Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 220: Mourning

Chapter 220: Mourning

Use the Ost If you leave Me from Fate!


Immediately afterjust as all the attackers disappeared!

A Silhouette appeared in the air!

Flying, Bathed in Elegant dark green flames!

Majesty and Invincibility carved in his body as the natural ruler of existence!

The tribesmen immediately felt their bloodline react!!

Immediately they knew who it was!

and bended the knees willingly!

Cries and Cheers resounded through the people!!

Bathed with the screams and gratitude of the people, the Emperor looked down with a beaming smile. As he felt the trace of his own on them, he was delighted

LuckilyNo one died this time.

"It is him!!"

Ajika who was the most powerful already felt that the enemies from before were gods among menBut looking up at the figure bathed in Imperial Fire!!

She was in daze:

'What the hell am I seeing?'

He was smiling, as if he was the happiest man in the world. In his eyes, she could see endless love and immense relief.

These eyesEven the Ancestor couldn't show such emotions, with such intensity

Ajika and the Four Leaders looking at the dashing smile on the Emperor, couldn't help but feeling weird.

Even thenit didn't stop them from feeling the immense power, this man seemed to incarnate just by his presence.

Now, bathed in fire, smiling, he seemed harmless, but to her eyesHis whole being seemed to hide unspeakable horrors!

She couldn't begin to fathom the depth of the powers the man heldHe was like a beast from ancient times.

She couldn't even imagine a single thing standing in his way even when he faced the whole Primordial Realm!!

SomehowShe thought she now, understood why her Ancestor told her to seek refuge in the Vega Dynsaty.

She had no idea, that the more shocked of all the people here, wasn't any one other than the Ancestor.

He was already slowly dying

Yet his old face, was distorted in shock

This warmth, this sense of unmistakable oppression yet of endless benevolence.

He wouldn't mistake this fire for anyone else'sIn his life he only saw it twice.

And this was his greatest honor and greatest joy to have witnessed twice.

"GrGrand MonarchImperial Fire!!"

His dried eyes teared up blood, his blind eyes squinted as if dazzled by a brilliance they couldn't even see.

The old man who nothing could move, started sobbing

"My Emperor"

"After all this time"

"Your Successor is finally born on this world!"

In the middle of his crying, he started laughing to the sky, like a deranged maniac!!



He screamed with so much force, he even injured himself!

Even the Generals were a little frightened by the old manOf course if they knew the significance of a Grand Monarch, maybe they could understand a little.

He then moved his dying body as he crawled to the Imperial Fire! He started coughingas he tried his best to take a good kneel to no avail

But no one could make fun of him

"My Em..My Emperor."

Marek looked at the devoted old man, his heart heavy, and his eyes brimming with fury

How dare they do this to his follower?! If it wasn't his wish to die on battle he would have never allowed such bullying to happen.

The old man's green eyes looked up:

"Fin..allyAnotherRuler of the Heavens is born"

Marek disappeared from the sky, and reappeared by the old man's side and with his body he helped him up.

"NoThis servant doesn'tdeser-!"

"Are you going to defy your Emperor?"

The words were powerful yet held a tinge of concern. The old man's involuntarily, leaned against him. His heart bathing in the bliss of the past

How many years?

Did he long for such a scolding from his Emperor?

With this same tonePowerful, with endless benevolence and care

'The True Voice of the Dark Kindness.'

The Old Man knew a lotAnd he knewthat only the Grand Monarch, could have that mesmerizing voice. The voice exuding endless warmth

Only those three could make him so blessed.

Born and blessed to rule the world.The Emperor's every word is divided into two

Either it is the Imperial Tongue or The True Voice of Dark Kindness

It was the sameThe same tone, the previous two spoke to him with.

The Voice used when Empress Hurrem blessed him with her best wishes.


The Voice used when Emperor Yashin laughed and played under his shade.

The True Voice of Dark Kindness.

His old heart bloomedTo think and the end of his lifeHe would get to hear this voice again.

