Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 205: The Path of Slaughter

Chapter 205: The Path of Slaughter

In the throne room, by the side of the glowing throne, a certain handsome individual.Opened his eyes, as he sensed the happenings of the Council

He spoke strictly to the void!

"Rai! Baru!"

"Shimada! Ensui!!"

Immediately four immense presences appeared before the man!!

The vibration of their power largely surpassing the vibrations of any generals!!

They were clad in Blood red armor!! Their face covered by horrible looking masks!!

Only their cold, ruthless eyes could be seen.

The Four looked ready to end the world in a single outburst!

The first two, had deep abyss iris-less eyes, in it appeared blood red tomoes.The eyes looked like the prelude to destruction itself!!

The both of them had long hair and from the little one could see of their faces, we could conclude that they were highly handsome.

The third one had a ronin bun, his form was slenderer, his posture was less in sync with others, it looked somehow easy going.

His eyes and his little pupils looked somehow lazy, but if one was to look deeply into his eyes, a sharp glint that seemed to contain the wisdom to see through everything was present in the depths of his gaze.

The Fourth one. Was the most elegant of them, he had an overflowing hair in cascade, an aloof and noble aura could be preserved from him.

On the two sides of his waist could be seen two powerful sword that seemed able to end existence itself with a single slash!!

The first one was golden and seemed to contain a trace of starlightIn itA sword forged from a star.

The second was more silvery, but seemed restless, like a beast waiting to be unleashed on the world. A sword formed from a space storm.

His eyes were purple white, it didn't even look human, but it gave him an even more dignified and noble aura. Even his mask was immaculate white. His armor was less domineering and looked like a crimson kimono.

But the moment all those men laid their eyes on the standing figure. Solemness and fear appeared in the depth of their very soul!!

They all bowed lightly


Izuna's eyes lingered a little on them

"Not bad"

"Not bad"

"You Four are not embarrassing my Janissaries."

"I, at least, wouldn't be too ashamed to show you off to the world."

Even if it doesn't even sound like a compliment. The four couldn't help but be a little proud.

How many in the order could bring his Excellency Izuna Uchiha to say that?

It is even easier to get a compliment from the Emperor, than from this tyrant!!

Izuna narrowed his eyes as he spoke strictly:

"The Mother Empress is planning to go out. I am sure she will go out more in the coming weeks."

"You four are given the glory to protect her for the coming weeks."

"Don't disappoint me."

"Ensui you are the leader of the team. Don't let me catch you slacking off."

The Four's eyes revealed excitement before nodding:

"Yes!!! Your excellency!!"

"NowGet out of my sight!!"

"Yes!! Your excellency!!"

Immediately the four disappeared!!

Devran walked out.And as the doors opened, all the members of the council found four men kneeling with a solemn aura around them. A blood thirsty aura that only to those who experienced war, could have was brimming from them.

Their ugly looking masks made them look like Monsters from a Nightmarish World!! Ready to unleash destruction on existence!!!

Silva breathed cold air:


If he had the confidence of being on the same level as the Generals.He was completely not on the level of the four men in red!

Of course that would be only in a head on confrontation, which is not his strong suit.

He sighed:

'It seems our family need some work if we don't want to be left out by the times'

The Few Members of the brotherhood also felt the subtle waves of energy coming out of them. Their ruthless, indifferent eyes, their powerful and mighty demeanor.

Even if they were kneeling, the presents here all felt, like they were looking at crouching giants, holding the sky on their back!!!

A Solemn expression appeared on Lelouch's face.

"So this is the Janissary order"

"IndeedHow could it be normal?"

Cornelia also had a solemn expression on her face. She was still a simple human so she didn't have enough insight to see through their powers. Yet she had enough experience as a general to see through soldiers.

Their demeanor, their eyes, their silent but overbearing mannerIf they were all like that

.This is not simply elite

This is a Heavenly Army.

Devran was the only one who kept a rather calm manner. She stood there as she appraised calmly

The soldiers didn't even dare look at her in the eyesAfter allIt was forbidden, to look at the Emperor's harem without their permission.

Ensui spoke calmly:

"We, soldiers of his majesty, have been bestowed the honor of ensuring your safety."

"Your words are our orders."

Devran had a small smile on, as she nodded:

"It seems my lion, didn't forget his old mother."

