MMA System: I Will Be Pound For Pound Goat

Chapter 12: Survival Mode

Chapter 12: Chapter 12: Survival Mode

The morning light crept over the horizon, casting a warm glow over the city of Stockton, California.

A family of two lay huddled together in a small alley between two run-down buildings.

They rested next to a trash can. Their temporary bed was made of old blankets and cardboard boxes.

Damon woke up to the sound of his own groaning.

His body ached from the exercise he did the night before.

He slowly opened his eyes to find himself in the same alley where he slept. He was lying on a piece of cardboard, and his mother was sleeping next to him.

He carefully got up, trying not to wake his mother. His muscles hurt, and his stomach felt empty.

He hadn't eaten since yesterday. Damon looked around and saw the alley was still quiet.

He stood up and stretched. His joints cracked, and his legs felt weak. Damon took a deep breath and started to move.

He walked around the alley, trying to get his blood flowing.

The system's message from last night was still on his mind.

He had to do another exercise today.

Damon didn't know what it would be.

Damon chuckled, "At this point, I won't even make it to the fight." The sound of his own voice was hoarse from fatigue.

He heard a rustling behind him and turned around to see his mother waking up.

He straightened up, trying to ignore the aching in his muscles.

Aoife woke up from her slumber, stretching her arms above her head. She felt refreshed, especially after having a meal last night for the first time in a long time.

Her stomach no longer growled with hunger, and her mind felt clearer.

She saw her son standing weirdly, his posture stiff, and his face scrunched up in discomfort.

She stood up, her movements slow.

"Morning, Damon, you're up early today," she said. Her voice was husky from sleep, but her eyes sparkled with warmth.

She looked at her son, taking in his disheveled appearance. His black hair was messy, and his clothes were rumpled. His eyes looked sunken, and his skin was pale.

Damon didn't respond. he just kept standing there, trying to muster up the energy to move.

Aoife took a step closer to him, her eyes narrowing slightly. "Damon, are you okay? You look like you've been through a war." It was a soft voice that was filled with worry.

Damon's gaze drifted to his mother, taking in her worn face, her tired eyes, and her gentle smile.

"I was exercising last night, but it's fine, I'll soon get used to it, don't worry," Damon said, trying to reassure his mother. He didn't want her to worry about him, so he downplayed the intensity of the workout.

Aoife's eyes narrowed, her brow furrowed in concern. "What do ye mean ye were exercisin'? Look at you, this is not healthy! Don't be forcing your body like that," she exclaimed, her Irish accent thick with worry.

She grasped his face, her hands cool and gentle. She pulled his body into a hug, her arms wrapping tightly around him.

Damon cried out, "Ow, ow, mom, that hurts!" His muscles protested the sudden movement, and he winced in pain.

Aoife laughed, a warm, throaty sound, and said, "You deserve it, come on boy, stop hurting yourself like that." Her voice was stern, but her eyes sparkled with amusement.

As she hugged him, Damon felt his mother's warmth, her softness, and her gentle strength.

The smell of her skin was like the alley, with sweat and dirt on it.

Damon's face was pressed against her shoulder, and he felt her heartbeat, steady and strong.

Aoife held him at arm's length, examining his face, her eyes scanning his features. "You need to take care of yerself, Damon. You can't keep pushing yourself like this." Her voice was firm, but her eyes were soft.

Damon looked away, not wanting to meet her gaze, knowing she could see the pain and exhaustion etched on his face.


The day passed in a blur of fatigue and determination. Despite his mother's protests, Damon went for a run, his legs aching and his lungs burning.

As he ran, the system suddenly appeared before him,He looked around, finding a quiet spot between two dumpsters, and opened the system panel.

The message on the screen was unexpected, but welcome.

[Due to certain circumstances, the system shop will be partially unlocked to ensure host survival. The items, Necessary Consumptions, has been given access.]

Damon's eyes widened as he opened the shop panel, scanning the list of items. Fresh fruit, bottled water, and energy bars lined the virtual shelves.

His gaze lingered on the apples and bananas, but his eyes widened when he saw the price tag - 1 coin per item.

Damon's gaze shot to the top of the screen, where his coin balance was displayed.

He had 1 coin, and he wondered if it was a reward for completing the daily challenge.

Emotions swirled inside him - frustration, sadness, and a hint of hope.

As he scrolled through the list, one item caught his eye - water. It was essential, especially with his new exercise routine.

He pressed the purchase button, and the system responded,

[5 liters of water have been purchased. Remove the item from the shop inventory when ready to take it.]

Damon didn't retrieve the water yet. He realized he needed an excuse to explain to his mother where he got it.

He couldn't just produce 5 liters of water out of thin air. He thought about hiding it, but where?

Their makeshift home was too small, and his mother would surely notice.

Damon knew he couldn't hide the water from his mother.

She needed it just as much as he did. He thought for a moment, then a plan formed in his mind.

He would tell her he found it in a nearby abandoned building or that someone gave it to him.

It wasn't a perfect excuse, but it would have to do.

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