Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 202: Sweet release

Chapter 202: Sweet release


Elga was breathing heavily, blood soaking her dress. As she plunged in the encirclement of her enemies. She knew she began to lose her advantage. Her stamina was depleted, bit by bit.

The 100 Men hiding their faces, seemed unfazed by her struggle only their bloody red eyes were looking at her calmly.

There was indeed blood in her dressBut it was mostly hers.

The 100 Men were extremely organized. At one and one, they didn't stand a chance against her.

But they never even had the thoughts of challenging her, actually even if one of them, could take her on one on one, so what ?

Why would they so stupid or so arrogant to do that?

Were they cowards? Pff..!

There would never be afraid of facing her one on one, even if she was 100 times stronger than that. Not because, they were stronger

But because they constantly fought strong foes and because they were men of the Saharos Empire!!

The Primordial Realm was an extremely frightening placeIf you don't have enough poise to know how to fight stronger foes. You would be dead the moment, you step on a battlefield.

But there.

The Forces of the Saharos Empire constantly fought dangerous foes. The Soldiers Constantly lived overshadowed by the dazzling great figures of their respective forces.

Their youthful arrogance was long extinguished.

Only the Legendary Sentences, Nobles and Generals are entitled to something called arrogance.

When you are a trained soldier of the Saharos Emperor. Discipline and restrain are the most important qualities.

On the Surface it could be seen that Princess Elga was dazzling and beautiful looking. Her talent was great enough to be among the great warriors of the next generation.

But so what?

Does the talentless have not a way to fend for himself in this world?

Was talent that Important?

Each one of the 100 Normal Men here survived to witness the downfall thousands of geniuses.

The Normal soldier fight in a normal, low-key and efficient manner. With good foundation, without trying to accomplish the impossible, without trying to court death, but still in a fearless and determined way.

There is a difference between cowardice and self-control.

Those who survive in a great Empire who wars for the longest time, are not the talented soldiers, but the most self-aware.

Those who know their limitations and act accordinglyThose are the men who climb the ranks and survive in this cruel world.

Princes Elga may be talented, but she was sheltered by the Sword Sect for a long time.

Sect Disciples always live in a mentality of trying to prove one's talent. Because Sects only select the most talented and high profile.

They are completely disconnected from the reality.

In her mindShe probably though that she could at least take 30 or 20 with them before she got captured.

Huh!? But why would they give her that satisfaction?

The Woman knows perfectly that she isn't gambling her life and she expect them to gamble theirs? How rubbish!!

How could this sect disciples be so self-absorbed?!

'Just keep moving.We can keep this pace till dawn, little girl'

By acting cautiouslyAnd taking over her stamina and injuring her bit by bit. They would achieve a much more cost efficient, ratio.

The Princess would have the impression that she is constantly sinking in a swamp. That is drowning her bit by bit.

This is basic textbook, 'Dealing with a medium-level powerhouse' strategy in the Saharian Army.

These strategies were built by numerous great generals and the great dukes to minimize the impact powerhouses have on a war.

And here it could be said that it worked like a charm on the inexperienced Elga.

The Butler looked at the battered princess, who seemed to hold endless frustration in her yellow dark eyes.

'Welcome to the real world.Little girl'

The Princess was at her deadliest limits, as she notices the cold gaze of the 100 Soldiers observing her like a zoo beast, dancing for them.

Humiliation and shame grew in her heart. She was indeedin over her head.

As she wallowed in this feeling, in this sense of loss, she thought about her liege:

'Empress Kosem'

If she was in her place, what would she have done?


She had a bitter and somewhat disdainful smileMocking herself.

She knew clearly what would happen

'Her Majesty would trash each one of them, like the little bastards they were!'

She wasn't saying that out of spite or out of blind faith. She knew it deep in her bones.

The EmpressThe More the situation was in her disfavor the stronger she gets!!

She was peerless, her talent is endless

Her grace was unmatched!

