MMA System: I Will Be Pound For Pound Goat

Chapter 14: Development

Chapter 14: Chapter 14: Development

Night fell swiftly, casting a dark shadow over the alley. The only sound was the distant hum of traffic and the occasional scurrying of rodents through the trash.

Damon and his mother finished their meager dinner of bananas and bread, the dry crust scratching the roof of Damon's mouth.

He savored the sweet taste of the bananas, the texture soft and slightly grainy. The bread was stale, but it filled his stomach.

As his mother drifted off to sleep, Damon stood up, his joints cracking softly. He stretched his arms over his head, feeling the familiar ache in his muscles. He had only started training the day before, but his body already felt the strain.

Damon opened the gift inventory, the screen glowing with a soft blue light. His eyes scanned the list until they landed on the F-Rank Body Training Enhancer. He had been waiting for this moment, wondering if the enhancer would really make a difference.

He clicked on it, and a message appeared in front of him.



Damon's finger hovered over the screen for a moment before clicking yes. He felt a thrill of excitement mixed with a little fear.

A small, blue bottle materialized in his hand, the plastic cool and smooth against his skin. The cap was slightly indented, making it easy to grip. Damon turned the bottle over, feeling the weight of it. It was small, about the size of his palm, and weighed almost nothing.

Another message appeared.


Damon's eyes scanned the message, his mind processing the information. He looked at the bottle, the blue liquid inside glowing slightly in the dim light.

He smiled, feeling a sense of excitement and trepidation. A week of enhanced training could make all the difference. He thought about his upcoming fight, his heart racing with anticipation. Damon's grip on the bottle tightened, his determination growing.

Damon's fingers wrapped around the small, blue bottle, feeling the smooth, cool surface. He brought it to his nose, inhaling the scent of the liquid inside. It was sweet, with a hint of bitterness, like a mix of fruit juice and medicine.

He unscrewed the cap, and a faint hiss escaped, releasing a puff of air that carried the same sweet-bitter aroma.

Damon's eyes locked onto the liquid inside, its surface reflecting the dim light of the alley like a tiny mirror.

He tilted the bottle, pouring the liquid into his mouth. It was thick, like syrup, and it coated his tongue with its sweet-bitter taste. Damon swallowed, feeling the liquid slide down his throat, leaving a trail of warmth in its wake.

As soon as the liquid hit his stomach, Damon felt a surge of energy, like a spark had been lit inside him.

His muscles seemed to hum, his heart beating faster, pumping blood through his veins with renewed vigor.

The air in the alley seemed to vibrate, the sounds of the city taking on a sharper quality, like his senses had been heightened.

Damon's skin tingled, his nerves alive with the sensation of the enhancer coursing through his body.

He stood up, feeling the energy build in his muscles, his joints loosening, his tendons stretching.

His feet seemed to lift off the ground, as if he was floating, his movements becoming lighter, more fluid.

Damon's eyes locked onto the system panel, still open in front of him. The message flashed,


He felt the effects, his body transformed, his senses heightened, his muscles empowered.

With a sense of excitement, Damon closed the system panel, his eyes scanning the alley.

The shadows seemed to pulse with energy, the darkness taking on a life of its own. He knew it was time to train, to push his body to its limits, to see what he was capable of.

The night stretched out before him, a canvas waiting to be filled with the brushstrokes of his determination.

Damon took a deep breath, the cool air filling his lungs, and began to move, his body a blur of motion, his spirit afire with the thrill of discovery.

Damon's arms moved in a smooth, fluid motion as he dropped down to do push-ups. He counted out loud, "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10," his voice steady and calm. He continued, his body moving in a rhythmic motion, his muscles flexing with each repetition.

As he reached 20, 30, 40, he began to feel a slight tingling sensation in his arms, a gentle warmth spreading through his muscles. He pushed on, his breathing steady, his focus solely on the exercise.

