Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 200: The New Soul Society Projects!!

Chapter 200: The New Soul Society Projects!!

Hueco Mundo.

Dark, endless.Moonlit sky.

SilentMonolithic desert.

The Hueco Mundo. Was a magnific depiction of sheer desolation.

But under the layers of endless deathly silenceExistedA raging and endless fight for survival.

For evolution.

And For Growth. The Hueco Mundo was a place were this kind of law subsisted.

SuddenlyAdmit the deathly silenceAppeared a Giant Blue portal on the sky.

From it descended a giant mountain.

Whereas such an event would have caused and umproar. Here it was metwith the same implacable silence.

On the Mountain. Three figures appeared.

Two Shinigami who showed the same solemn face one would have entering a naturally hostile environment.

The Emperor sighed as he observed the moonlight.

"Let's begin then."

Urahara spoke in a light manner:

"It might take time. But I look forward to what this mountain can do."

Marek spoke teasingly:

"Time? I don't have that. Friend. I need to catch the show in two days."

On his eyes the darkness of a certain pupil began to appear. Yoruichi who immediately understood his intention!!

Jumped up!!

"Urahara!! Hide your presence!!!"

The Emperor levitated in the air, as he announced with his doubled voice:

"Banshoo Tennin!!"

Suddenly a powerful pressure downed on the Hueco Mundo!!

And at it's center!! Dang Hun Mountain!!! The Pressure grew until it folded Space!!

Numerous ripples began appearing in Space!!! As the whole Dimension raged like an agitated ocean!!!

The whole Hueco Mundo began to turn instable!!!

Yoruichi who already knew the realm of the Emperor smiled wryly:

'No matter how strong he is supposed to be. This is way too exaggerated'

'Is this really only 10 percent of his power?!!'

But the reaction of Urahara was even more!!!

He never saw this kind of power before!!!

'He doesn't even use Reatsu!!'

'This is just the sheer raw power of his soul!!!'

The Desert started trembling not bearing the Emperor's powers!!

Soon!! Little Holes appeared above Dang Hun Mountain!!

These holes continued to grow in size!! Until they began to obstruct the whole sky!!

The Emperor merely snapped his fingers!!

Immediately!!! The Holes vomited what seemed likeEndless Gillians!!!

The Gillians were completely immobilized and crushed!!

From time to time, one would even see Adjuchas!!

The Shinigami took a deep breath as he looked at the Millions upon Millions of Gillians descending like an endless river of evil!!

The Emperor only looked over with interest, as he spoke to his consultant:

"Aren't you curious? Urahara!!"

"A little fox tribe could create so much guts gu."

Their pained screams could be heard as the creatures powerlessly descended the Mountain. Those mighty hollows were like cattle that was brought to execution powerlessly!!

"Gillians are composed of approximatively a Hundred of such souls."

"And here I am pouring such a number."

Under the Emperor's indifferent gaze, their soul were destroyed and brought to annihilation!!

Gutstones started appearing one after the other all over Dang Hun Mountain!!!

"I really want to see what kind of result will it bring!!!"

Urahara narrowed his eyes in thought.

Marek continued to speak leisurely as he continued to pour the endless streams of Hollows!!

"Do you know why someone as talented as Spectral Soul. Failed again and again. In his pursuit of absolute power?"

Urahara and Yoruichi narrowed their eyes.

"His Dao was supreme and not only in Soul Path. His techniques were profound and endless."

"His methodsHis Talent. His Mindsetwere all unparalleled. This kind of genius couldn't even be found in the Endless Multiverse"

"This is why"

He narrowed his eyes:

"He became a danger for the very world he lived in."

"And this why he was pushed to pursue the Dao of Soul instead of one that was much more beneficial to him."


"Do you know why the Dao of Soul could suppress him?"

He looked at the endless stream of Gillian without even a ripple in his eyes:

"Because the Dao of Soul was a dead end to begin with."

Urahara narrowed his eyes as he was thinking about a possibility. Marek laughed lightly:

"Because no matter the powerIt was impossible to increase one's raw soul size beyond a certain level."

"The Number of Dao Marks that a human soul could carry was limited."

"And so"

"He faced a deadlock. Named the Hundred Million Soul Man."

He looked at both Shinigami:

"To put things in perspective."

"Let's sayA Man had the power of a one man soul. A Shinigami possesses a power of a 10 Men soul. A Vice Captain at normal possess a power 1000 Men Soul. At his Shikai he could reach the power 100 000 Men Soul.

And a Captain with his Bankai may reach the power of a 1 Million Soul."

"For the Highest Powers like the Soul King they may even reach the 10 Million Men Soul"

"The 100 Million Souls was considered a Dead end for most Soul Immortals."

The Shingami both took a deep breathAs they felt shivers down their spine!!


'This?!! Was considered a dead end?!!'

'Just what kind of World was this..?!!'

They understood that those Immortals may even reached an absurd amount of power. Yet it was still labeled as Suppression!!

The Emperor smiled wryly:


"He found a way to bypassThat barrier"

He looked deeply at Urahara's eyes:

"And to do thatHe decided for his soul to abandon it's original nature."

"For itTo never cease to be a Human soul to begin with!!!"

Urahara opened his eyes in pure bafflement.


Marek laughed loudly!!

"Doesn't that remind you of someone else? Urahara-kun?"

"Isn't the beautiful?"

"When the Path of Dao and the Path of Research find the same conclusion?"

He took a deep breath as his gaze became solemn, the researcher's heart he had was completely sat a blaze!!

"What happened then?"

He already completely forgot about the destroyed Gillian and was focused on the Emperor words!

