Never Judge

957 Chapter 957

Later that evening, Cedric asked his sister if she could join them for dinner. To his surprise several others also decided to drop by and eat with them.

He looked across the room as he tried to anticipate what his friends' reaction would be to the news he had.

"Ayanna, is there something you want to tell me?" Cedric asked as the maids served their food.

"No, why?" Ayanna couldn't look her brother in the eyes. She knew what he wanted to know, but she had no plans of making him worry more than he should.

"Are you sure?" Cedric's voice turned stern as he waited for her to come clean.

Cedric noticed Ray reach out, hold his wife's hand, and gently caress it. He was clearly trying to calm her even before he spoke.

"He knows, Ayanna." He told her, making Ayanna go pale.

"He knows what?" Adrianna gave Cedric an intense glare. She could tell that they were about to say something very important.

"Did you help her keep it from us?" Cedric asked his wife as his features softened. He couldn't get too mad at her, she was still recovering from giving birth to the twins.

"Keep what?" Adrianna asked as she tried to pretend not to know what her husband was saying.

Cedric's eyes traveled across the table and noticed that all the sisters were acting quite awkwardly. All except Katerina who just kept eating as if nothing was happening.

"You all knew and you kept it from us?!" Cedric raised his voice as he struggled to control his anger.

"It's not important." Ayanna quickly responded.

"Not important? Really Ayanna, it's your lives that are in danger here, how could you say this isn't important?" Cedric asked.

"You're overreacting!" Ayanna slammed her hand on the table and shouted. "This is stupid. It was just a piece of paper!"

Guan Ming and Camilla, who had also joined the group for dinner gave the siblings a confused look.

"Care to explain to the rest of us what exactly is going on?" Guan Ming asked, interrupting the argument between siblings.

Ayanna glared at Cedric, as if daring him to tell the rest about what had happened.

"My sister and the other girls were out in the mall when someone slid this note into her pockets." Cedric handed the document over to a maid, who then took it and gave it to Guan Ming.

Guan Ming's eyes went wide when he realized what the note had said. He looked at Ayanna and shook his head.

"I can see why your brother is not happy with you right now." Guan Ming commented as he handed the note over to Camilla, who had been craning her neck to see what was on the piece of paper.

"Ayanna!" Camilla gasped as she read the document. "This isn't some light matter. I'm sorry, but Cedric does have a point."

"Fine, fine, yes, it's important, but my brother and husband already have too many things to worry about. I was trying to find a way to break it to them slowly." Ayanna frowned and looked down as she admitted her mistake.

Everyone was silent around the table as the note got passed around. They all understood both Cedric's and Ayanna's side, but this time it was clear that she should have told Ray or Cedric.

"How long ago was this note given to you?" Cedric's tone was once more calm as he controlled his anger and disappointment.

He knew that his sister meant well, but he also expected her to understand the importance of reporting matters such as these to him.

"A week ago." Ayanna said as she shuffled her feet.

"A- a- week?" Cedric was shocked that nothing bad had happened since then. "The Rajas could have taken every action we made as one ignoring their threat."

"You can't seriously consider what they are asking for in that note?" It was Guan Ming's turn to question Cedric. "Turning Lucius Ting over to them will clearly be taking several steps backward."

"We are speaking about the safety of the people we love, I haven't made a decision on what to do." Cedric calmly answered Guan Ming.

Of course he had no intention of turning Lucius Ting over to the Rajas, the man was headed to the Esteves family after Guan Ming was done with him.

"So what is your decision?" Guan Ming glared at Cedric as he observed the other CEO's reaction.

"Will you calm down, Ming?" Camilla suddenly spoke as she pulled her boyfriend back down on his seat. "It's as if you don't know Ced. He's clearly toying with you right now."

Cedric couldn't help but laugh as Camilla rolled her eyes at Guan Ming who was acting quite childishly in Cedric's opinion.

"Please tell me she's right." Guan Ming said with a pleading look on his face.

Cedric slowly nodded and smiled at his friend.

"I know what has been given up just for this man's capture." Cedric told his friend. "Plus I will not give the Rajas what they want."

"Sir." Leon suddenly appeared at Cedric's side as he gave him a small bow. "The staff need to leave."

Cedric nodded as his staff turned and left the room, firmly closing the door behind them.

"Are any of them traitors?" Cedric asked Leon as he looked at the door his staff had just stepped out of.

If any of those that worked within the walls of Mountain View worked for the Rajas then they would have a huge problem.

As people who worked closely within their private space, they had the most access to secrets and the people closest to Cedric.

"No, yours and Ray's close staff all check out." Leon confirmed. "I just needed them to leave so that no one would be suspicious. All of the people working in the households had a much more in-depth investigation and we continuously monitored them and their families."

"So where was the leak?" Ray asked as he leaned forward to hear Leon better.

"At the store where Ayanna and the girls went." Leon explained. "The store owner himself may be in on it as well."

"Bring him here." Ray ordered.

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