Martial God Gamer

Chapter 652 652 Inheritance

in one land Far away from the Star Path of the Shi Jia Star

*** Shi Jia star The star Chen Ming was in***

This land was shrouded in red mist. The ground is full of drought. This place is not suitable for any living thing to live in.

On a hill full of skeletons The most prominent black skeleton was sitting cross-legged at the top of the hill.

Within the hole, the hollow black skeleton's eyes appeared as a red fire rose.

“Moon Ha In…”

The skeleton calls the name of a newborn god. What responded to the skeleton was silence and emptiness.

The skeleton's aura shot out. The aura was full of evil.

“It has been dealt with. How useless Who is this person who gets in the way of my plans?”

Black Skeleton's Fury causing the surrounding environment to change the ground split Red blood gushed out from the rift. Immediately, red blood came out of the fissure crack. A howl of pain sounded.

The sound echoed everywhere in the lands shrouded in bloody mist.

As soon as that cry sounded An old man appeared.

“Sir Piao Huang. Please calm down! If you are more angry than this I'm afraid that the giant you captured won't be able to bear your power.”

An old man in a black robe appeared. He tried to make a skeleton. Or Piao Huang calmed down. The giant that the old man meant It was the giant that Biao Huang's territory was located on. The giant is as big as the stars. It was currently bound by bone chains, unable to go anywhere.

Biao Huang heard what the old man said. He had a calm expression. But his anger remained. He tried to use his powers to see who had dealt with Moon Ha In. But no matter how hard I try to look It was filled with black mist.

He tried to use his red mist to open the fog. Who would have thought that his blood-red mist would be swallowed up like this?

“Fog like this is definitely not wrong. This is not the work of the gods. and not our devils This was the work of the Firstborn God that everyone was looking for. I don't even know where he is. But I know that he is at Star Shijia. Despicable Gods Territory!”

The more Piao Huang thought, the more resentful he became. His plans were ruined. and he cannot take revenge. If he traveled to Shijia Star on his own, Nuwa, Fuxi, and Pangu would definitely come out.

Piao Huang had no way of defeating the three gods. This does not include the Mother of Darkness who protects that Firstborn God.

“I can't go there, Lord Moon Goeun, go there and find out about the identity of that Firstborn God. I will give you part of my power. with the power that I will give you You don't have to be afraid that you won't be able to escape from there.”

Moon Go Eun heard Piao Hwang's order. Immediately, he knelt down. Moon Ha In is his grandson. However, he didn't feel anything at all about his death. On the other hand, he was angry with his men for failing to work.

He knew what his nephew was like. He was sure that he had been manipulated and caused the plan to fail. It was definitely because of himself.

Moon Go Eun, who had already knelt down in front of Piao Hwang. he was blessed His Dao was getting stronger.

“Go, don't make a mistake. otherwise you will be severely punished.”

Moon Goeun saluted Piao Huang before immediately rushing towards Star Shi Jia. His job is to find information. He was confident that he would be able to complete this mission without much difficulty.

Piao Hwang saw that Moon Go Eun had left. He went back to meditating. He had to heal his injuries. Otherwise, if his realm was attacked by the despicable gods, He might have to move to a new land.

at star shijia

Chen Ming was currently chasing after the Empress. He had already destroyed more than ten Empresses.

Moon Ha In, the cause of the birth of the queen and the sea ghost. to be dealt with But they didn't disappear. Instead, they looked even more ferocious. And their attacks seemed more natural and dangerous.

“It looks like they were previously controlled by Moon Hain. However, he wasn't very good at controlling them. making them weaker…”

Chen Ming used his palm to break the pulse. sweep to the left Both the land and the mountains under the sea disappeared, leaving only a destroyed path.

Chen Ming, after using his palm to break the pulse, He commanded hundreds of thousands of Aqua Swords to attack the army of Sea Spirits.

The sword cut them like a vegetable. They weren't able to separate their bodies before they were eliminated.

“Where are you going? The beautiful underwater world is now full of green blood.”

Chen Ming needed to use his dao to dispose of the remains of the sea ghosts. Which is quite a difficult job ever.

Luckily, near him there was a deep-sea genius who devoured their carcasses with gusto. At first, it wanted to eat Chen Ming. but by teaching making it a very docile shark

He didn't need Xiaolong to subdue it and turn it into his pet. Talking about pets He thought of a black dragon. It was his first pet on this planet. And he left it at the Nameless Emperor Tomb…




Nameless Emperor…Nameless Emperor!? He completely forgot!

Chen Ming was now sweating. He tried to dig into his memories to find the memory of the Nameless Emperor who had bequeathed him to his time in the netherworld.

He found that the sealed memories had disappeared.


Chen Ming tried to look around in his mind every corner. However, no matter how hard he tried to look for it, he could not find

“Or will we be rejected by the Nameless Emperor? Because we forgot him…”

Chen Ming shook his head. It shouldn't be like that. And just as he was about to continue trying to find the sealed memories He heard someone's voice.

