My Wife, The Ice Queen President

Chapter 89 - 0089 Divine Soldier Leng Mo_1

Chapter 89: Chapter 0089 Divine Soldier Leng Mo_1

Ye Xiong shook his head, he had only heard that the Cold Ink Dagger was a legacy of Dragon Soul and Spirit, but he had never seen it, let alone knew its origins.

“Cold Ink, originally named Dragon Scale, is said to have been forged by the famous swordsmith Ou Yezi during the Spring and Autumn Warring Dynasty. After it was forged, it was used in the royal court as an execution tool for death by a thousand cuts. After decades as an execution tool, the dagger became covered in fresh blood and accumulated countless resentful spirits; thus, the dagger is as cold as ice.”

“The Dragon Scale Dagger, after generations of succession, brought misfortune to all who possessed it. Hence, there was a rumor among the people that the dagger was an ill-omened object, with its owners bound to turn into evil demons—it was considered a cursed weapon.”

“In those days, the third in command accidentally obtained this item but instead of concealing it, he designated it as the legacy item of Dragon Soul. He said that the dagger itself doesn’t distinguish between good and evil; if used by the virtuous, it becomes a divine weapon that upholds justice. If wielded for evil, it then becomes a demon weapon.”

Ye Xiong stared blankly at the dagger on the ground, still shocked by the sensation he’d felt when he first grasped it.

At that moment, it seemed as if endless resentment coursed through the icy blade into his heart, making it almost unbearable for him.

I refuse to believe that I can’t master you.

Ye Xiong grasped the dagger once more.

A surge of bone-chilling cold rushed into his soul, indescribable and inexplicable feelings overwhelmed him, yet there was an endless fear.

The Cold Ink Dagger started to vibrate as if eager to escape his grip.

Within Ye Xiong, the Dragon Spiral Inner Power was unleashed; his fingers clamped down like a vice, grasping the shaking dagger tightly and withstanding its assaults.

God knows how long passed, but finally, the dagger stilled, lying obediently in Ye Xiong’s hand.

By this time, Ye Xiong was drenched in sweat.

Long Tianya was greatly surprised, seemingly not expecting Ye Xiong to subdue the Cold Ink Dagger so quickly, and a look of astonishment appeared on his face.

Ye Xiong plucked a hair from his head and blew it across the blade, splitting the hair in two, indeed a weapon sharp enough to “cut hair upon being blown.”

The Mo Bing he used now, he was very fond of it, but this Cold Ink, he loved even more.

“Do you know why I gave you Cold Ink?” Long Tianya suddenly asked.

“Could it be that you don’t trust the person who will take over Dragon Soul and Spirit?” Ye Xiong replied.

“That’s part of it, but also because I feel you and this dagger are alike.”

“What do you mean?” Ye Xiong asked curiously.

“You’ll understand it in time,” Long Tianya said, then waved his hand and spoke, “Now within Dragon Soul, excluding three people, no one knows you’re alive. The three who brought you here are also trusted by me and don’t know who you are. I hope you will take good care of yourself from now on. You may go back!”

After speaking, Long Tianya waved his hand and signaled for Ye Xiong to leave. Then he walked over to the window and stood there, looking out at the blooming world of flowers.

“It’s also time for me to enjoy some tranquility,” Long Tianya murmured to himself.

Returning the same way, when he arrived at the provincial bus station, the three men dumped him at the roadside and strode away.

Standing on the roadside, Ye Xiong didn’t know whether to feel happy or sad.

From Long Tianya’s words, he knew he was utterly free, that the organization would no longer seek him out. He ought to be happy about that, but why did he feel so uneasy inside!

Ye Xiong patted the Cold Ink Dagger through his clothes and suddenly had a revelation.

“Damn, that old coot has fooled me.”

The Cold Ink Dagger, as the legacy of Dragon Soul and Spirit, would surely be asked for by the new chief. If they knew he had taken it, wouldn’t that be a great trouble?

This dagger was indeed a hot potato!

Unexpectedly, that guy played one last trick on him before retiring.

Ye Xiong’s lips twitched slightly as he walked toward the bus station, deciding from that moment on, unless absolutely necessary, he would never use the Cold Ink Dagger, to avoid any trouble.

The provincial bus station buzzed with a ceaseless stream of humanity, travelers heading every which way, the crowd a complex mix.

Ye Xiong was preparing to catch a bus at the station when he realized he didn’t bring any money with him. His phone and wallet had been confiscated by the police before they transported him to the provincial city. In other words, he had no money to buy a ticket.

The sky was growing dark, and the last bus of the day was about to leave.

Ye Xiong shrugged his shoulders in resignation. It seemed he would have to play the role of a thief for once.

After casing the square, Ye Xiong zeroed in on a nouveau riche with a bulging belly and swiftly pilfered his wallet. Ye Xiong removed a few banknotes before slipping the wallet back.

The entire process went unnoticed, as silent and traceless as a ghost.

Finally, the bus arrived, and he boarded.

Ye Xiong was full of hope, wondering if a beautiful woman might sit beside him for a romantic encounter. However, the only “beauty” he got was a five-year-old girl with pigtail braids.

She’s so young, how long would he have to wait to “eat”? Gross, Ye Xiong realized he was thinking evil thoughts again.

“Uncle, you’re sitting in my seat,” the little girl said seriously, holding her ticket.

“Little sister, it’s a night bus, there are plenty of seats. Just sit anywhere,” Ye Xiong said with a smile, gesturing to the empty seats nearby.

“No, my mom said that when riding the bus, you have to be disciplined,” the little girl stated firmly, her mouth turned up in a pout.

“Did your mom also tell you that in life, you need to be adaptable and not always stick to rules?” It was a long journey with few passengers, and Ye Xiong couldn’t help teasing the little girl with a grin.

“Mommy told me, if a man smiles at me and he’s a stranger, he’s definitely a bad guy.”

The smile froze on Ye Xiong’s face.

An elderly man with graying hair approached from behind the little girl and quickly said with an apologetic smile, “Sir, I’m sorry, my granddaughter is young and naive, don’t take it personally.”

This girl is naive? With those round, calculating eyes, she’s practically a little adult.

Ye Xiong gave him a thumbs up, saying, “She’s really smart. When you grow up, you’re definitely going to be an extraordinary person.”

“You really have an eye for talent,” the little girl said, her mouth curling up proudly.

It was Ye Xiong’s first time encountering such a quirky little girl, and he didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

“Youyou, come and sit by grandpa,” the old man called back to her.

The little girl winked at Ye Xiong and ran to the back.

The journey was long, and Ye Xiong was dozing off when he suddenly felt something tickling his nose. The little girl had unknowingly returned to his side with a piece of paper rolled into a stick, playfully teasing him.

Ye Xiong caught her hand and opened his eyes, pretending to look fierce.

“You know I’m a bad guy, yet you dare to mess with me. Aren’t you afraid I’ll spank you?”

“Uncle is not a bad guy,” the little girl said, not scared at all but instead sitting next to Ye Xiong, giggling. “Mommy says that the eyes are the window to the soul, and bad men look at me differently.”

“Then why did you call me a big bad wolf earlier?”

“I wanted to see if you’d feel guilty,” she said.

Ye Xiong was at a loss for words. This little girl was too much — how could someone so young be this sharp? If she grew up, couldn’t she become a politician?

Ye Xiong couldn’t help but wonder what kind of woman could bring up her daughter like this. He suddenly felt the urge to meet this little girl’s mother and find out what sort of woman she was.

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