Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 275: Lord candidate

Chapter 275: Lord candidate

"The host, too clever, there will be no system, do you know?" Zhang Lan Fang saw a big white eye: "I will not accept you this time, anyway, you ask the phantom the same."

"Oh, that's good~ you say it, I listen." Zhang Lan sighed with relief.

"Well, from the beginning... Well, the story is too long, let's... start from the beginning!"

The system simply showed off a word game, and then began to whisper, a story from an extremely ancient time.

There are many stories about the beginning of heaven and earth.

Pangu in China is breaking new ground,

Seven days of Gods creation in the West,

The creation of the Greek **** of chaos, Kaos,


Various versions of stories are endless.

However, these are just the stories of human beings catching the wind and catching the shadows, and there is no practical basis to hold water.

The story told by the system, however, has a solid practical basis.

Because-the head of Atlantis, the king of Atlantis, he is also a system owner!

That is, the same rule owner as Zhang Lan!

The first thing to say is that Atlantis here is a civilization from the outer universe of the nine nations. It exists with the earth. It is just a site where the king of Atlantis stops when he is looking for the same kind. That's it.

Therefore, above the earth, there is the remains of Atlantis left by this king of Atlantis.

Now, it is Zhang Lan.

Back to the topic, that is the king of Atlantis-Poseidon, he is the founder of Atlantis, the first king of Atlantis!

Poseidon inadvertently obtained the origin of the law in his hometown. With the help of the origin of the law, he founded Atlantis, and successfully ended the war that lasted tens of thousands of years on his own planet.

He who has enduring life, his heart is not just on a planet. After ending the war, he began his own cosmic journey. He wants to find the same law owner as he.

When he came to earth, it was already his 450 million years of traveling in the universe-an unbelievable number.

In this long cosmic journey, Poseidon, with his natural hunch, escaped crises from time to time, and found one planet after another with civilization, but never disturbed their civilization process, just stay and Observe to find if there is such a kind of person who has the law.

During the long journey, although he has never found the owner of the law, he understands the essence of the law and what it is.

From Poseidon to the present, it is collectively referred to as the Second Age Universe-it is formed by planets, and countless points form a universe. It is also called a plane, and it is countless. Is the plane of the second era.

If there are two, there will naturally be one.

At the time of the first epoch universe, the world epoch universe was not composed of countless planes, but on the same plane. At that time, a planet was as big as the current plane universe. !

That's a scale that is hard to predict today!

And on every planet of the First Age universe, there will be a god, they can control all the rules on this planet, they-they are the rules!

They are immortal!

But immortality is too boring.

Gradually, they are no longer satisfied with the rule of a planet, they long for more territory!

Thus, the war in the universe of the first era began.

In this battle, one planet after another was destroyed and scattered into countless large or small fragments, and behind the destruction of the planet was the fall of a god.

However, God will die, but the law will not. The law still exists in the scope of his own planet, and continues to maintain the existence of planet debris-over time, these planet debris form a smaller planet, and a new one is born life.

Over time, this represents a full three hundred billion years of war!

In the end, only one **** survived, and all the gods died after that.

This last god, his name is-Creation God!

Although the Genesis God defeated, it was only a terrible victory. The last battle was launched on his planet, so his planet is also fragmented.

In the universe of the first era, there is no longer any cosmic planet, and it is already broken.

The long war has exhausted the creator.

He exerted great divine power to isolate the debris of each planet using the power of space, like one bubble after another, dividing the first era universe into countless plane universes.

In every plane universe, there must be a law origin!

Seeing this, the God of Creation sends out the power of the great source: Anyone in the universe of the plane can be selected as a new host by the source of the law, and wish him the achievement of God!

The creation **** is the main god, and its lower gods are divided into upper, middle and lower gods.

At this point, the Second Era Universe opens!

And Poseidon is a new generation rule host of another plane universe outside the Marvel universe. He traversed one plane universe after another. With luck, he never found another rule host.

Until he came to the earth of the Marvel Universe, he had a hunch that he felt that the planet would usher in a host with the origin of the plane law in six thousand years, but it was very strange, but it was not the law of the plane. origin!

Originally Poseidon was planning to be on the earth, waiting for the arrival of the new rule of origin, Zhang Lan, only 6,000 years, and he just slept for a while~~ If you dont feel enough, Then two.

Since then, the legend of Poseidon, the **** of the sea, has existed on the earth-because of his nature, he is close to the water.

Its just that he hasnt been able to wait for Zhang Lans arrival, but he has waited for the arrival of the host of another plane universe law after 3,000 years.

This is a predator who uses the original power of plundering other planes to obtain enough energy points and regular fragments, so as to strengthen himself and quickly achieve the **** position.

At that time, Poseidon was already a subordinate god!

He surrendered to such a predator, and learned from his mouth that there was such a predator organization in which the members were all hosts of the plane law, also known as the candidate of the Lord God.

The senior leaders of the Marauder organization control most of the candidates with lower **** positions and let them turn in huge amounts of energy points and rule fragments on a regular basis. Without enough energy points and rule fragments, these enslaved candidates for the Lord God cannot be changed at all. Strong, there is no way to escape slavery.

What Poseidon surrendered to was a candidate for the Lord God who was enslaved by the marauders.

Knowing this situation, after thinking twice, Poseidon decided to leave the earth and rescue more candidates for the Lord God-just like a mission, he felt that this is what he has survived so far, and there are few things that can cause interest.

Before leaving, Poseidon left Zhang Lan with the most basic eternal life transformation technology. This is because Zhang Lan was too weak to wait for him to come back to find him, so make sure Zhang Lan can live forever.

The story came to an abrupt end.

Listening to the content of the system, Zhang Lan was silent and could not wake up for a long time.

This... what a huge world this is opening to him?

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