Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 650

Chapter 650: Be Mine.



As if to prove his point, he brought his face closer and attacked her lips. Being naughty, she willingly gave him passage while his hands began working on her body, touching and feeling her.

She wriggled a bit on the bed but the more she did, rather than pulling away as she had originally planned, Li Jing found she was loving all of his moves on her body and her body started heating up, craving some more.

“Mmmmnnn, uhh...”

She broke the kiss to let out a sweet pleasure-filled moan when his lips found her neck and his hand began massaging her breasts.



“Yess love, any special preference” he only broke the kiss so he could voice that out, how playful, yet romantically stricken was he?

It continued for some minutes more before Ye Cheng feed her neck, br8nging his da e hp to look at her and kissed her again, this time with both of their eyes opened.

“Told you I wasn’t a pervert and a playful time on cannot work in this context as well,” Ye Cheng, finally let out, sighing as the time went and the ding dong clock, ticked.

All Li Jing could do right now was just blink and nod as she hoped she could get him distracted and then she would flee. He rested his forehead against hers again and hugged her tightly against his body before giving in to her demand.”

“I may be this way but my word remains. Close your eyes and rest with me, babe.”

Obeying his wish, she indeed closed her eyes, allowing him to hug her for the time being.

“You haven’t had dinner, honey,” Like Kung suddenly brought up.

“Did at my evening meeting. Now I just want to hug my wife to sleep.”

“Tsk, you must have been tired.”

“Very. It was from one meeting to another, which had me spent. Haven’t had such meeting in a while and didn’t properly rest.”

“And that is why you need a hot bath to help relax your muscles, then I can massage you to sleep.”

“Okay. Do anything you want but for now, can I just sleep? You can carry me to the bathroom later.”

“Hahaa, no carrying you for now. Perhaps later when I have built the strength,” Li Jing muttered, sitting up on the bed.

“Silly do not stress. I would forever carry you.”

Without much argument, he stood up and held her body close as he wrapped his arms around her and lifted her, getting up from the bed.

“No need to stress,” he added then made his way to the bathroom.

Once inside, he dropped her gently on her feet before resting his body on hers.

“The rest is up to you now, love.”

“Fine. You sure are tired.” In a matter of seconds, she felt more of his weight lean in her and when she gazed up, she found him sleeping.

“I bet it was tasking for you, especially after what we did last night. Good, thanks for getting yourself here. I would pamper you and handle the rest from now on.”


Back at the Hu’s Mansion, Hu Qi was seen seated in her balcony enjoying the sweet evening breeze blowing against bed hair and pulling her thoughts together.

Her mind seemed so heavy with thoughts, with the way her chest rose every now and then and she took in a deep breath to calm herself but all she got was more thoughts, thoughts of what as to come.

“Li Jing. Ever since you caeninto our lives, you distorted all the careful plans and things I have worked for. How dare you just because you think you are Qinyang’s daughter? I would ensure being you down and take what rightfully belongs my family.” Her brows kneaded, as her forehead wrinkles became even more visible.

She closed her eyes, leaning her head back against the headrest of the chair she sat on and finally released the tightened muscles on nr da e.

“Calm down, Lin Qi, you can get all you own back. It is only a matter of time. Thank goodness that we have Kim Fan’s support. Although he had almost begun suspecting. Thank goodness we planned for such in advance. Else that stupid Lin Xuilan would have soiled all of my plans.”


Both ladies were walking towards the large building representing the Kim’s enterprise and wealth when a sudden thought came to Hu Qi’s mind at that moment.

She threw her hands to the side, stopping Lin Xuilan’s steps and making the other lady turn to gaze up at her face.

“Lin Qi, what is wrong?”

“Nothing much. I just thlughtlf something,” she began.

“Hmm,” her eyes narrowed at her sister-in-law’s face but she waited a second and when she saw that she wasn’t saying anything, she resumed her speech. “What is wrong all of a sudden? Do not tell me you ha grown cold feet.”

A sharp glare was sent in her direction as Lin Qi looked at her with anger.

“Hey calm down,” she realised both hands in utter surender while looking elsewhere. She did not want her sister-in-law to think wrongly. “I am just asking. If you do not want me to misunderstand then by all means do spill.”

“Anh...” she let out a soft sigh, closing her eyes briefly and when she reopened it, her angry flared had changed and her eyes seemed more acceptable than before. “Fine. I thought of something,” she confessed.

“And what is that? Go straight to the point already.”

“I know. What if he asked us of our motive?”

“Our motives?”

“Yes,” she answered with a nod and looked at her sister-in-law with hope.

“Then we tell him.”

“That e want the company for ourselves?”

“Yes. Isn’t it obvious or is there another reason as to why you are doing this that I do not know about?” she pouted her lips to the side, crossing both arms in front of her chest. “Tell me now if there is.”

“No. There isn’t. I just know she cannot com out of nowhere after all we did to chase her mother away. We cannot allow her to come reap the fruit of our years of suffering.”

“Good. Now that we are on the same page. We drove Qinyamg go chase after her lover and change her name but we also ensured that brother Lin Zian’s search was tampered with. Now we own all of his wealth. This is why when Kim Fan asked, we would just brush it off and say it is just because we do not believe she is saying the truth completely, especially since her mother is no where to be found.”

“No, tha5 may sound suspicious. And he would be able to tell that we are lying,” Lin Qi started.

“Okay, if my idea is wrong, what do you suggest?”

“We tell him that just want to get revenge for how she has nominated us in the past when all our intentions were good.”

“Hmm,” Lin Xuilan placed a hand on her chin as she thought for a minute. “Fine, we would go with your idea. Bu5 if that does not work, we would try yours.”

“Okay. Remember, we must get him to side us in this so play it cool and act like he stands to gain more from this than we do.”

“Got it, Lin Qi. Now, shall we go in? I do not like standing here like this. People would start to stare,” Lin Xuilan complained.

“Fine, let us go in.”

*Flashback Ends*

“Luckily, we did not have to pretend much and Kim Fan finally agreed to it.”


“So, we all know my reason a to why I should go after Li Jing, but what is yours?”

Both ladies cast a glance at each other before looking back at him. It was like Lin Qi knew this was going to happen. It was a good thing they had been prepared.

“Don’t you think I ought to know the reason? At least now we are partners. It is only natural.”

“Yes. It is simple. Just like yours revenge but like we earlier said,” Lin Qi swallowed hard before continuing, “We do not have much resources like you do and that is why we need your help.”

“I see. In that case then, I bet it finalizes things. We want to get back at Li Jing for the humiliation we have all da we at one point or the other.”

“Yes,” Lin Xuilan chipped in.

“Fine.” he stood up, stretching forth his hand. “Then let us shake on it an to it. We would get things back.”


They both stood up and shook his hand, smiling at the partnership of doom they established.

*Flashback Ends*

“Yes, I need not fear it be bothered. I would do the needful and finally my necklace, my necklace would be back to me. It belongs to the Lin family, Li Jing, and more importantly, it should have been mine had Lin Zian not co e to the world first. I am the only girl, it was only natural but mother...” she clenched her hand into a fist and after some seconds released.

“No worries Qi, soon it would be mine.”

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