"Let's go then"

"To the border."

She advanced calmly in the middle of the four kneeling powerhouses. Shahrazad and Roygun watching that sighed softly, a wry smile on their face.

Thoughts times are ahead indeed.After allIt is becoming clearer than even that the ascension of the Emperor to the throne was the work of this woman walking ahead!!

And more importantly.nowthat Roygun awakened the power of the ImperiumHow could she not see.

The endless power of Imperium that seemed oozing from this woman!!

If she made a move when the Empire was about to be destroyedHow could those little countries resist her?!

Shahrazad was also made deeply aware of thatThe Mother Empress wasn't as simple as expected

'Maybe even'

She stopped her thought process.There was no need to dwell on that after all. What happened already happened.

When they were still talking.

The Mother Empress already made it out of the Imperial Palace.

She looked aheadAs she spoke:

"I suppose, you do have a way to shorten the travel."

Ensui spoke calmly:

"Yes, your Majesty."

He then looked at Shimada. The purple eyed soldier acknowledged his demand. Before forming a soft palm with his hand. His eyes already on the exact place where they should go.

He pushed softly on the void. Space itself seemed to break apart!!!

As a Tunnel that seemed to warp distance itself appeared. Inside it was grey turbulence.

Baru's tomoe's rotated, as he stared at the turbulence. Immediately.The turbulence crumbled turning into a fragrant garden, the inside seemed like a paradise.

In it a luxurious carriage was waiting for the Mother Empress. Ensui spoke mildly as he opened the door to the carriage:

"After youyour Majesty."

Devran nodded lightly before making her way.

Orient, Border of the Atleasian Empire.

Three Silhouettes were cruising through the void in unfathomable pace!!

In those three, two were assassins and one was a dumbfounded noble princess!!

Her yellow eyes and green hair gave her a calm yet Vaillant aura, but those same eyes were filled with mind-blowing confusion!!!

'Just what the hell is happening?!!'

She looked at the two experts leading her, the first one with an indifferent, irritating faceThe other with an expressionless even more irritating one.

She didn't know whyBut just being with these two made her blood boil!!

She recorded their names before as they presented themselvesOf the two only one did ring her bell!!

"Illumi Zoldyck.The Zoldyck Family!"

In the last days it could be said that the Zoldyck Family already became famousMuch more for people like her who needed to keep themselves informed about the happenings of the Saharan Empire.

A certain man named Killua Zoldyck had the balls to actually attack YasribSuch event couldn't go unnoticedEven her Liege wanted to recruit this Family

She was really interested in their identitiesBut to think.that

An excited light appeared in her eyesBut she immediately shut it downShe was a cautious womanShe still thought that they might have a hidden agenda

'No!! I can't be sure yet!!'

'I will only believe it when I see it!!'

She had a hard time believing what was happening before her eyes

'Since when the Empire become this strong"

'Wasn't it about to be extinguished by three little countries 4 Months ago?'

Could it really be another Vega Dynasty miracle?

She didn't really know how to digest what's currently happeningAfter allEven growing from a county to a kingdom in such a short timeCould be considered a powerful feat

Her liege, Kosem VegaHave been roaming the continent for so many years just to gather enough power to try subdue the Orient for her brother.

She took a deep breath, her gaze flickering with unhidden confusion:

'Anyway.My mission doesn't change'

'I need to protect the Emperor with my life in the line!!'

The two assassins kept a low profile and didn't speak muchAfter allIf this woman had some information, it could be strategic enough to be considered secret.

The Higher up needed to deal with that

Elga kept calculating what the hell could have happened

'Are they the only powerhouses in the Empire'

YetSuddenly she remembered the solemnity that the Butler treated their faction with

'NoWhen he was talking about war?'

'He was talking about the Atleasian Empire?'

She took a deep breathHer eyes flickering

'Heavens!! Since when the useless little brother became so fierce?!!

'MaybeHe is used as a puppet ruler by some other force'

She thought that this may be the most likely solution. Suddenly she took a deep breath and calmed down.

'If it is the case I may need to save the Imperial Family and find a way to escape from here'

Elga was already playing it out different scenarios on her headSuddenly as they made it to the outer region of the Atleasian Empire.

She saw her menBut they seemed

Her eyes widened as she propelled herself, rage coiling around her face!