She was truly the one destined to be.!!!

Suddenly!! She felt an extremely profound and ominous aura!!!

When she looked up!!

She found that in her peripheral vision the expression of the Bulter to have changed slightly!!

From the unfathomable calm, to a more solemn air. She then looked up in the direction of the Aura!!

Flying above!! Covering the Sun!! A Winged Silhouette appeared!!

It resembled that of a man. The Wings seemed black in the horizon, and the whole silhouette seemed to be shrouded in darkness!!

It was as if his appearance was eclipsing the sun!!

He seemed like the moon taking the light of the sky!!

His wings expanded!! They were pitch black!! Feathery like a fallen angel's !!

The Wings continued to grow until they took over the whole sky!!

Darkness dawned on the world!!!

But from the little spaces between the feathers, the timid rays of light could be seen passing through the sky.

It seemed like a token of misericordia on the world

Everyone of the soldiers noticed the advance and the descent of the darkness!!

And as they looked at the darkness enveloping them, an endless sense of dread. Enveloped existence.

They kept a cool head. Still

This man was indeed a monster.

But he wasn't the first nor the last monster they will face.

ActuallyEven if it wasThey would need at least to survive long enough to be able to report something worthwhile to the Empire!!

Discipline, self-awareness!!

They all took a deep breath, and never forgot about the Princess there.

The Mission still needed to be accomplished.

No matter what.

For the Emperor!! And the Empire!!

The Imperial Buttler sighed deeply.

'So they came after all.'

He gave an order:

"The Mission has failed. Let's go back."

This was indeed within the prediction of the First Princess. This whole Operation was to be done secretly and in a low-key manner.

If the Atleasian Empire intervenedIt means that the mission has failed.

If they didn't back off now.That would only spell destruction for them.

After allThey were in the OrientNot the West.

In the head of all the Higher Ups of both Super PowersThe Astaroth Continent was already split in two.

The Imperial Butler wanted to prompt his soldiers earlier. But stillHe felt that they had some time before he had to intervene and capture her.

This was actually the fastest way.

If he clashed with the Princessit would have attracted the Atleasian Empire much more rapidly.

His Gamble failedPartly because of the tenacity of the PrincessBut precisely because of the Alertness of the Higher ups of the Atleasian Empire.

This was a good probing experience. Just witnessing the powerhouses of the Atleasian Empire was already a good enough gain.

There was no need to lose those men in the process.

The Imperial Butler was a cold and calculating individual, always weighting the benefits and the losses.

This time the Balance was lopsided so he decided to retire.

But!! Would that fly with the two Assassins?

"Hmph!! Pompous little Saharian Bastards?!!"

" Do you really think that you can come and go in the Orient as you please?!!"

"Or are you so arrogant that you don't take my Empire in your eyes!!!"

The Words were extremely domineering and contained endless arrogance!!

Elga opened her eyes in shock!! Such arrogance!!

Even her who fought the Empire ever since she served her liege never pronounced these words!!!

A Braided haired youth descended, a long smile on his face. Even Illumi felt a chill down his spine when he saw it!!

'O-oh~! Altair-chan is mad~!'

The wings retracted from the sky and began to turn normal sized!!

The Youth looked like a fallen angel!! His eyes were all amber colored with jet-black irises!!

He was handsome and was charismatic!! His Temperament was arrogant, but it seemed like a deep-seated arrogance born deeply in his character!!

The Embodiment of Arrogance of a whole Empire seamed to appear in front of Elga and Di Stefano's eyes!!

His words were short but venomous.

The Soldiers who never been demeaned that way in front of their most bitter enemies felt a raging fire in their hearts!!

"Our Saharan Empire?!! The Overlord of the World Can come and go anywhere existence!!"

" Who do you think you-?!!"

But before he continued, his head fell!!!

And a slender, and weird looking youth, with an ominous aura appeared behind him!!

His aura seemed deeply disturbing and chaotic, his eyes seemed lifeless and still on a single expression.

