My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 178: For Who Does The Horn Blow

Chapter 178: For Who Does The Horn Blow

Sonja watched the unfolding battlefront from her observation platform with a bleak expression on her face. Twisting her beautiful features into something that you would not want to cast your idle gaze upon in case, it provoked her ire. 

"You! Why has the Marquis not provided reinforcements for the second ring gate yet?" Sonja's voice thundered at the noble who was close by to relay her orders.

Her plans had relied on the timely support provided by the Marquis and his troops. Instead, it had been one mistake after another. The section of the first ring wall that he was set to guard was the first to fall under the heroes onslaught, and now he was nowhere to be seen when he was needed the most.

"I'm sorry. Your Highness. But all attempts to locate the Maquis have failed. Several other nobles and their forces have also gone missing." The small-time noble stuttered in response.


Sonja was royally pissed that her plans were going to waste. What the hell were they thinking? They were playing with the survival of their entire race right now! It was simply unforgivable. Dao had just reported to her that the poison user was still at large to make matters worse. Even worse was the fact that he had been infected by the poison. So even if they survived through this catastrophe, she would then be forced to put a good man down!

Shit did not want to go her way at all. As a herald of bad news, a horn sounded from the pinnacle of the castle. Two loud bursts signified that a new danger was approaching from the mountain range. Within seconds of the alarm being sounded, a messenger arrived to provide her with the meaning for it.

"Your Highness! New enemy reinforcements are expected to reach the city within a few hours!"

"What the actual fuck!" Sonja was completely done with trying to uphold her image at this point. She stomped her foot like a child throwing a tantrum. Only this child was powerful as large cracks ran throughout the suspended platform.

Sonja threw a cold look towards the enemy commander who has still nestled away safely outside the city. It looked like she had no plans at all to join the fray personally. Sonja could only curse at the woman in the distance. She would give anything to personally march over there and rip her head off personally!

As she was throwing all sorts of obscenities into the wind, another loud blast of the horn sounded. Stunning the noble and herself temporarily. Was there luck really that bad? The heroes were now sending a third army as well? A curse on all of your descendants! This was far too much! What the fuck did we ever do to you? Recently.

The messenger reappeared and looked visibly shaken. So much so that he failed to realise that he was in the presence of the queen. His mouth remained and shut, and when he finally realised where he was, he could only open and close his mouth like a goldfish. Unable to find the words that he had to deliver.

"Oh, for fuck's sake. Were already screwed so just come out with it man! You have three seconds before I rip your balls off and shove them down your throat!"

The messenger suddenly felt a phantom pain in his groin area which brought him back to his senses. Though, he was still finding it hard to believe what he had seen himself. So how could he convince the queen? As he took a nervous gulp, he finally found his voice.

"Your Majesty! Allies have arrived on the battlefield! They are currently engaging the enemy reinforcements!"

Sonja had to do a double-take. She could not believe her ears at all! 'Allies? What fucking allies! We're vampires on a hostile world! Nobody would come to our aid, you moron!'

"What do these allies look like? What flag are they bearing? How many soldiers do they have?" Even though she could not believe it her time as a queen had thoroughly taught her to always ask the important questions first, the details could be worried over later.

"Ehm, well, they're not flying any flag Your Majesty. But, um, as for numbers? A single ship?"

Sonja looked at the messenger as if he had been struck dumb, "What do you mean a single ship? You can count, right?"

She could not believe that this messenger had the audacity to use such an obscure reference to count the numbers that their mysterious ally held. She felt a sudden urge to castrate the man to teach him a lesson for playing these games. When she looked at him again, she realised that he was just as confused as herself.

"Why did you say it was a ship's worth?" She could not help it. Something was not adding up, and her curiosity demanded that she get to the bottom of it.

"Ehm, because of our allies a sailing a single ship towards the hero reinforcements?"

That settled it for her. The man had obviously gone insane from the fear of the invasion, and his mind was trying to find a way to escape from reality. Before she begins to blast him for his charade, the sound of a ship's cannons setting off erupted through the air. The noise gave Sonja a quick jolt as she cast her gaze around to find the source. 

It was absolutely ridiculous to believe that a ship really was included in the war. After all, there was not even a speck of water within miles of the city! How the fuck could a ship be sailing around these parts!

"There was something unusual about it. Your Majesty if it helps?" The messenger asked, fully aware that he was probably on the path to getting himself executed. The whole ship seemed to be held together by something weird."

"Chains!" Sonja blurted out as the memory of the wraith who had escaped swam the forefront of her mind 

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