MMA System: I Will Be Pound For Pound Goat

Chapter 20: Quest And BJJ

Chapter 20: Chapter 20: Quest And BJJ

As Damon's breathing slowed and his mind cleared, he gazed out towards the cage, but his view was obstructed by the crowd of people standing around him.

He had no concept of time, unsure how long he had been sitting on the bench, lost in thought.

When he finally stood up, his joints creaked in protest, a reminder of the intense physical exertion he had just endured.

As he stretched his arms over his head, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment.

He had fought a whole match without sustaining any significant injuries, just a minor graze on his face from a stray punch.

A small, wry smile crept onto his face as he thought about it. Just last week, he had been brutally beaten, left sleeping on the grass, his body battered and bruised.

But now, he had emerged victorious, his skills honed, his confidence boosted.

Damon's eyes narrowed, his focus intensifying as he thought about the system that had helped him achieve this transformation.

He felt a deep sense of gratitude towards it, knowing that he still had so much to learn, so much to improve.

He was determined to utilize the system to its full potential, to hone his skills, to become the best fighter he could be.

As Damon moved closer to the ring, he navigated through the crowd to get a better view of the fight.

What he saw made his eyes widen in concern - one fighter was mounting the other, throwing punches with abandon. Damon scanned the area, wondering why no one was intervening to stop the fight.

Just as he was about to step in himself, a figure emerged from the crowd. The moment the boy entered the cage, the atmosphere changed.

The murmurs of the crowd ceased, and the only sound was the thud of the fighter's punches.

The boy, who appeared to be around Damon's age, quickly moved to separate the fighters. But before he could even react, a punch flew towards him, connecting with a loud "Bam!" The boy crumpled to the ground, unconscious.

The fighter, still fueled by adrenaline, clicked his tongue in annoyance and stepped out of the ring, leaving the boy lying there.

The crowd remained silent, shocked by the sudden turn of events.

Damon's eyes narrowed as he took in the scene. He could feel the tension in the air, the weight of the unspoken rules that governed this world.

As Damon turned to walk away from the ring, the sound of his own footsteps echoed in his ears. He didn't feel compelled to intervene or play hero, not when it could put him in harm's way for someone he didn't even know.

His eyes scanned the crowd, taking in the sea of faces, before focusing on the path ahead.

Just as he was about to reach his bench, a sudden "DING!" resonated in his mind, like a sharp, metallic ping.

The familiar blue interface materialized before his eyes, its bright hue stark against the duller tones of the surroundings.

Damon's gaze locked onto the text, his mind processing the words with a mix of curiosity and wariness.



[REWARD: 10 coins]


[NOTE > if you can't even win against untrained fighters with your knowledge then give up]

He felt a shiver run down his spine as he read the message, his heart rate increasing slightly. The uncertainty of the punishment was unsettling, but the promise of 10 coins was tantalizing.

Damon quickened his pace, his feet carrying him swiftly back to the bench. He sat down, his eyes fixed intently on the blue interface, devouring every detail. The sounds of the crowd receded into the background as he focused on the quest.

Damon took a deep breath, feeling the air fill his lungs, and gazed up to see a shadow looming over him.

The figure's presence was imposing, casting a dark silhouette against the bright surroundings.

As he looked up, he saw it was the same guy who had pulled him out of the cage earlier, his rugged features and imposing build unmistakable.

"It's your turn again, Joey said to call you," the guy said, his voice deep and firm, before turning to leave without another word.

He felt a sense of determination wash over him - he had to win this fight, and the next, if he didn't want to face some mysterious punishment.

The thought sent a shiver down his spine, but he pushed it aside, focusing on the task at hand.

He made his way to the cage again, the warm sun beating down on him, its peak now directly overhead. The light illuminated the entire area, casting a golden glow over the crowd and the fighters.

When he entered the cage, people cheered, their voices a deafening roar that echoed off the metal walls.

Damon smiled slightly, feeling a sense of excitement and nervousness build up inside him. Maybe this wasn't so bad after all, he thought, as he began to prepare for the fight ahead.

Damon's eyes locked onto the figure entering the cage, his gaze narrowing as he took in the details.

The guy was almost his size, but slightly bigger, with a lean, athletic build that spoke of healthy skinny, unlike Damon's own unhealthy skinny frame.

He raised an eyebrow as he noticed the guy was shirtless, his chest and stomach on full display.

Damon didn't understand why someone would choose to fight without clothes, it would only make the impact of the hits more painful, and there wasn't any rule against wearing clothes.

He shrugged his shoulders, a small smirk playing on his lips. He was eager to try out his Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu skills, and he knew that he might fail a couple of times, but he was confident in his endurance.

Damon lowered his back, his right foot leading, and his hands up in a defensive position, attempting to protect his face.

However, his stance looked awkward and unpolished, like a amateurish imitation of some trying out a move home after watching a movie.

The onlookers couldn't help but notice his strange stance, and one of them, a guy holding a beer bottle, jeered loudly.

"What the fuck is this guy doing, karate or something? Damn!" he slurred, his voice dripping with disdain.

Everything felt unfamiliar, like he was navigating uncharted territory, but he was determined to experiment and learn.

The sound of the jeering crowd, the feeling of his own ragged breathing, and the sight of his opponent's confident smirk all blended together to create a sense of uunease.

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