MMA System: I Will Be Pound For Pound Goat

Chapter 17: Confrontation

Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Confrontation

The place was filled with the murmur of conversations, a constant hum of voices that seemed to grow louder by the minute.

Damon remained seated on the bench, his eyes fixed on the ground in front of him. He was aware of the people around him, but he didn't acknowledge their presence.

Most of them seemed to be avoiding him, casting curious glances his way before quickly looking away.

A group of people approached the bench, their eyes scanning the area before settling on Damon.

One of them, a tall, muscular boy with a messy mop of hair, spoke up. "Hey, can you move? We wanna sit."

Damon didn't lift his head, his gaze remaining fixed on the ground. He pointed to the large empty space beside him, his finger jabbing at the air. "There's space."

The boy's voice took on a slightly aggressive tone. "Seems you didn't hear me, I said move." He took a step closer to Damon, his eyes narrowing.

Damon's expression remained neutral, his eyes still fixed on the ground. He didn't flinch, didn't react. He simply sat there, his presence seeming to shrink into the background.

The boy's friends shifted uncomfortably, their eyes darting back and forth between Damon and their friend. One of them placed a hand on the boy's arm, whispering something in his ear.

The boy's smirk grew wider as he spoke, his voice dripping with condescension. "Ohh, so you're the crackhead Joey said I'm gonna face, huh?" The words hung in the air, a challenge and an insult wrapped in one.

Damon's interest was piqued, his gaze locking onto the boy's face. He lifted his head, his breath catching in his throat as he took in the sight of his opponent.

The boy's muscles rippled beneath his skin, a testament to his dedication to his physique. Damon's eyes narrowed, his mind working overtime to assess the situation.

The boy's face was a map of confidence, his eyes gleaming with a fierce intensity. Damon's gaze met his, and for a moment, they just stared at each other. Damon's expression remained neutral, his eyes giving away nothing.

The boy took a step closer, "What do you want?" Damon asked, his voice firm and even.

The boy sneered, his lips curling up in a snarl. "What, you wanna go now? Come on, let's do it." He took another step closer, his body language aggressive and confrontational.

As he spoke, he pushed Damon, his hands shoving against Damon's chest. Damon stumbled backward, his feet tangling with the bench behind him. He almost tripped, his arms flailing wildly as he struggled to regain his balance.

The commotion attracted attention, people's heads turning to see what was happening. The air was electric with tension, the atmosphere charged with anticipation.

Damon's eyes never left the boy's face, his gaze locked onto his opponent with an unnerving intensity. The boy's eyes gleamed with excitement, his pupils dilated with adrenaline.

The scene was set, the stage primed for a confrontation.

The bystanders watched with interest, their voices filled with amusement. "Who's that guy arguing with Matt?" one of them asked, chuckling. "Why start one? I mean, the guy's been popping roids since he came out of the womb," another joked, snickering.

The group around them laughed, their voices carrying through the air. "Don't you know, Matt is fighting today," someone said, grinning. "For real, for real? Damn, well someone's getting their face smashed," another chimed in.

The jokes continued, the crowd growing larger as people stopped to watch the commotion.

Damon's eyes narrowed, his mind racing with the possibility of a fight. He thought about throwing a punch, but before he could react, someone ran over, inserting themselves between him and Matt.

It was Joey, his voice calm and authoritative. "Whoa, hold up boys, let's not start one fight here outside." He placed a hand on each of their chests, pushing them apart.

Damon's eyes locked onto Joey's, a mixture of frustration and relief washing over him. He picked up his plastic bag, moving back to create some distance between himself and Matt.

The crowd began to disperse, their attention span waning now that the confrontation had been defused. Joey turned to Matt, his voice low and even. "Let's save it for the ring, okay?"

Matt nodded, his expression still aggressive, but his body language easing slightly. Damon watched them, his mind still racing with the possibility of a fight. He knew it was coming, and he was ready.

The air was thick with tension, the atmosphere charged with anticipation. The fight was looming, and Damon could feel it in his bones. He took a deep breath, his eyes never leaving Joey's face. It was time to focus.

Joey's expression transformed, his serious demeanor giving way to a jovial grin. "Well, fortunately for you guys, you're the ones who get to open this tournament," he said, his voice booming through the air.

The crowd laughed and cheered, their excitement palpable. Joey turned to the onlookers, his eyes scanning the sea of faces. "Okay, guys, let's move around the fences, as usual, we have eight fights, so let's begin the first fight, shall we?"

The crowd surged forward, their footsteps thundering against the ground. Damon watched as they formed a semi-circle around the makeshift ring, their faces eager with anticipation.

Joey moved aside, his attention focused on a girl who was standing nearby, chatting with him. Damon's eyes narrowed, his mind working overtime to place her.

She wasn't the same girl he had seen last time, the one who had been with Joey. He shrugged, his thoughts fleeting. It seemed Joey was around.

The girl's dark hair cascaded down her back, her eyes sparkling with amusement as she talked to Joey. She was one of the watchers.

Joey's voice cut through the noise, his words clear and concise. "Alright, let's get this started! Our first fight is between Matt and... Damon!"

Damon's eyes locked onto Matt's, his mind focused on the task ahead. It was time to put everything on the line.

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