He spoke, as delight could be heard in his voice:

"Your Reapers"

"That's who we are~ Mr Brave Soldier~"

Immediately as he ended from all over his body!! Little needles dispersed in immense speed from his body!!

The Soldiers reacted swiftly!! But there was still some that got killed!!

Death!! By needle!!

A Needle right in the forehead!!

Immediately those people began moving!! Against their will!! And attacking their comrades!!

But the Soldiers didn't face weird powers for the first time. They immediately understood.

Those needles were a way to manipulate them.

What they didn't take in account on was


The Corpses had a purple fire in their eye socket completely replacing their initial eyes!!

Purples runes appeared on their whole bodies!! As they seemed to process a shred of sanity!!

Their reflexesTheir powerWere actually much stronger than before!!!

The Butler had an ugly expression:


'Notheir power is much stronger than when they were alive!!!'

Illumi spun his head, as he smiled evilly:

"FinallySome good toys~!!"

Immediately without leaving anyone any way to react, the 10 Corpses massacred their comrades as cries of agony and pain ringed here and there.

The Youth strolled around in the commotion as the blood of the brave and powerful foes sprout around like a fountain.


Yet the Youth didn't even try to fend off the blood. He walked leisurely, his nose in the air, as if smelling the most compelling aroma ever.

His expression was sick even more soIt seemed perverted.

Like an old virtuous priest finally experiencing a long due release. As blood tainted his body more and moreHe felt his breath heat up and his cold blood warm up.

"Finally, ~!"


"I get to shed blood in this worldSuch powerful blood~ How beautiful~!"

Since he became a Saiyan, his thirst of blood grew in an unpreceded manner. It was to the point of becoming a deep depraved obsession. Of course it was the same for all the rest of the Family.

But Illumi lacked self-control and had a much more vicious nature than the rest of his Family.

In training he even felt the urge to once kill his own brother. The Brother he loved the most. Killua.

Elga felt a deep chill in her heart as she looked at the elated expression of the man. He smiled widely as he committed atrocious deeds one after another!!

His expression that fused the destructive temperament of the Saiyan and the Vicious and Murderous heart of the Zoldyck was a horror to witness.

'How the hell'

As she looked at that man, she felt repulsion form the bottom of her heart. The Fear was something that she knew how to repress but

ThisHow could anyone be that content taking lives?

It seemed as if the simple act of killing brought him endless pleasure. His aura, his Monstruous EnAll painted a very disturbing image. It seems as if she was looking at the very incarnation of evil.

It wasn't his power that made her wary, it was this demeanor, this temperament. Even the greatest Assassins she saw didn't have such love for blood!

Immediately, Di Stefano Moved!! He knew that he couldn't afford to lose more men!!

"How unsightly. How can anyone act this brazen in the world?"

His voice was still calm, but there was apparent coldness in it.

His Power exploded!! Overwhelming by a large margin the level Elga showcased before!!

He attacked Illumi, yet the assassin didn't even stare at him:

"Why would I care about a projection~"

"If I can't shed really blood~It's only troublesome, sigh"

The Imperial Butler expression darkened:

'As expectedThey saw through it.'

Illumi, stopped his attacks, he then looked at the standing Altair, before tilting his head sideways:

"I guess this is enough for today~"

"SighFine I will accompany you then. Mr. Butler."

The Battle started as their power clashed!!

The recoil already made the rest move from their positions!! Their Powerful Aura repulsing everyone around them!!

Even Elga felt pressure from the recoil!!

'Such Power!!!'

The both were matched


It could be said that the creepy youth was holding back!!!

It was then, that the braid haired youth, smile grew in intensity. Before immediately disappearing. Like it was an illusion.

The Soldiers never forgot him. How could they? This man's presence was the most eluding and the most suffocating of all.

Immediately, hidden blades appeared in his wrists. Before he shattered into the void!!!

'So Fast!!!'

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