MMA System: I Will Be Pound For Pound Goat

Chapter 8: Mixed Martial Arts

Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Mixed Martial Arts

Damon's eyes locked onto the screen as it flickered back to life. The message was brief.

[User must choose martial arts before beginning training]

[EMMAC SYSTEM focuses on Mixed Martial Arts]

He read through the description, his heart beating faster in excitement.

[Mixed Martial Arts is a full-contact combat sport that combined elements from various martial arts and combat disciplines. It is designed to be a comprehensive and versatile fighting system.]

The night sounds, like crickets singing, were all around him as he read.

They were annoying, but he had already learned how to block them out.

Damon's thoughts turned to his father, Taro, and the memories he had tried to suppress.

Taro's anger and violence had left scars, both physical and emotional.

But now, Damon saw an opportunity to take control, to learn how to defend himself and protect his mother.

The screen went dark, leaving Damon to ponder his decision.

He knew that this choice would change his life forever. He took a deep breath, his mind made up.

He would persue this fighting thing, he had too, not only for him, but for his mother.

Damon's eyes scanned the screen, taking in the lists of martial arts and their descriptions. He read through each one.

[The system will help User with ,Striking and Grappling/Ground-Work ]

He focused on the striking martial arts, knowing that's where he needed to start. His gaze lingered on each option, weighing the pros and cons.


Muay Thai: Known for its use of elbows, knees, kicks, and clinch work.(Recommended)

Kickboxing: Focuses on punches and kicks, often combined with some clinch techniques.(Recommended)

Boxing: Specializes in punches, footwork, and head movement.

Karate: Includes a variety of strikes, including punches, kicks, and sometimes elbows and knees.

Taekwondo: Emphasizes high, fast kicks and dynamic kicking techniques.

Savate: A French martial art known for its sophisticated kicking techniques and street fighting origins.

Kali (Eskrima/Arnis): Filipino martial arts that include striking with sticks, knives, and empty-hand techniques.]

He deliberated. Which one would be best for him? Which one would help him achieve his goals?

Damon's eyes returned to the two recommended options: Muay Thai and Kickboxing. He compared them, trying to decide which one suited him better.

Muay Thai seemed to offer more, with its emphasis on using elbows, knees, and clinch work.

It appeared to be a more comprehensive martial art, one that would teach him how to utilize more of his body.

With a deep breath, Damon made his decision. He clicked on Muay Thai, feeling a sense of determination wash over him.

The screen flickered, and a new message appeared.

[Muay Thai selected. Training will commence soon. Please prepare yourself.]

Damon's eyes widened as a sudden, searing headache struck him. He felt like his mind was being flooded with information, memories, and knowledge. He tried to focus, but it was like trying to drink from a firehose.

The basic knowledge of Muay Thai poured into his mind like a tidal wave. He felt his brain expanding, trying to accommodate the influx of data.

He gritted his teeth, determined not to make a sound and wake his mother.

The minutes ticked by, each one feeling like an eternity. Damon's mind reeled as he tried to process the sheer amount of information.

He felt like he was being rewritten, his brain cells rearranging themselves to accommodate the new knowledge.

Finally, the headache subsided, leaving Damon feeling drained but strangely exhilarated.

He stood up, his legs trembling slightly as he made his way to the open space in the alley.

He looked around, taking in the familiar sights and sounds. The trash-filled bins, the graffiti-covered walls, the distant hum of the city. But now, everything seemed different. He felt like he saw the world through new eyes.

Damon tried to stand in a Muay Thai stance, spreading his legs and raising his hands. But it felt awkward, unnatural. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was doing it all wrong.

He walked back to the bin, leaning against it as he tried to process his thoughts. He had gained knowledge, but not proficiency. He knew the theory, but not the practice.

The night air was cool against his skin, a gentle breeze rustling his hair. Damon closed his eyes, trying to calm his racing mind.

[Striking knowledge has been imparted, now pick a ground work and grappling martial art]

Damon's eyes widened as another message popped up on the screen. He felt a sense of nervousness wash over him as he read the options. How was he supposed to choose a groundwork martial art when he had no knowledge of any of them?

He scanned the list again, trying to absorb as much information as possible.


1. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ): Focuses on submissions, positional control, and grappling on the ground.(Recommended)

2. Wrestling: Includes various styles like freestyle and folkstyle, focusing on takedowns, control, and groundwork.(Recommended)

3. Submission Wrestling: Emphasizes submissions and positional control, similar to BJJ but often without the gi.

4. Judo: Focuses on throws and groundwork, including pinning and submission techniques.

5. Sambo: A Russian martial art combining wrestling and judo, with a focus on throws, ground control, and submissions.(Recommended)

6. Catch Wrestling: Known for its emphasis on submission holds and ground control, blending traditional wrestling with submission techniques.


Damon massaged his temples, feeling a headache coming on. He had to choose carefully, but how could he when he didn't know the first thing about any of these martial arts?

He looked around the alley, hoping to find some inspiration.

Damon's eyes returned to the screen, his mind racing with questions.

What was the difference between Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Submission Wrestling? Was Judo similar to Sambo? And what exactly was Catch Wrestling?

He took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing thoughts. He had to make a decision, but he couldn't shake the feeling that he was making a blind choice.

The screen seemed to mock him, the options staring back like a challenge. Damon's heart pounded in his chest as he hesitated, his finger hovering over the screen.

And then, just as he was about to make a decision, his mind went blank. He couldn't choose. Not yet.

Damon slumped against the bin, his eyes fixed on the screen as he struggled to make a decision that would change his life forever.

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