My Farm System: Reaching The Top In The Parallel Earth!

Chapter 209 209

Grang... grang... grang

Inside Rezen's hut, he could be seen grinding an unknown substance. Due to the lack of culture and technological advancement in this realm, Rezen could only use a wooden bowl and a smooth rock to grind his ingredients

Ivy has a plethora of recipes in her database, a number of which were something that could be created by even a normal human as long as they have the necessary materials

Since Rezen cannot use any magic yet, he cannot become a proper alchemist or potion master. The recipes that alchemists use are more complicated and require the usage of magic

However, even then, Rezen could still create many things that could help his current situation

It was great that the area he lived in mostly only have beastlings or magic beasts at the Junior Rank. The recipes he could create right are still effective at the Junior Rank but beyond that, Rezen would be at their mercy

Sweat rolled down Rezen's forehead and he immediately wiped it with his arm. The ingredients cannot be contaminated and he slowly grinds them into powder

What was left in Rezen's bowl was a white powder but it was not finished yet. On a separate bowl, a foul-smelling substance could be seen

This substance was a feces of a magic beast at the Junior Rank and was a necessary ingredient for the recipe that Rezen was creating

He first removed the stone from the bowl before transferring the magic beast's feces into the bowl with white powder

After that, Rezen also started grinding the feces and instead of the feces turning into a mushy substance, it actually combined with the white powder as if it was also a powder

The white powder on the bowl slowly turned into black powder but Rezen has to continue grinding and mixing the powder before it could be of use

However, before Rezen could finish his product, a rude person suddenly entered his hut

"Damn it, Rezen, give me your medicine! My shoulder is injured!"

The person that arrived is perhaps the rudest person that Rezen met in the tribe and it was also the person that he least like the most

"Go get it in the cabinet, the pot with a cross sign on it" Rezen replied, ignoring the rude bastard as he focuses on creating his product

"Huh?! Can't you see that I'm injured, get it for me! Tsk, you always stay inside the tribe, eating our food without putting yourself in danger. Can't you at least do this much?" Yvter said annoyed

At first, he was kind to Rezen on the outside as he thought that Rezen could help him become a member of a bigger tribe and lead an easy life

However, even after all this time, Rezen still has not recovered his memories and he practically blended into the tribe

While the tribe's situation has become better with his medicines, that was only it. The tribe is still poor and lacks enough food

Yvter's life doesn't change much, resulting in him unreasonably hating Rezen that only has to stay inside his hut the whole day making medicines without any other problems

"I'm sorry but I'm doing something important. If you can't get them, please ask someone else to assist you" Rezen replied

He maintained his amiable personality since that was the persona he created for the tribe to easily accept him

His product needed to be constantly ground until the white powder and the magic beast feces were thoroughly combined. He cannot stop his hands and he couldn't be bothered doing something as easy as taking medicine out of a cabinet that doesn't even have doors

"Huh?! I risked my life today and get injured yet the tribe's healer can't even help me?! What kind of shitty life is this! I'm sick of it already!"

The unreasonable man suddenly exploded. He was tired of such a hard life where every day, he has to worry about food and safety

After seeing a person that is not originally part of the tribe but led a life better than him, Yvter couldn't help but hate Rezen

Now that he even has a wound on his shoulder and Rezen is 'not helping' him, he lost his patience

In anger, Yvter walked towards Rezen and smashed the wooden bowl with his hand

"I told you to heal my wounds, you fucker!" He cursed roughly and it was at this moment that Rezen's thread of patience broke

For months, he was always busy trying to gather as many resources as he can while always remembering how his parents died unjustly

When he finally doesn't need to gather resources anymore, he had to come between the Serpentine Empress and Claude Preston, two people that could kill him with a flick of their fingers

Even after he outsmarted the two and became the one that obtained origin energy, he has to flee hurriedly and entered an entirely new realm

A realm where he doesn't know anyone and almost doesn't know anything. However, he cannot rest yet as he found out that not only was his cheat of a farm unusable, but he also cannot use his magic

In a world where magic beasts rampages and powerful mages could be seen, Rezen lost his power and was forced to rely on other people for survival

Relying on other people is not something that Rezen likes as he wants to have personal power

As soon as he entered this realm, he has no time to rest. He was always busy creating medicines and the creation of a potato farm

There were always things that weighed down his mind and now, while he was trying to do something that would benefit the whole tribe, an unreasonable bastard wasted his hard work. How could Rezen not explode

He doesn't have time to rest and there's a motherfucker here that just has to mess with him because he doesn't like his life

Does this bastard thinks that Rezen likes the life he has currently?! For Pete's sake, he can't even shit properly as there was no toilet paper here!

His bum has to use rough leaves and every time he did so, Rezen always rubs some anti-inflammatory paste on his asshole to prevent it from swelling!

At this moment, all Rezen could see was red. All the piled-up stress that he silently endured all this time exploded

Since he cannot use magic, Rezen raised his fist and swung it toward Yvter

His punch was not something that Yvter expected and the man was hit thoroughly in the face

The impact forces Yvter to the ground with his cheeks red

"All you do is fucking complain. If you grab the medicine the moment I said so and applied it to your wounds, you wouldn't be in much pain anymore! Instead of complaining do something about your situation!" Rezen said angrily, his chest puffing in anger

He originally only wants to live a peaceful life yet the fuckers of this world messed with him and he now has to constantly strive to survive and become stronger. Who wouldn't find his situation infuriating

"Y-you...! You hit me! You're dead meat!"

An unreasonable bastard will always be an unreasonable bastard and Yvter immediately uses his Resonance Gems

The gem floated in front of him as he condensed a magic circle that communicated with the universe

"[Water Stream!]"

The magic circle released a simple stream spell but to current Rezen that cannot use magic, even a spell as simple as that is deadly

Rezen was hit on the chest and he was thrown meters away. His back collided with the medicine cabinet causing it to break while the contents spilled

He felt like a heavy truck hit his body and the pain brought clarity to Rezen's mind

He thought that he already matured but turns out, he was still as childish as before. A little provocation was enough for him to explode

Rezen is sure that in a realm that has an uncountable number of people stronger than him, this wouldn't be the first or last time that he would get bullied

If he explodes every time a stronger person bullied him, no doubt that one of these days, he would die

He needs to mature further as being childish would just bring him harm

"I'll kill you! I'll kill you!" Yvter said angrily as he condensed another magic circle, ready to kill Rezen

Fortunately, another person arrived in time

"Yvter, what do you think you are doing!" Jenna's voice rang and out of panic, she also mobilized her Resonance Gem and casts a spell

"[Water Tentacle!]"

Jenna created a tentacle made out of water that immediately wrapped itself around Yvter's waist and moved him away from Rezen

"Let go of me! I'll kill that fucking bastard!" Yvter said angrily, still not calming down and Jenna has no choice but to tighten her spell's hold on Yvter before he could really kill Rezen

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