“Until we meet again…forget about each other like this.”

soundA young man's voice came from Chen Ming's back. Chen Ming quickly turned behind his back. He found that some kind of existence appeared in front of him. Its appearance was like that of a human. But there was no face, and the whole body was just a white light that formed a human form.

Other than that, only the mouth could be seen as a black light.

“Who are you?”

“Me? I'm the Nameless Emperor. You successor."

"Nameless Emperor"

“Yes, it's me. do not think that they will forget each other until they reach this level However, this is still not enough. You better hurry and collect my inheritance before it's too late.”

“Too late, what are you talking about?”

“I can't tell you more. The person you are speaking to is just my past mind that sees the future and speaks to you. However, the future after this, I also won't be able to see it.”

“See the future and speak to me.”

Chen Ming was someone who understood the principles of space and time very well. It can be seen from his access to the dao of space and time. It is not difficult to be able to see the future and speak to future people from within the mind where space and time are divided.

But whether that timeline is the same timeline or not is unable to tell The division of timelines is the division of parallel worlds.

Chen Ming was confident that the Nameless Emperor Should have talked to him from a different timeline. But it is a dividing line of time that has birth and death that are similar or the same…

This meant that the identity of the Nameless Emperor could or may not exist in his timeline. He needed to collect all the Legacies of the Nameless Emperor. He was only missing three more. That was in a continent other than the Lightning Cloud Continent.

“You seem to be someone whose destiny is tied to me. You understand what I want to convey. Your future may not be able to tell. But your future in my timeline is very important. Your own timeline should be the same. It's a pity that I can't talk to you in my timeline.”

“So you want me to talk to myself in your timeline, just like this.”

Chen Ming finished speaking. He saw the nameless emperor with a wide smile.

“You're really smart. I really like Yes, that's what I want. But you are currently unable to do that. You are too weak At least get to the same level as her.”

Chen Ming saw that Nameless Emperor pointed behind his back. He turned around to see a beautiful woman staring at the nameless emperor with eyes full of danger.


Nyx looked at Chen Ming before walking over and hugging him tightly. and looked at the Nameless Emperor as if showing possession of Chen Ming.

“He is mine. Go find someone else."

heard what Nyx said The Nameless Emperor laughed with pleasure.

“I don't want him. You think for yourself.”

heard the nameless emperor's words

“You think I'm stupid? You are not the only one who can see the boundaries of time. My Ming is the only one who has been subjected to chaos. and is about to become one and only.”

“Become one?”

Chen Ming looked at Nyx with suspicion.

“What is the state of the singularity like she is?”

Chen Ming looked at the Nameless Emperor. The Singularity meant that there was only one. He will become the only non-existent being of the past or future, only existing in the present.

He will have only one existence in the many worlds. Like Nyx... And it seemed that the Nameless Emperor wasn't strong enough to make himself one. and has a singularity

Nameless Emperor looked at Chen Ming. He only shook his head before speaking.

“Everything is as you imagined. I can't make myself one and live in the singular state. My existence in all the beings is disappearing. and when it disappears I will truly be extinguished. Who says the multiverse is infinite? No, it is infinite. Everything went according to what was decreed. cannot be avoided There are very few beings who can break free from that fate.”

Chen Ming understood what the Nameless Emperor wanted to convey. Everything is according to fate If he doesn't do anything He would eventually be swallowed up and disappeared.

He thought back to the stone pillar his words were engraved on. It's true that it's left behind. But it tells of the sadness of having to leave.

Cloud subdues eighteen directions

The moon shines without directions

Salute the demon

I am the Nameless Emperor

Now that I passed on, and could not return.

I offer my treasure to the worthy one.

The word now passed away cannot be taken back. This was the nameless emperor's mournful words. He was not dead at that time. But he knew that he would die in the future. He therefore chose to leave behind his treasure and inheritance.

“You in this timeline left those inheritances because.”

“I know that in a certain timeline one universe There must be someone who can help me. I therefore leave a message and legacy in every timeline and universe in which I exist. Now I have succeeded. My identity will not disappear. Only you have received my inheritance. However, it is my duty to protect you. just as you protected me It might not sound good. But it is the destiny of the two of us.”

Hearing that, Nyx hugged Chen Ming even more tightly. She wanted to cut the fate line connecting the Nameless Emperor and Chen Ming. However, if doing so What will happen to Chen Ming, she doesn't know.

'No, we have to make our destiny with Chen Ming even tighter. otherwise We might lose him.'

Nyx quickly plotted her plan to create a strong destiny between her and him. she needs advice This is the first time Mrs.

‘I have to consult my daughters about this matter.’

The Nameless Emperor smiled. Chen Ming could only sigh. He was talking about what would happen in the future, but Whether his future or not, he did not know. However, just accepting his inheritance was already helping him. And he wanted to protect Chen Ming in return? No, Chen Ming didn't believe that. He only wanted to protect himself.

