New Life : A Second Chance

Chapter 212 - Preparations

The scream was quite loud and echoed through the entire corridor. The bodyguards stationed outside Richard's room smashed their way in quickly, guns out.

[He really sounds like a pig squeeling] Kyle said as he was laughing. He doubted Richard would be looking into his room right now - but even if he was, so what? It really was funny.

Kay smiled at that then asked, [Your last shoot is next week. So when is the hit?]

[When the shooting is done but before we leave] Kyle told her.

[Why? I thought you wanted to do it after you guys left the area?]

[Yes, I did at first. However, upon thinking about it, I feel this is the best way. What better way to hide than in plain sight, right?]

[Meaning?] Kay asked.

[This is the first time outsiders were allowed into Mansion BMX. If something happened to Richard after we left, the police will naturally think that someone in the crew was responsible.]

[You have a point. But how is that any different if you do it when you're still around? Worse, wouldn't you be the prime suspect since you're the only one in the mansion? Maybe they would never consider that you were the actual assassin, but perhaps, an accomplice?] Kay continued asking.

[Yes, of course and I would have the perfect alibi for them. First, the movie crew members would be safe from any suspicion. Since my little stunt, I'm sure Richard will see the boogeyman everywhere and will increase security. I doubt any movie crew member would be able to get out of their little area. The police will question us, then finding nothing, we'll be released and never called back]

[Makes sense] Kay agreed, still worried.

[And with your hacking skills, you'll cover my back seamlessly, right?]

[Of course!] Kay huffed.

[So why should I be worried?]

Kay bit her bottom lip. She knew he made sense, but sometimes, the heart would still worry no matter what.

[Just be careful] she said softly.

[Always] Kyle replied looking at the camera that connected them, giving a smile. He began going through the plan in his mind then, visualising it and thinking of the possible dangers - for the umpteenth time.

Timing would be very important.

Like Kyle predicted, ever since Richard found the card, he increased the security. He had more people come in, and at first, he had wanted to kick out the movie crew from his compound. However, Samantha had been angry when she found out. She argued with her father about it, saying that there was only one week left. It was Kyle's scene. She pointed out how Greene never backed down nor broke a promise.

That made Richard grit his teeth and knew she had a point. If he did kick them out, all the months of enduring the card scares would have been for nought. People would know that he had been scared. So he had to endure it.

Since he couldn't kick the movie crew out, he had more people patrolling the area and a special one around the movie team area. They had a curfew, and no one could go in or out. Anyone who dared go out of the cordoned area would have two people following them everywhere.

When Kyle heard that, he started packing his clothes.

Samantha walked in as he was doing so, and she didn't look happy.

"What are you doing??" she said angrily, pouting as she hugged him from behind.

Kyle placed his hands over hers, caressing them a bit then continued packing as he patiently explained, "I need to stay with the crew members."

"NO!" she said again, hugging him tighter, "I won't be able to see you then. It's hard enough already when you're here with Dad's eagle eyes and all ... but at least you are here. If you go, I'll just ..."

Kyle turned, caressing her cheek and gave her several light kisses on the face, "You know it'll have to happen anyway. Once the shooting ends, we'll be apart even longer."

"I know THAT," she huffed, "I want to spend time with you as much as I can before that. Stay here, please?"

Kyle shook his head, "I can't. Your Dad has gone insanely paranoid for some reason. It's best for both of us for me to stay back with the rest."

"I hate this," Samantha said softly, her mouth quivering.

Kyle put his forehead on hers, then kissed her. Softly at first, but it soon got heated. Samantha wrapped her hands around his neck, pressing her body closer to hers and Kyle's own hands were roaming her back.

Just as they landed on her nice, round behind, a loud cough was heard.

They quickly sprang apart.

"Miss Samantha," came that well-controlled voice of the butler, "Master Richard requests your presence."

Samantha sighed, gave Kyle one last deep tongue kiss to spite the butler and said, "I'll come over to watch your scene. That's okay, right?''

Kyle nodded, "I've already asked Chad if you could."

