MMA System: I Will Be Pound For Pound Goat

Chapter 5: Activation

Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Activation

Damon's feet hit the ground in a steady beat, and as he walked, he looked around at all the people on the streets.

He could hear the sounds of the city all around him, people talking, car horns honking, and alarm noises in the distance.

He had been walking for minutes, and he was lost in thought, when suddenly, a strange message flashed before his eyes.


Damon's heart skipped a beat as he stopped dead in his tracks, looking around in confusion.

The people passing by seemed oblivious to the strange text hovering in front of him.

He quickened his pace, his eyes darting back and forth, as if searching for an escape.

He hid behind a big bin and ducked into a little alley, his feet ringing off the walls.

Panting, he sat down and his head whirled. What the fuck is happening here? Do i schizophrenia? His voice shook as he murmured to himself.

Slowly, Damon's eyes got used to the dark. He kept his eyes on the ground as he tried to figure out what the strange message meant.


Damon stared at the words, his mind racing with questions. EMMAC System: Elite Mixed Martial Arts Championship System? A system that would help him become the best fighter in the world?

He froze for some time, not believing what he was seeing.

Was his schizophrenia this bad, that his nightmare of fighting was haunting him?

He looked around, wondering if anyone was playing a prank on him, but he was alone in the alley.

He looked back at the screen, and saw another message:

[Do you accept the Beginners Package]

[Y / N]

Damon hesitated for a moment, wondering if he should play along.

But his curiosity got the better of him, and he chose yes.

He saw no reason to say no, even if it was just a hallucination. He wanted to see where this would go.

[Beginners Package has been opened]



•1× Submission move•

• Body-Training enhancer F-rank ]

Damon's eyes widened as he saw what was in the package. He couldn't believe it. Was this really happening?

Suddenly, there was a box in front of him. Damon began to wonder if he was really seeing things.

But then he saw the box and slowly opened it to see what was inside.

As he opened it, he saw a pair of MMA gloves, a stayguard. Damon's mind was racing with questions. What was this technology? How did it work?

He experienced doubt as well as enthusiasm. Though he was ready to find out, he had no idea what he was getting into.

Realising the Stayguard was a mouthguard, Damon grabbed it. He touched it and once more a message showed up on his face.

[Mouthpiece Stayguard- A mouth piece that will stay in your mouth no matter how many shots you take, it is stable providing good protection for not only the teeth but the entire mouth]

He had wondered if this was what fighters used, and it seemed he was right.

He put the Stayguard in his pocket, feeling excited and interested about this system thing.

What were some other things about it? When he touched the gloves, it sent another message:

[MMA Flexible gloves- these gloves can change from boxing gloves to mma fingerless gloves, giving the user a single pair, they provide protection for the knuckles, while also making sure that the users hits are not limited by the glove]

Intrigued, Damon put on the gloves and felt a connection form between them.

He could switch between boxing and MMA gloves seamlessly.

He tested them, punching the air, and felt a surge of power and flexibility. The gloves were amazing!

After testing them, he removed the gloves and stored them in his jacket.

However, he noticed the other items were not there, leaving him wondering how to access them.

He thought about it, trying to figure out the next step.

As he pondered, a panel appeared before him, filled with words. He stared at it, unsure what to do next. The panel seemed to be waiting for him to make a move, but he was hesitant.



"******* "


Damon looked at the screen, wondering what in the world it all meant. He moved his finger to press the panel, but it just passed through it like it was made of air.

"Then how the feck am I supposed to use the bloody thing?" he exclaimed, his Irish brogue getting thicker by the minute.

He calmed down by taking a deep breath. As he thought of how he could use it, he tried to figure it out until he cracked.

He might be crazy, but he was now interested. He yelled in his head, "Open the feckin status then!"

But nothing happened. The panel just sat there, mocking him with its blank screen.

Damon's mind filled with questions. What was this thing? How did it work? And what did it want from him?

He stared at the panel, his eyes burning with intensity. He was determined to figure it out, no matter what it took.

And then, just as he was about to give up, the panel flickered to life. The words "STATUS" and "SHOP" started flashing like mad, and Damon felt a surge of excitement.

That's when a long panel of numbers and words appeared.

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