The two assassins only stopped and looked down from above.

Ezio on the other line sighed:

'As expectedThey seem to have wanted to breakthrough forcefully'

'They are quite the arrogant bastards'

Actually it was normalThose people were tired and though they needed to meet the Emperor to deliver the message of the Empress in a swift way.

So they couldn't be bothered to pass the borders guards

Altair tilted his head:

'They already lucky it's not Kanki who is guarding the border.'

The 30 Powerful Experts had all some broken bones here and thereThey were squirming in pain, their eyes bloodshot, their skin shivering, and their voice trembling

As Elga saw it her senses immediately gave her all kind of alerts

Those 30 Men who followed were powerful and didn't fear muchYet this gazeThey only showed it once

It was as if they met with!

'It was the same gaze they had when they faced her Majesty..!!'

As she got closer, the experts squirming appeared one after the other until it led her to a mountain of bodies

All those bodies were still very much aliveBut they didn't ever dare made a single move as they served as a throne to the woman sitting like she was the queen of the world.

Peerless majesty and a savage rogue Prescence seemed to be brewing in her aura.

She was wearing the Bones Armor Set, revealing her scared skin A Centaurus Bone like helmet was covering her face.Yet it still revealed the unveiled blood red on her supple lips

Her abdomen and the rest of her legs was also bare, giving her an unbridled and free feeling

She looked over the arriving green haired female fighterA Hint of interest in her eyesAfter all

In the World where she came from female warriors were way too few

And female warriors who had this kind of gaze were even more!!

One of the men who saw Elga had a trace of delightBefore fright downed on him:

"Your Majesty!! Run!!"

The others also spoke:

"There seems to be something wrong with this place.!!"

Interest appeared on the general's face

These submitting guys actually gathered some of their courage when they saw this woman appear.

Elga arrived in front of the piles of bodiesRage apparent on her faceStill this aura was still restrained!!


"Why did you do that?"

Hearing herThe Woman laughed lightly, finding her amusing:

'InterestingShe didn't attack immediately'

'Seeing that her men were not killed, she still contained her rageNot badNot bad'

The General sighed and looked up to the Assassins

"If she wants to join a forceI call dibs on her!"

She wasn't talking to Altairbut the man behind him.

Ezio on the other side, had his lips twitching:

'Damn it!! She already trying to poach talents!!'

She then looked at the men lying beneath her feet, her tone was domineering and rogueYet it held an absolute authority that only people that ruled by blood had:

"These bunch of weaklings too"

Ezio nearly wanted to go out of base to fight her to death!!

"You can't just call dibs!!! The war will only begin in another 5 years!!!"

The Men broken under her, felt some veins appear on their forehead!!


'How are we the weaklings?!!'

'It's you who is a goddamn freak, okay?!!'

'How can we beat someone more powerful than the Sect Ancestor?!!'

But all this indignation was fated to be unanswered!!!

Finally, she crossed legs and once again looked at the Green Haired warrior, who had a dark gaze on

She spoke shortly:

"What?! Do you want to fight too?"

Elga looked deeply at the helmet wearing womanShe took a deep breath, finally calming herself once and for all.

'For nowFighting is unnecessary.'

"I only seek an explanation for this punishment"

The woman smiled lightly, approval in her eyes:

"I can at least give you thatOn account of your status"

"Those sword masters, tried to breach the borders without permission"

"This is their first sin"

The aura on her exploded!!! As her Super Saiyan Ki grew!! Yellow ki permeated the vincinity!!

'This Power!!'

"They then dared to ask for a meeting with the Emperor, with such a brazen tone"

She spoke calmly:

"The only redeeming thingis that they seemed to not hold any ill intentions"

"So here we are."

She then looked at the two Assassins on top, the both nodded back.

"But it seems you got the approval of the Higher ups"

She looked deeply into the eyes of Elga:

"So I will let it go"

Elga took a deep breath. She really didn't want to fight nowNo

She felt that the person in front of her was atleast as strong if not stronger than the Generals of the Saharan Empire!!

"But remember"

Her aura spiked up again!! Making the surrounding land tremble again:

"The Atleasian Empire is not a place where you can act unbridled without repercussions."

"Remember thatOr you will lose your headsooner or later"

"No matter what status you possess."

