My British Empire

Chapter 260: francico indeterminate

  Chapter 260 Franceco of uncertain attribution

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  England is in constant turmoil, and it is located in the territory of France, which looks a little dangerous.

  At present, apart from the Normandy Islands, England's territory in France is only Boulogne and Calais. Of course, there is also the newly occupied Port Francisco.

  For the English to occupy Port Francisco, this rich and oily seaport, King Henry II of France could not help being annoyed by the English, and even the corners of his mouth were blistered.

   Just last September, Henry II borrowed heavily and recruited a large number of mercenaries from Germany and Switzerland, with a total strength of 10,000.

  Under his personal leadership, the mighty French army gathered outside Port Francisco and stormed the city wall.

  In Europe, the richer the city, the stronger the city's defense system. If there is enough food stored and the defenders are strong, the defense for half a year will be like playing.

   And it just so happens that the city of Francisco is like this. If it is not a port city and the defenders lose their courage, the British army will not be so easy to occupy the first port on the west coast of France and the second port city in France.

   Henry II had a deep understanding of this. Without his own navy, he lost command of the sea, and the French army launched continuous attacks on Port Francisco.

  However, without the powerful artillery of the later generations, the current shelling is nothing more than a tickle for the strong city of Francisco, killing a few unlucky people at most.

   "Boom~" A burst of roaring artillery sounded outside the city of Francisco. Immediately afterwards, the city wall clearly felt the impact, and several small pits were sunken on the surface of the city wall.

  If someone looked carefully, there were densely packed potholes on the city wall of Francisco, like pockmarks on a human face, and those with trypophobia might go crazy.

   "Your Majesty, the bombardment is over!" A well-dressed nobleman bent over, put away the binoculars in his hand, and said respectfully to Henry II who was sitting behind him on a chair decorated with beautiful patterns.

   "Oh! Got it, how's the situation?" Henry II opened his sleepy eyes and asked softly.

   "It's still the same, the city wall is intact!" the nobleman bent over and whispered in Henry II's ear.

   "Well, I know!" Henry II looked indifferent, as if he was used to it, "You go down first!"

   "Yes, Your Majesty!" The nobleman quickly left the tent as if he had been pardoned, for fear that Henry II would change his mind.

   Just as he left the tent, the king's roar and the sound of things being smashed came from the tent.

  He shrank his neck involuntarily, and his eyes were full of joy.

  Henry II's temper is well-known throughout France, ranging from local nobles to small city residents, and the king's violent temper is widely spread.

In particular, in the past month, the time spent besieging the city of Francisco has become longer and longer, and the results achieved have become smaller and smaller. After each bombardment, His Majesty the King will lose his temper, even if it is a nobleman. If you are not careful, you will be scolded bloody.

  As for why the siege attack was not carried out, the main reason was that the casualties were too great.

   The mercenaries faced this obviously death-defying behavior. After being fooled a few times, they stopped stepping forward. Of course, money is not as important as life.

   Seeing this, two months later, Henry II directly disbanded half of the mercenaries, leaving only 5,000 German mercenaries with relatively strong combat effectiveness, and Swiss mercenaries who were determined and fearless.

At this time, in the city of Francisco, Major Charles was stationed, but he was sitting relaxedly on a chair covered with blankets. He didn't hear the sound of shelling coming from his ears, and he still calmly drank the bubbling green tea , I kept babbling a few times.

   "Sure enough, this tea tastes pretty good, I don't understand, you don't like it!"

   "What a waste! Tsk tsk! You nobles are really incomprehensible!"

  Major Charles glanced at the old and comfortable Major James, and expressed infinite emotion.

   I don’t know why, but since he drank the king’s tea, he has fallen in love with this bitter-sweet drink.

   And this is so consistent with his life experience and deeds!

Born as a commoner, he started as an ordinary sailor at the age of 15 and survived for nearly ten years. After rescuing a nobleman, he began to rise to the top. Finally, at the age of 35, he became the captain of a ship. , Become the backbone of the English navy.

  It can be said that, apart from the Secretary of the Navy and the Naval Affairs Committee, as well as several associate ministers, he and Major James are almost the future leaders of the Navy.

  Major James shook his head dismissively. For a nobleman like him who had a golden key in his mouth since childhood, the sweet taste like honey is his favorite.

  He only drank a few sips of this beverage called tea when he was having dinner with the nobles in London, and stayed away at other times.

   "Charles, His Majesty the King sent me to ask, how long can you hold on to the city of Francisco?"

  James curled his lips at Major Charles' pretentious words and asked directly.

   "Of course!" Major Charles said with a smug smile, and turned his eyes to the outside of the city, with a hint of disdain in his eyes.

   "As long as you send more soldiers and food, it doesn't matter how long you stay!"

  Major James nodded when he heard the words, and agreed with Major Charles' words. There is no shortage of people and supplies. With the strong city, it is indeed difficult for the French to capture.

   "Mr. Major, I bring you bad news. His Majesty the King has decided to abandon Francisco City!"

  James looked at Major Charles, with a hint of worry in his eyes, and said softly.

   "I know, I will be ready to evacuate!"

   Who knew that Charles accepted the news directly and calmly, which surprised James.

   You know, Charles has been on guard for three months, and he suddenly said that he wanted to evacuate. It would be a bit uncomfortable for everyone, but he looked indifferent.

   But Major Charles already knew the current predicament.

Although it seems that the city of Francisco is impenetrable, the number of casualties has reached more than a thousand in the past three months, and the number of reinforcements has become less and less. Moreover, the news of the chaos in England has also reached his ears. I knew this day was not far away.

  The most important thing is that England will not do bad business.

   Since the city of Francisco was occupied for three months, not only have they not received any taxes, but they have also sent troops to maintain order and deliver enough food to keep the entire city alive.

  Besides, the undercurrent in the city of Francisco is surging, and most of the troops have to maintain order in the city.

   Let's put it this way! Occupying the city of Francisco is not worth the loss. A port city without trade is an abandoned city.

  Seeing this, this city that is doomed to lose, of course, wants to maximize its benefits.

   "So, Mr. Baron, don't you know that this beautiful city will eventually fall into the hands of the Spaniards?"

  Major Charles blinked his eyes, staying here, his news was blocked, and he was not clear about this major event.

   "Currently, the Spaniards are still hesitating about taking over the city. They feel a little reluctant about this dowry!"

   Major James thought about it, and then expressed his understanding.

   "I think it will go back to the French in the end!"

  (end of this chapter)

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