My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 176: A New Era

Chapter 176: A New Era

Vaskra felt her ears begin to burn as she stared up at the starry sky passing overhead. Air magic was continuously being supplied to the large balloon that was shielded with a metal coating. It seemed almost impossible to her mind that such a thing could keep the ship afloat. 'Someone's obviously talking about my beauty somewhere. I wonder if it's Kace?'

Vaskra blushed at the thought that Kace might be thinking of her even now after so long apart. The troops that were accompanying her were standing on the twin decks in total silence. Each of them was wearing a ferocious smile upon their face. They had just passed over Foli and the ground troops which meant they were closing in on the port.

The heroes had no idea what was about to hit them! Each monster onboard had a strange backpack of sorts strapped to their back. Vaskra was personally hoping that this battle would allow them to put an end to the fire-wielding hero and his companion. They had been a thorn in her side for far too long. She smiled as she looked around at those gathered before her.

It was just a shame that the treants were too tall for their own good. The ship would be unable to support their weight. If they could drop those wooded giants into the heart of an enemy camp, the battle would be over before it could even begin. Vaskra thought that she was about to give the command that would usher in a new era of warfare for their world.

The era of aerial warfare! It just so happened that thanks to Gyn's Legacy that they held aerial supremacy. Which would be a massive boom in the many battles to come. It would help them drive the heroes from their world with a bit of luck once and for all. Suddenly she heard the shrill voice of a female goblin from behind her.

"Lady Vaskra! The mission is a go!" The short female was wearing something that looked like a pair of pilot goggles as she screamed excitedly.

Vaskra gave her a curt nod before turning back to the assembled monsters. She had never been one for long speeches. So she just flashed a vicious smile at the surrounding crowd. 

"Go get them!" She announced clearly to her loyal soldiers who let out a loud cheer before throwing themselves overboard.

Vaskra watched as they descended through the air directly above the heroes defences built around the port. Five warships belonging to the hero faction were currently floating just offshore. She turned her attention to the crew of goblins responsible for operating the airship.

"Begin the bombardment!" She commanded before rolling her chair off of the small platform created especially for herself.

As she fell with her wheelchair, she witnessed the first of the makeshift parachutes opening below here. She heaved a sigh in relief to see that this crazy idea actually worked. To be totally honest, she never expected that stitching such flimsy fabric together could possibly save her troops from such a fall.

She had never been happier to be proven wrong. She could now see the heroes moving around the port town below, unaware of the approaching danger above their heads. At this point, an alarm suddenly sounded from within the port. The sentries at the gate had finally spotted Foli and her army marching towards them.

Everyone was too busy preparing to face the monster army in front of the gates that they never thought to check anywhere else. One particularly unlucky soul met a swift death when an orc cut the strings of his parachute and crash-landed ass first on the unsuspecting heroes head. Killing him outright with blunt force trauma. If that did not kill him, then the stench leaking from the rear end of the orc certainly would have. Bringing a whole new meaning to biological warfare.

The orc grumbled as he struggled to remove himself from the corpse. Leaving a brown stain on the now dead man's face in the process. Unfortunately, orcs were not exactly known for being subtle. As such, he let out a ferocious roar as he charged towards the next nearest hero and split his head in two with a mighty swing of his battle-axe.

"Fuck! How did they get inside!" A nearby hero shouted, causing panic to grip the encampment.

"The sky! Look at the sky!" At the urging of another voice, many of the heroes began to look up only to become pale from the sight.

At this very moment, the sky thundered and lit up with several yellow flashes. The airships cannons began their assault upon the unprepared warships. Sinking three of them in the very first volley. Most heroes were smart enough to realise that they were doomed. They had an army about assault their walls while even more were dropping from the unprotected skies.

The situation soon devolved into chaos as each hero took to heart the age-old saying of every man for himself. As the first heroes broke past the port's open gates, they were suddenly cut into mincemeat. Courtesy of Vaskra's own version of the Wind Blade spell as she soared past on her wheelchair turned glider.

Now the heroes truly felt helpless as they recognised the contraption. The Witch of Stonewall had come to claim their miserable lives! How could this have happened? This was supposed to be a place designated as of no interest to the monster's supposed development plans. Up until now, they had solely focused on villages, town's and cities. Preferably those with a strategic advantage.

The only thing this small port was actually good for was being used as a pit stop on the journey to Ulafor Island. So, in the panicking heroes' feeble minds, this sudden assault with such overwhelming force made absolutely no sense!

Vaskra scanned the camp time and time again from overhead. Only to be disappointed in the end. 'Where the fuck did they go?' She wondered as she noticed Phillip and Sarah's conspicuous absence for the first time in the entire campaign

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