Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 609 - Injured And Angry Bai Qing Mei



"Yes. Just that, who might it be?" Li Xiu questioned.

"Do you need to second guess that? It must be Li Jing I bet."

"But ma, Li Jing is still in the hospital. I doubt she had that time to wake up and make all of these plans overnight."

"Then do you think it is her husband?"

"I doubt that too. I believe it might be someone else. He would mostly be with his wife. She has him wrapped around her finger so much."

"Well, he knows people. What if he ordered it," Ding Jiaying reasoned again.

Li Xou lowered her gaze. She wasn't so sure and this was a big matter. In fact the earlier thought of the accident and how dangerous it was for them not to be able to escape left her with a certain mild trauma.

"I do not know but if it is, then this is dangerous. We might want to sit back for a while. This to me is just a warning. If he wanted us dead, he would have acted accordingly."

Ding Jiaying eyes narrowed at her. What had gotten into her daughter all of a sudden? This was the Li Xiu that was not afraid of going after what or whom she wanted. So how come she was bothered about this.

Just then a thought clicked in her mind and she smiled.

"I see what they are doing."


"Yes. That's it, they want you to fear them. We cannot show them our fear. All plans would continue till we see the last man standing."

"But mum, what if this was not just a scare. What if next time it would be brutal?"

"Then let it be. Nothing might I remind you, comes easy. You need to start getting that into your head and mind. In this life, we need to take risks for what we want."

"Mum." Li Xiu let out a deep breath. She knew her mother was a fighter but this was a different case. Did they have the means to retaliate back and fight with their life?

If things really got out of hand wouldn't Bai Qing Mei abandon them and if she did, what other support did they have?

"I need you to be strong Li Xiu. And fine if it would make you feel good, we would relax a bit and recover. After that, we must strike back. Disgracing her as we have seen does not work. Perhaps ruining her grandfather's company for her. I think it is time to make investors pull out."

For I Xiu she did not say anything and just listened to her mother while her brain worked around all that had been said.

"We can do it. This is business. It is time we start thinking like business-minded people. When we try a measure, if it doesn't work, we try another way around it. Meanwhile, try and get Ye Cheng for yourself. Seduce him, get him hard, get him wanting you and make sure Li Jing catches you two or you put it on camera. Time to bring him down and ruin their marriage."

"Fine but for the last part, we may need time."

"No matter how long, we should ensure we succeed. I do not trust the fact that she is coming to see your father. Something is up and we must act fast."

"About that…"

'Stop thinking Li Xiu!" Ding Jiaying yelled. "Leave the thinking for me. Time is not on our side. We really need to be fast before Li Chun comes and chase us out of his house."

"No, father would never do that."

'Speak up for yourself. He would time and time again. He is fed up with us and we still do not know what links him and that Li Jing together. Who knows if they are working together."

"I doubt."

"Keep doubting okay. I am trying to secure a good future for you here."


"Now that is more like it. As I said, I never gave birth to a failure. If Li Jing's mother who is only a mistress can have her daughter such a future, why can't I do the same for mine."

"Thanks, mum."

"Anytime darling. Now come and check this injury for me. I need to ensure it doesn't leave a scar."


"What are you still waiting for? Just be careful when you open it."

"But mum, I do not want to get it infected for you. Let's just wait for the nurses and by tomorrow, it would be changed."

"Talk," she raised her hand, attempting to hit Li Xiu. "You can be useless when it comes to injury. That was why you couldn't read medicine and be a reputable doctor with money. Look at my life now."

Rolling her eyes at her dramatic mother, she shook her head, before standing up.

"I guess I better return to my ward. Bye."


On the other hand, Bai Qing Mei was so furious when she woke up. Although it took her time to figure things out about what had happened and how she got there, then she recalled the accident.

Nonetheless was not happy about being stuck in the hospital.

"Where is the nincompoop that did this to me?" She asked the nurse who was changing her drip.

"Umm, ma'am."

"Where is the driver that ran into me? He better be lying down on his death bed if he doesn't want me to kill him myself!"

The nurse was frightened and shaken by her outburst. For starters, it wasn't good for her that she just regained consciousness and was already an angry mess.

"Ma'am please you need to calm down You have still not recovered and you getting angry is not good for you."

"You said? Come," she looked at her uniform to see her name tag. "I would remember your name. Now go get me someone who can answer my question before I make you lose your job."

"Ma'am." The girl hesitated, her hands were already shaking as she did not know what to do.

"Do you even have an idea of who I am huh? Go get me someone useful and get out of my sight!"

At the same time, the girl turned around to leave when the doors pushed open to reveal a doctor rushing in. She bowed her head the second she saw him and stood by the door allowing him, go take care of Bai Qing Mei.

"Are you still standing there? Tsk, get out!"

"Miss, please do calm down. I would need you to calm down now."

"Yes, you are a doctor. At least you would be better than that nurse."

"Hopefully. Now please do calm down and I would give you the best of my attention and service I can give."

"Okay. I can only be calm if I know the status of the idiot that got me into this mess."

She looked at her body, there were bandages everywhere even on her forehead. This whole mess was not funny for her.

How could she be happy? It must be that whatever she is facing, the scoundrel must do the same too.

"About that."

"What is about that? Answer me already."

"Okay, I promise to if you calm down. I am answerable to your grandfather if anything happens to you miss."

"You should be bothered about what I would do to you first and not just my grandfather. Answer me."

Seeing as this was not going anywhere, he shook his head at her while massaging the bridge between his eyebrows.

"From what I heard, he wasn't brought to the hospital. We do not know anything concerning the driver but I believe if you calm down and allow yourself to be treated, then when you see your grandfather, he would be the best person to give you such details."


"Meanwhile ma'am, remember that I am just a doctor and you are my patient. I am not the cop, allow them to do their job while I do mine."

"How dare…"

"I still stand by what I said earlier. Until you see your grandfather or any of his men, allow me do my job and ensure you get well. The earlier you get well, the better for both of us. My guess, you hate being here, so let's help make it a win-win for everyone."

"So what are you saying? That you hate seeing me here?"

"How can I hate my patient. It is your words, not mine. I never said anything. Now, it is time to give you your injection. Please stay still."

"What? Do not bring that to me."

He let out a sigh, she really was being such a cry baby. Ignoring her, he got the injection and everything ready as he made his way to her.

When he got to her bedside, she gave him the cold shoulder but he had seen so many of such rude ass patients to be bothered by her actions.

Turning his head away, he looked at the drip and rather than injecting her, he injected the syringe into it.

Once he was done, he said nothing more, lowered his head to her a bit and exited the room.

"Ah," she let out a sigh of relief.. "The nerve. What is wrong with that doctor and the nurse?"

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