Samantha smiled and went to follow the butler out. Kyle watched her go and then put the last item into his back. He hid a smile as he thought about his cards that he left scattered about. Too bad he wasn't going to be around when Richard discovered them.

?? The previous night ??

All the motion sensors at the windows in the Mansion had been switched off. Kyle had placed charcoal around his eye area and was dressed completely in black. He slipped out of his window, and scaled the walls to Richard's room.

He was there to place his cards again.

Kyle went to Richard's closet and put a card in one of the pants hanging there.

Richard may think he doesn't have a routine, but after observing Richard for a while, Kyle found one interesting fact. His clothes were always coordinated to the day. On Monday, it would be a blue shirt with black pants. On Tuesday, it was a white shirt with brown pants. Things like that.

In his closet, the clothes were actually arranged in a row, as per the day he would wear them. Thus, it was easy for Kyle to choose 'Wednesday's pants and put the card in the front pocket. This card was slightly different. Instead of a card, it had a paper-like texture.

This was so that Richard wouldn't feel it in the pocket as he wore his pants. Richard liked to put his hands in his pocket when he talked, so he would find it sooner or later in the day. Kyle grinned when he thought of what Richard's face would be like when he found it.

Next, Kyle headed to the study room.

He went to the front drawer, pulled it open and put a card inside, inbetween some files. The drawer held some of Richard's important documents and it was a matter of time when Richard would see it.

Kyle continued to place the cards in random places throughout the mansion before silently slipping back into his room. All in all, he had hid 10 cards in the place. If his estimation was correct, Richard would find at least two cards a day.

Wasn't that fun?

?? Last Scene ??

Kyle and Keanu's heads were close together, both of them going through the script one last time.

The scene was the first time Keanu would come across his son - though at that time, he didn't know yet the connection they had. Kyle, however, knew who he was and the sudden appearance of his father affected him mentally.

Keanu had come to one of the organisation's branch in Country X to confront one of its core members. Kyle happened to be there. He had been ordered to stand back but Kyle being Kyle, he ignored the orders and went to confront Keanu.

He had anger issues.

Daddy issues.

For the scene, Kyle was wearing a black collared shirt tucked into skin-tight black jeans with a silver belt buckle. A vintage style black leather jacket with V-cut double lapels was worn over and ankle boots that had some silver studs on them.

Just like Keanu's suit, Kyle's ensemble was bullet-proof as well. The entire outfit was created by the same person who created Keanu's suit. The concept was the same: sleek, simple and stylish. The silver belt buckle and silver studs were simple accessories that seemed to pop out even more due to the entire dark ensemble that Kyle wore.

The wardrobe for Kyle had been done during the time they were at Mansion BMX. He had gone for numerous fittings and had intense discussions with the stylist of the movie, Luca Mosca about the scenes he had. This was very important as Luca had to design the outfit to suit every action scene. He needed to know what sort of movements that were made and what sort of image was needed.

A little known fact is that there are actually about 50 suits made for Keanu alone. Each fighting scene had a different requirement and the suit was adjusted accordingly in order to allow easy movement. The stunt doubles were not exactly the same fit as Keanu, so their suits were slightly different.

In this case, what was required was a mini-version of Keanu.

Obviously, Luca did it again. He captured the essence of what was required.

People were mesmerized already by the scene in front of them. Keanu and Kyle, both in their own distinctive yet similar style. Both exuding that air of elegance and coolness that could not be copied. From one look, one would already be thinking that they were father-and-son.

Chad was extremely happy when he looked at the two of them. He was so touched that he even felt like tearing up. The next scene was something that Chad was both excited - and extremely nervous - about. Would Kyle be able to act as well as he hoped?

So far, Chad had only seen how Kyle was for that one particular exercise scene. There had been no speaking parts. Chad calmed down when he thought back of how Kyle could take orders and directions properly. How Kyle improved at each take.

It would be a good scene. Kyle had his fighting choreography down pat, as per what the stunt crew had said. Chad smiled at that.

Then Chad remembered that this scene was not just action. It had strong, raw emotions.

Chad became nervous again.

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