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15 hours ago
Legend says that Star World’s million Star Names are passed on in the form of young maidens as... Read more Legend says that Star World’s million Star Names are passed on in the form of young maidens as famous existences in the Three Thousand Worlds.Henceforth, Chen Mo heroically says as he brandishes his massive weapon at the heavens and shouts towards the beautiful but aloof Chen Qingzhi, towards the tyrannical Caesar, the tsundere Xiang Yu, the yandere Hitler, the extraordinary Chen Tuan, and other girls.«My big stick’s hunger already can endure no longer…» Collapse Calm Protagonist, Contracts, Cultivation, Hard-Working Protagonist, Hated Protagonist, Male Protagonist, Parody, Reincarnated in Another World, Special Abilities, Underestimated Protagonist, Unique Weapon User, Unique Weapons, Weak to Strong utter trash. the author exhausted all his brain cells in the 1st book 108 Maidens of Destiny. But u got to eat, so he forced himself to write this shit. No blaming the author here as u got to do what u got to do.But the translator should be slapped 500 times on only 1 cheek for picking this up. I ain't gonna breakdown how the slap count comes to 500 as it would exhaust my brain cells. lol You know what they about guys with big weapons, don't you? Smol PP. Fixed text issue. Man really said “the yandere Hitler”. 108 maidens of destiny is good than this one it should be a sequel but with new MC and i didnt like it the prequel is way too good than this one The Great Chong Dynasty, even all of Star World, split Star Cultivators into Purple Rose, Heavenly Star, Earthly Star, and Human Star. Earthly Star and above were classified as Star Maidens and did not need further discussion. Human Star was the limit of every warrior who first entered the Star Path.Human Star had Four Realms comprised of Qi And Blood Nine Turns, Three Flowers Overhead, Greater And Lesser Thunder Tribulation, and Dragon Wind In Man.Qi And Blood Nine Turns was the fundamental for all warriors, Cultivators used Qi and Blood to train their Skin, Muscle, Tendons, Pores, Organs, Bones, Meridians, Heart & Mind. Each phase of training was one turn.Three Flowers Overhead Cultivators used their Qi, Body, and Mind to creat the Three Flowers Overhead, named Essence Flower, Qi Flower and Spirit Flower.Star Cultivators' Greater and Lesser Thunder Tribulations Realm are split into the Six Lesser Thunder Tribulations, followed by the Three Greater Thunder Tribulations.An Earthly Star General's Realms were divided into "Reborn Nine Movements, Mind Furnace, Concentrated Fiend, Yellow Court, Extreme Realm, and Heavenly Spirit Three Turns." Although an Earthly Star was above a Human Star, Generally speaking, it is only at the equivalent of a Three Flowers Overhead Warrior, in other words, Heart Furnace Realm, would an Innate Skill develop. At Concentrated Fiend, they would gain Earthly Fiend Star Energy. At this time they would finally be considered as having truly become an Earthly Star General. By themselves, they could compare to a Human Star Realm, Dragon Wind In ManCasting masters were split into "Apprentice, Early grade, Middle grade, High grade, Supreme grade, and Great sect Master." Each class was according to the Casting master's ability and experience, with were also split into several different phases, "Fine Detail, Hundred Refinements, Pure Green, and Apex."Medicines were ranked from Grade Nine up to Grade One.Hope it helps, as it can get confusing without these Infos. Reading this is definitely hard without reading it's prequel 108 maidens of destiny. Not because of the story, but because of the power level. This novel didn't explain much of it and most of the info of the power will just be a lines that goes over your head. As for comparing, well 108MOD are much better but that doesn't mean this novel is bad, translation might be a bit confusing but overall, the story is entertaining. just read 108 maidens of destiny Yo también ví esa novela pero si final solamente fue cuando todas sus doncellas entran ala montaña del resto nose más Bhaisab wtf is this… Holy cow 1 and half star rating