Marek put him on the ground where he sat by his sideThe Emperor spoke mildly, his tone like a breeze passing through the heart of billions of people.

Soothing their fearing souls and calming their minds:

"How was it?"

"Going to war."

The Old man's body was getting coldAjika and the tribesmen were all by his side. Marek even shared his sight with all of them, so everyone here could see the last moments of their Ancestor.

The old man, grinned:

"It..wascough* the best."

"I regret not doing it sooner, your majesty."

Marek sighed deeply:

"This is all I can do for you, now."

"I hope you forgive this useless Monarch."

The old man who already understood the meaning of his words smiled weakly:

"I al..waysfeltuseless."

"I couldn't be here for Empress Hurem."

"And ICough*... couldn't go to warWith Emperor Yashin, I-"


He was stopped by Marek:

"You protected my people"

"In the end, you did go to war"

"for me"

He looked deeply at the old man, as his tone grew powerful! Endless Majesty and Pride was hidden in his tone:

"For me, Marek Vega!"

The Old Man was dazed for a moment, before he started sobbing, unshed tears once more:

"Indeed, I didYour Maj..esty."

He extended his hands in the airand from his handsA magnificent red and white flower bloomed. His body started turning slowly into dustYet his weak voice couldn't be happier

"My Flowers have"

"Always been"

" my biggest pride."

"They've attracted the love of Empress Hu..rem."

"And won me the fav..or of Emperor Yas..hin"

He spoke with deep weakness, as a flower landed on the hand of the Emperor. The Flower in contact with his Imperial Fire grew and bloomed beautifully.

" keep this one by yo..ur side"

"This is the token of my allegiance I could you."

Marek sighed deeply, and used his Fire to englobe the flower. Hiding in the very essence of his power.

"I will."

The Old Man's blind eyes, started to shut:

"WhatA shame."

"IWouldn' witnessyo..ur..Glory.."

A relieved smile appeared on his lips

"My Slumber Ha..s come"

Marek eyes narrowed, as he spoke with deep kindness:

"Your slumber won't be long, my friend."

"I still need you to fight more wars for me."


The old man laughed weakly:

"Iw..illbeWaitingforyou..rcallyour Majesty"

His eyes then shut down, a smile on, and his body disintegrated into beautiful flowers in the void.

Marek sighed deeply.

He looked at the tribesmen in tears

He looked at the sadness in their eyes, feeling stifled in his heart.

For the first time, since he accessed the throne, he felt frustrated

In the endThe Emperor decided to not speak

And just sat down, in the middle of his people observing with melancholy the dance of the falling flowers

His eyes mesmerizedHe smiled faintly:

'IndeedWhat beautiful flowers.'

All the tribesmen satin silenceThe Generals also took a place in the corner not daring to stop the reverie of the Emperor.

All eyes were plastered on the beautiful scenery.

There was no need for wordsNo need of a eulogyNo need for a requiemor funerals

All that could be spokenwas already narrated through the Infinite Rain of Flowers

Be it the Emperor or his people all looked upAs a prose of a Billion Years sang itself between each move of the wind, each petal and each flowery sent

The Song of the little tree that grew in the love of the Imperium.

And lived in the love of the Imperium.

SuddenlyFor everyone presentEven if they couldn't understand, those unreadable words

The Will, The Love, the Loyalty

All of it bloomed beautifully under the flowery rain.

Tears dropped from all the eyes of all tribesmenWhile the Generals sat down

Ren Pa and Ou Ki, raised with melancholy their cups, to the wind

How could they not understand it?

The Feeling of a devoted subject, the happiness of serving a Monarch

Maybe one daythey would get to feel those feeling with such passion.

'No Probably'

Each of the Generals exclaimed in their heart as they looked at the most entranced of the Billions of People here

The Emperor sitting on the ground, his eyes looking up, with unhidden warmth and gratitude.

His mind, his heart, his eyes fusing as oneAs he contemplated the beautiful carvings through the ages

The Legacy of the Forgotten epochs

As the ineluctable advance of timeseemed to be displayed in front of him.