"He modified the form of the Soul, itself transforming it into that of a Soul Beast."

"Abominations of Nature that roamed the world after the collapse of the Boundary between Life and Death."

He then looked at Hollows

"Like certain creature born in your world after the original sin"

"It's name is called.Desolate Soul."

"They are much more powerful and breaks the Boundaries of Soul Cultivation"

"After allA Genius was a Genius after all"

"The Desolate Soul is even more powerful than the Hundred Million Man Soul"

"Because a Desolate Soul can contain much more Dao Marks."

"The issue with this method"

He sighed a little melancholy in his eyes:

"Is the Subject becoming as Mentally unstable and Vulnerable to being controlled by other Immortals or by Heaven's Will itself as it is the way of a simple beast."

Then the Emperor smiled widely, a little madness in his eyes!!

'That gaze!!'

At that momentLooking at the EmperorUrahara was reminded by another mad scientist!!

The Current Captain of the 6th Division!! The both somehow resembled each other at moment!!

"When I came to know thisI came up with a question!"

He stared at the Shinigami:

"Why is it that there is a limit on the Growth of the Human Soul in the Gu World?"

"While there is none on the Human Body?"

"And then I came upWith an even more interesting response!! Looking at this world!!"

He laughed lightly, as his Rinnegan seemed to see through Urahara:

"Actually if I analyze objectively the size of a Shinigami's soul."

His dark lustered eyes seemed to emit an ominous glow:

"It is only a one man's soul."

"The Soul of a Single Man."

"Contrary to the Guilian, the Adjuchas, the Vasto Lorde or even Kurosaki Ichigo."

"The Rest of the Shinigami.Could Muster such power with such a little soulHow Marvelous"

"I wonder how Spectral Soul would react when he sees a one man soul unleash the might of a Million Soul"

"And on thatI could find the secret"

"To solve the riddle of Soul Path!! The Answer is!!"

Yoruichi said with a wry smile:


The Emperor laughed, in a free manner!!

"Indeed!! Yoruichi!!!"

His eyes seemingly pertaining an endless scenery!!

"On the Body of the Cultivator the number of Dao Marks don't matter much because it's essence is automatically turned into Immortal Essence."

"That means that all the Dao energy is transformed and stored into Essence."

He narrowed his eyes:

"Reiryoku is the Basis of Soul related abilities and powers!!"

"But before thatReiryoku is energySpirtual Energy that could be stored and could be unleashed."

"It's a powerful energy that could be stored in the body and the more Reiryoku one possess the greater his 'class' is."

He looked at the man who has been silent for a while:

"I believe you already understand what I mean, Urahara."

He laughed dumbly:

"How can I? Your majesty!! I have been humbled by your insights. Are you sure you aren't a Researcher instead?"

The Emperor only laughed awaiting for his response.

Urahara had then a much more serious tone:

"The Reason the Boundary between Hollow and Shinigami is researched is exactly because of their conflicting and fundamentally different natures."

"The Shinigami have a natural aptitude to produce a large amount of Reiryoku, and control it in an extremely refined way through their Zanpakuto."

"Their talent and natural mastery over Reiryoku made them gain numerous stage of powers like Shikai and Bankai.But"

He narrowed his eyes:

"That seemed to be the natural limit of the Shinigami."

Marek nodded as he exchanged looks with Yoruichi.

"Or as his Majesty so eloquently saidThe Limit of a One Man soul."

Urahara sighed deeply:

"On the other handThe Hollow who devour each other and grow in size after each timeCan grow the size of their soul exponentially."

"From a one man soulto a ten man soulto a hundred man souland so on"

"But the issue here isthat Hollow will never have the same affinity with Reiryoku"

Yoruichi narrowed her eyes in though.

"Because even in the process of absorptionThe Will of other souls is still present always interfering with their use of Reirokyu."

"The Existence of a Higher tier hollow is itself a permanent process of clash between wills of different Hollows."

"In this condition, the manipulation and production of Reiryoku is sub-optimal."

"And for some reasonThis lack of control persists even on the Vasto Lorde Level."

Yoruichi sighed:

"So in summaryThe concept of ' a being who transcends Shinigami and Hollow' is a being with perfect natural control over Reiryoku and an extremely large soul."

She smiled bitterly at the hovering Emperor:

"And that is why you brought me to this little experiment~"

The Emperor narrowed his eyes:

"If it worksI could create a much more advanced Soul Society!!!"

He looked deeply at Urahara:

"Even if a Soul can't awake Reiroku at the One Man Soulit will awake it at the Ten Men Soul or even the Hundred Men Level!!"

"Sooner or later all the souls of my people will awake Reiryoku!! It will even become a given event!!"

He spoke the same endless curiosity in his eyes!!

"If the limit of the One Man Soul is Bankai, then what is the limit of the Ten Men soul? What is the limit of the Million Men SoulAnd even further beyond?!!"

As he heard this worlds, Urahara felt a chill down his spine as he observed the Emperor's Elation:

'Should I stop him?'

He was torn between his awareness of danger and his desire!! After allThe Subject of his research was exactly to cross the Boundary of Shinigami!!

Yoruichi sighed deeply:

"A Soul Society where every soul could have Shinigami powersHow terrifying"

The Guts Gu began forming at a Frenzied rate!! As an endless sea of Stones has merged from the Mountain who was growing to became a Montain Chain!!!

He continued to speak ambition in his eyes:

"A Soul Society where Bankai is merely the inductor stage!! Not the End Game!!"

"In a Soul Society where everyone can attain Bankai at the Ten Men Soul Level, how powerful would the Captain and Vice Captain be.I look forward to it!!"

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