The Princess only looked deeply in the eyes of the other party

"I seeIt is our fault then"

"My Men's behavior were out of place"

The Woman smiled lightly:

"General Yotanwa"

Elga nodded:

"I will remember your words, General Yotanwa."

Suddenly! A crack appeared on the space!

Startling even the two assassins

The Space immediately broke apart like glass!! And from it, traces of a powerful force appeared unleashing themselves in the outside world!!

Yotanwa lifted her head, lightly, her previous smugness completely gone.

'Such Ki!! This is'

A sharp light could be seen on her eyes:

'Above the Super Saiyan 2.'

Altair narrowed his eyes under the hood. While Illumi smiled indifferently, interest rekindled in his eyes.

Even those three had this kind of reaction. It is useless to speak of the others

Elga felt like a prehistorical beast awakenedfrom it's slumberThis aura

'It's definitely above her Majesty's!!!'

Only a handful of people know of the real prowess of Kosem Vega. Not even Lorenzo Saharan knows of her real might.

After allHow could she show her trump cards in front of her enemy!?

But thisEven if the Empress doesn't hide her prowess. She wouldn't be this person's match!!

Suddenly on the other side of the space crack appeared a fragrant garden.

From thereSwiftly appeared Four Crimson armored men.

Their aura was silent, yet violence could be seen brewing under it's surface. It was hidden but not too much.

Ensui looked at Yotanwa, who immediately felt extreme pressure. He nodded in a respectful manner.

After all. TechnicallyYotanwa's grade was a above theirs

And if they showed disrespect to the Generals, they didn't dare to think about how Izuna would deal with them.

He spoke in a solemn manner:

"Make way"

"Her Majesty, the Mother Empress, Devran Vega!!"

The Moment these words were spoken, all the present here felt a chill down their spine!!

Everyone knelt, in a ceremonial manner!!

Everyone butElgaThe Princess, whose lost gaze, just seemed to remember something.

Immediately her expression became ashen. Anger and wrath could be seen on her amber eyes!!

'So it is her!!'

She thought about how could such a reversal possibly happen!! But she didn't take into account this woman

If there is someone in the Astaroth Continent who knows how dangerous Devran Vega really isIt is undoubtedly her!!

Some memories she didn't want to remember just came back to herAnd her fiery amber eyes seemed to want to burn the world!!

A carriage descended from the sky, and from it appeared a dark haired, gorgeous woman.

She descended slowly; a sense of serenity could be seen in her dark pupils. She looked benevolent and kind.

OnlyElga knew. How crazy and wretched this person really is

The woman's gaze crossed the rude and unyielding eyes of the Princess, she had a happy smile as relief could be seen on her face:

"I can finally see Sophia's child so grown up. How blissful."

Her whole being seemed to be in ebullition when this name was mentioned, she sneered:

"Blissful? Wouldn't you consider me a thorn in your heart?"

"Like Sophia did before you"

Devran had a little sadness in her eyes when she heard Elga calling her mother by her name. All the present her felt their heart go through their throats as they heard Elga's tone!!

Heavens!! Even the Janissaries there don't dare to be this rude to the mother Empress!!

Since when this little brat was this fierce!!

Even Yotanwa who told her to not act brazen in the Empire, felt a little burning sensation on her face.

"The reality is still difficult for you to accept, as I see"

She sneered once again:

"What reality?!"

"Is the words of the Lan Empire false, or the hell that my life became since then a lie too?!"

Devran sighed, seeing her enraged eyes. She spoke mildly:

"Let's discuss the past another time."

"You've been sent by Little Kosem here."

"Come with me."

"You'll get to meet my Lion in due time"

Elga looked at the different players present here. She looked at their kneeling solemn faces. Suddenly a realization spawned on her:

"When you are speaking of your Lion"

Elga remembered a green haired woman, with a seductive and beautiful aura, who she once loved more than anything in the world back then.

Only in her memory she became another thing completelyIt was that day

She had then a pale and withering countenance, as she was put on a stakeIn front of the whole nation!!

Every man and woman looked at her with disdain and fear. The Higher ups, had smiles on their faces. And in front of them, was an Emperor who had a lifeless eyes, as he looked at the woman he loved more than anything in the world in this predicament.