Words he just heard resounded in his mind:

"Our Dynasty runs deep; our servants are endlessAnd their loyalty is unquestionable."

He seemed to see the rise and fall of numerous countries, sects and races..

Yet unshaken one legacy rose through the endless tribulations

"They've been laying lowEnduring hellWaiting for your inevitable descent."

"Be it in this land"

"Or in the rest of the world."

They preserved, with blood, tears and laughs....They carried on, fearlessly

Laughing in weakness, and laughing in strength.

Be it weak or strong

"For all those who died waiting and those who lived waiting."

Be it foolish or wise

"You are not allowed to."

Be it infinitesimal or Ominversal

Through it allthey lived and died

All held one hopeOne hope only

"You are not only the Emperor of your people."

"You are also the Emperor of the whole Dyansty."

"Through the past, through the future, the dimensions and realities."

"You are the Emperor of the Vega Dynasty."

That the Imperium shines brightly and infinitely upon the Realm.

That old man wasn't an exceptionHis feelings were shared by boundless people through the endless epochs

His Rinnegans were in daze as he sat for a long time, contemplating the flowery rain. Yet his Imperial Saiyan Ki seemed to go through mystical changes

As the extremely violent Ki, seemed to mellow down and dissolve until it became smooth and flawless.

Under the fall, the anger on the Emperor's heart seemed to melt like the falling petals in the air.

His trance was noticed by his servants who came after.

Be it Ezio, Altair or KassandraAll felt their heart beat widely, at the sight

The Emperor was contemplating like a poet, lost in the folds of the Heavenly Flowers.

He looked immortal, eternal and unreal

A faint smile on, he continued to contemplatefor a long time

He continued to mourn for a long time

He mourned not the old manBut all those who slumberedAll those who lived and preserved waiting for his arrival

Acknowledging, his role and his purpose.

Finally after what seemed to be an eternity

The Emperor spoke once more, his tone was warm and feeble. Like the cry of a new born calf:

"It is heavyMy Empresses"

By his side leaning tenderly against him, two beautiful women were leaning on him. Patiently waiting for their love, to speak again.

Under the rainthe Emperor's aura seemed to have changed and evolved

He became ever more brilliant, like a warm spring after the endless winter. Tender, soothing and faint.

Shaharazad and Roygun looked at him in bliss and joy.

It's been a week since the Emperor mourned in silence, and the Empresses has long decided to stay by the Emperor's side.

Actually, not only the Emperor. Others were making visits from time to time.

EspeciallyCornelia and Euphemia who were hypnotized by the sight of the Emperor lost in his thoughts. Bathed by the Rains, and draped in the wind.

Like a scholar, lost in search of heavenly inspiration.

Shahrazad responded knowingly:

"I know it is, your majesty."

The Emperor's eyes were still on the never-ending rain

"My Shoulders are stifled."

"From now onThe weight will only continue to grow."

His eyes held imperial light

"This is indeed heavy."

His smile grew once more:

"But only this way, is it worth carrying."

He spoke to both Shahrazad and Roygun, with a loving tone:

"My Empresses"

"Continue to support me"

"Wherever this road takes me."

"Accompany me until the end"

The both responded as they stood up:

""Of course, your Majesty.""

Cornelia from afar looked at the trio a hint of sorrow could be seen in her eyes

The Emperor stood up a while after, a peaceful smile on

He looked upFinding his Vizirs by one side

His Generals on the other

All of whom were kneeling in reverence. As if welcoming him from a long journey.

He marched slowly, in the passage, between the two, his Empresses by his side. His words were short but powerful:

"My People"

"Let's go home"

He made a simple gesture and under the feet of everyone, the whole land of the Rebellious states rose from the ground!!

Moving in one direction in particular!

He then addressed his Vizirs and Generals, with the same calm tone:

"Gentlemen, Ladies"

"Prepare yourself."

"We have a country to build."



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