What a mess.

Nameless Emperor, after saying all the things he wanted to Chen Ming, he disappeared, but before he disappeared, he left behind his words.

“Don't forget to collect all of my inheritance. it is necessary for you The knowledge you gained from the Creation God is not enough.”

When he finished speaking, his body returned to Chen Ming's mind crystal memory as before.

Chen Ming nodded. Although the Nameless Emperor did not tell him He was already determined to collect all of them.

Chen Ming then walked towards the crystal ball. He tried to unlock it. But he couldn't do that. The Nameless Emperor's Memory Orb that he had was incomplete. He still couldn't unlock it. Because he needed to complete his inheritance first.

“Looks like I have to collect all the Nameless Emperor's inheritance first. What do you think about this, Nyx?”

Chen Ming turned to Nyx, who was now thinking of something. When she heard Chen Ming's question, She nodded.

“You should collect the Nameless Emperor's inheritance. It is important for you to fight against the true gods and demons. Moreover with otherworldly gods as well.”

That's all Nyx said before disappearing into the darkness. Chen Ming sometimes did not understand what she was thinking. He just shook his head. If she had told him that it was important for him to use it against an Outer World God, then It would be like that.

He wanted to ask Nyx what level the Outer World God was at. However, he knew that even if he asked, she wouldn't answer. She definitely had her reasons.

He then freed himself from within his mind.

Chen Ming, who had come out of his mind, had to compose what he had to do. The first thing right now is You have to deal with the sea ghosts first.

“Defeated the sea ghosts and took Ye Ying'er to her hometown. Then go get all of the Nameless Emperor's inheritance.”

Chen Ming had already made up his mind. He had to speed up a bit. He felt that he didn't have much time.

Cities outside the capital of the underwater world

The Sea Ghost had now been freed from Moonhain's shackles. But they weren't rampaging or chasing people like they used to. Instead, they were more intelligent.

The Empress did not send them out to die in vain.

They knew that the number couldn't do anything to Chen Ming. So they started doing something to survive. they meet Build a stronger army than ever before.

They emphasize quality over quantity. They didn't let the sea ghosts divide their bodies. because it will weaken the sea ghosts In addition, the queens let the sea spirits unite to create stronger sea spirits. However, it seemed that it was still not enough to deal with Chen Ming's army.

Chen Ming's army appeared to be even more numerous than before. At first, there were only two to three hundred thousand guardian spirits that followed him. But now it had thrown millions into it… The newly joined Arak Spirit was once a vengeful spirit born from the deaths of people.

Sky Swallow Grass, of course, can also be planted under the sea. The guardian spirits knew what to do. They planted the Sky Swallow Grass in the cities after defeating the sea ghosts. Increases the number of guardian spirits and able to get rid of sea ghosts faster

Chen Ming started to wipe out the Sea Spirits from the outer cities first. He had managed to deal with the Outer Sea Ghosts. So he slowly squeezed them inside.

like the guardian spirits Chen Ming also met many survivors who wanted to join him in eliminating the sea ghosts.

Chen Ming went to meet them secretly in caves that were too complicated for sea ghosts to enter or not, in the habitat of sea monsters that ate sea ghosts.

Sea ghosts saw that this place was very dangerous. So I didn't think that any survivors would be able to survive there.

And it was because of their perilous living conditions. making them stronger than the merged sea ghosts. Chen Ming did not refuse their help. They want revenge. Who is he to stop them from taking revenge on each other?

in just two days Chen Ming was able to retake thirteen cities together. Three large cities and ten smaller cities. Villages are not counted. Because there were so many that he chose not to remember them.

Chen Ming returned to Yigui City to rest. The city was now filled with people. They help each other very well.

Chen Ming who had returned to the city He thought that the first person to welcome him was Tang Huayin, but instead, the person who welcomed him was Zhu Ying. Julong's aunt

The woman who had been waiting for Chen Ming was there. It was to thank Chen Ming for saving her and her grandson. She didn't even have a chance to thank him after he fed her a healing pill. She had slept for two days in a row. and only woke up a few hours ago

Chen Ming heard Zhu Ying's thanks. He smirked before speaking.

“It's okay, it's something I deserve to do anyway.”

Zhu Ying heard what Chen Ming said. She smiled. She thought about something before she spoke.

“I have something I want to give to you.”

Zhu Ying finished speaking. She took out something before handing it to Chen Ming. What she handed him was a silver dragon seal.

“This is it”

“The Dragon Seal of the Sea Dragon. It was for entering the sea dragon treasury. I don't know how I can repay you. This is the only thing I can repay you.”

Chen Ming heard that, he had to However, when the seal landed in Chen Ming's hands, it flashed before it disappeared. On Chen Ming's hand, there was a symbol of a dragon.

Chen Ming now wanted to return the seal. He couldn't do it anymore.

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