eyes all red and puffed up. She was slumped on the chair, her hands wringing a hankerchief and she was biting her bottom lip.

Not caring about anyone or anything else, he rushed over to her.

Samantha vaguely heard the door open but didn't bother to look up. All she could think of was of her father, lying there. Her father. Dead. Well, he looked like he was sleeping but still ...

Kyle kneeled down, holding her hands and looked up at her, "Samantha?"

She blinked, hearing his voice and then saw his face. Crying anew, she spread out her arms and he came into them, hugging her tight.

"K-K-Kyle, Father ... he's ... he's..." Samantha stammered.

Though it was an awkward position, with Kyle bending over the chair, he didn't let go. He allowed her to hold on to him, crying, letting her tears soak his shirt.

"Samantha," came a stern voice beside her and she gathered her wits.

Pushing Kyle away, she smoothened her outfit and wiped her eyes. Kyle looked at her worriedly and glared at the guy that had seemed to be admonishing Samantha for her outburst.

Samantha seemed to notice this, and so she took his hand, squeezing it, "Kyle, this is my Uncle Derek. Uncle Derek, this is Kyle, my ..."

"I know who he is. Kyle Smith, the Smith Heir," he cut her off, not wanting her to say anything else. He did not want the police to hear anything and he had to keep things under wraps. One look from him and Samantha shut up immediately.

Derek had rushed over the moment he got the warning. The Black Dragon calling card, from Ice. With it, was a plane ticket here and a picture of Richard and Samantha at the company. However, Richard's face, his own face had been cut out and pasted on over Richard's face. Samantha's whole figure had a big, red cross on it.

It was obvious.

He was to take over Richard's business and Samantha was not to be involved at all. At first, he thought he would have to fight Richard for it then, an epiphany hit him. No, not fight. Just replace. He had stared at the plane ticket for a minute, noting the time.

It was scheduled to leave in 40mins.

He didn't waste a minute more after that. Taking his jacket and telling his wife that he had to leave for an unexpected trip, he drove to the airport. Even though he knew that it was most likely he would arrive after the last boarding call, he didn't hesitate.

True enough, the moment he arrived at the boarding gate with only 5 minutes to spare before the plane was scheduled to leave, they allowed him in as if they were expecting him. No questions asked.

The Black Dragon's reach was truly far.

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