At 50, 60, 70, the tingling sensation grew, becoming a gentle buzzing, like a vibration humming through his muscles. Damon's smile grew wider, his excitement building.

He lost count, his focus solely on the sensation in his muscles. He felt a slight strain, a gentle tension, but it was nothing compared to what he had experienced before. He pushed on, his body moving with a newfound ease.

As he reached the end of the exercise, Damon stopped, his arms trembling slightly with fatigue.

His smile spread wide across his face, "hahahaaha, this is it," he exclaimed, forgetting his mother was sleeping.

He felt a rush of excitement, a sense of accomplishment. He had never felt so alive, so energized. He continued with the exercises, his body moving with a newfound fluidity.

He did squats, lunges, planks, each exercise feeling easier than the last. He overdid them, passing the number, his body moving with a newfound strength.

Sweat dripped from his brow, his muscles trembling with fatigue, but he didn't stop. He kept pushing, his body moving with a newfound power.

As he finished the last exercise, Damon stood up, his chest heaving with exhaustion. He felt a sense of pride, of accomplishment. He had never felt so strong, so capable.

His mother stirred, waking up from her sleep. Damon froze, his heart racing with excitement. He had forgotten she was there, forgotten everything except the rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins.

Damon's mother, Aoife, looked at him with a mix of concern and curiosity. Her eyes scanned his face, taking in the sweat-drenched skin, the flushed cheeks, and the bright, shining eyes. She had never seen him like this before, so full of energy and life.

"Damon, come here, boy," she said, her voice firm but gentle. Damon cursed under his breath, realizing he should have been quieter. He didn't want to raise her suspicions.

He walked closer, his feet heavy with exhaustion, but his heart still racing with excitement. Aoife grabbed his face, her hands cool and gentle, and looked into his eyes. She opened them wide, examining them like a doctor searching for signs of illness.

"Are you on gear(drugs), you know the stuff is not good for you," she asked, her voice laced with worry. Damon defended himself, feeling a surge of indignation.

"No, mom, I'm not on anything," he said, trying to sound calm. "I've just been working out, that's all."

Aoife looked at him skeptically, her eyes narrowing. She had seen the signs before, the energy, the excitement, the sweat-drenched skin. She had seen it in his father, before he had fallen into the abyss of addiction.

Damon knew what she was thinking, and he knew he had to convince her. He took a deep breath, trying to calm down, trying to reassure her.

"Mom, I swear, I'm not on anything. I've just been training, really hard. This is just...this is just the result of my hard work."

Aoife looked at him, her eyes searching for the truth. She wanted to believe him, she really did. But she had been burned before, and she couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off.

For the next seven days, Damon's routine remained unchanged. He woke up every morning, his muscles aching with a familiar soreness, and began his workout.

His mother, Aoife, watched him with a hawk's eye, monitoring his every move, every sweat drop, every labored breath.

As the days passed, Damon felt his body transform. His skinny frame remained, but it was no longer weak. He felt a newfound strength coursing through his veins, a power that he couldn't quite explain.

His muscles grew, slowly but surely, his biceps bulging slightly, his triceps toning, his legs strengthening. He could feel the changes, small but significant, like a whisper in his ear.

Aoife saw it too, her eyes narrowing as she watched her son's transformation. She saw the sweat dripping from his brow.

But as the days turned into a week, Aoife's vigilance began to wane. She grew tired of watching, tired of worrying, tired of wondering if her son was succumbing to the same demons that had consumed his father.

So she stopped watching, stopped monitoring, stopped worrying. She let Damon be, let him continue his workout routine without her hawk's eye scrutinizing his every move.

Damon felt the freedom, the ability to push himself without his mother's watchful gaze. He worked out harder, faster, stronger, his body responding to the newfound intensity.

He felt strong, like he could definitely beat his past self. He felt like he could take on the world, like nothing could stop him. And he knew, deep down, that he owed it all to the mysterious system.

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