He became frail and sick. Incapable and only awaiting death. As he realized who the woman he defended in front of so many retainers really wasHis health deterioratedHe became weak and frailLove and Heartache made him so.

Elga was only Five of age, she hid in between the populace.As she observed her mother's last moments.

The withering woman had a calm and composed gaze as she faced her ultimate and humiliating doom. There was even a hint of haughty disdain in her eyes.

Those words, that she spoke were engraved in the mind of Elga forever:

"Get on with it"

"I am follower of the Dynasty of the Imperium."

"From the Imperium I was born and in the Imperium I shall slumber."

"I look down on the world and I only kneel to one man."

"I saw the end of the world and the wrath of the ApocalypseI saw the crumbling of endless worlds and the beginning of others"

"How could I be fazed by mere death?!"

Her domineering might was completely displayed!! As her fierce eyes contained unbridled ferocity!!

The Emperor who seemed at the end of his rope, his heart bleeding and his mouth trembling with pain:

"I thought you only knelt to me."

The Weak Sophia sneered with disdain:

"Are you worthy"

"You wretched little ant?!"

"Or do you think the bows I give you didn't make me so ashamed that I want to cut my abdomen right then and there?!"

The Emperor humiliated in front of his people, didn't even seem to react to it.No, he didn't even feel any rage. He only wallowed in endless suffering:

"Who is it.That you kneel too?"

Sophia smiled with deep arrogance and conceit.

Her face in Elga's memories seem to fuse with the actual Devran's.

Devran smiled with deep arrogance and conceit, as both the voice in her mind spoke the same words:

"Who could it be but the rightful owner of the world?"

As she spoke, Elga trembling voice interrupted:


But Devran continued, her too, was remembering that last scene as if it was yesterday:

" The Pride of Dynasty"

"The Emperor of the Myriads of Worlds and Beings."

Elga's eyes flickered, as she made steps backwards like trying to escape from the words:

"I said stop it!!!!"

At the end.Sophia spoke with her first genuine smile. Even if her wrinkled face, even her pale skin turned gray, as her life force seemed to turn to dustShe looked mesmerizing!

It was the Emperor's first time he saw her smile so beautifullyShe seemed genuinely happy as she thought about a little baby, who just seemed to be born in a remote litte Empire, her heart stirring with unhidden emotions!

"My EmperorI know you will receive my words"

"We are all waiting for your awakening."

Devran didn't speak such words, she just watched as Elga wallowed in past sorrows.

Elga looked up once again:

"I refuse to believe it!!!"

The Moment those words were spoken everyone's aura was brimming with thick killing intent!!!

The Janissaries and the Assassins especially, they may not know the details. But what she said know is blasphemy!!!!

"She was conceited and crazy woman who believed in impossible tales and brought my father to his demise!!"

"She was evil and her wishes had no right to become true!!"

Devran sighed:

"The reality is in front of you."

" What Sophia started, I finished"

"And this is the result."

Elga's eyes became moistShe had hatred and ressentiment blinding her gaze:

"YouAll of you"

"How many sacrifice had to be done in order for such thing to happen?!!"

Devran kept an indifferent gaze as she remembered the vision of a destroyed Combrosia Empire.

She remembered looking over the dead bodies piling up as she waited patiently for the good moment to strike. The moment the Emperor would finally relent and give up the King Piece.

Since the first time she met Sophia when Devran was merely a young princessSince that time the Green Witch of the Lan Empire took her under her wing

How many times such scenes happened?

How many people and souls had she forewent?

Since the moment, she became a Vega DynastOnly the path of Slaughter was in front of her since young. By the time, she became strong enough to look back on her past deeds, her conscience was already long dead.

Only her incapable husband and those of the other side, couldn't see it.

The Path of Glory.Was riddled with Slaughter.

She responded coldly:

"As many as necessary."

Her words contained a powerful magnetic, majestic yet ruthless tint to it. That made even the janissaries hair stand on end.

Devran looked over once again, as she turned around:

"The time has come. Follow me back."

"There is much things to discuss. But let's do it later."

Elga gnashed her teeth, unwillingness appearing on her face. Yet she still followed, by now she already forgot about her original mission.

After allOnly her knows what her mother's plans really wereAnd if it's was indeed accomplished.

'It's the Astaroth Continent who will need protection from the Atleasian Empire not the contrary.'

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