Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1980

Chapter 1980

Seeing this situation, song Yan's eyebrows could not help wrinkling, and even this horrible beam could not kill them, which was a bit of trouble.

But the eight kings of the eight kings were frightened by the black light.

Because the black light beam is too fast, even if their divine sense is no longer strong, they can't catch it, and they can't avoid it. Moreover, they sense that the power of this black light beam is very strong. If it's not the emperor's armor, most of them have been injured.

It's no wonder that those kings fell into the hands of this thief before, mostly relying on the big formation on this holy mountain.

So, next, the eight gods tried to attack, but they were all hit by the black light reflected by the array.

"No fun!"

Song Yan is speechless. Why can't the black beam stop these gods? They can't get in, so he doesn't want to fight with them. The grass flies forward.

"No, this small formation is going to escape!"

Cried the God King of dragon head's life.

"Boss, if he wants to escape, we can't help him!"

Someone said with a wry smile.

"Although we can't break the array on the sacred mountain, we can seal it up!"

It was suggested.

"Good idea!"

The dragon head's eyes brightened.

Therefore, the eight God kings rose up, one after another called out their own God King Avenue, and then began to pinch the formula and chant the mantra.

With the development of the formula, for a while, the void in the whole area solidified.

"Ha ha! This is to seal me! "

Song Yan is very disdainful.

There are measures left by the emperor on this holy mountain, which can be said that the ten thousand methods will not invade. Just a few kings want to seal the holy mountain, which is a daydream. So, he hooked the stone heart and let the holy mountain speed up its flight.


Shenshan's speed has increased ten times, the solidified space has been rushed away in an instant, and several breaths have directly separated it from the seal range.


All the eight gods and kings were frustrated.

"Go back!"

The voice of the God King of dragon head's life is low.

When the eight God kings returned to the God devil group, the high-level of the God devil group were silent. Even they could not kill the thief. Who could do anything else.

Wuqi's face changed several times: "do you want to know the teacher's separation?"

He hesitated very much. When the emperor of light traveled to chaos, he left a separate body of the emperor of light. However, this separate body was born by secret method, which can be said to be the weakest one. Every time he used it, he would consume a lot of energy.

The emperor of light left it in the Shenmo group, also to leave a back hand for the Shenmo group. Second, it is convenient to communicate with the body.

"That's all!" At last, Wuqi waved: "this is the end of it."

After several months of flying, song Yan and the king of stars finally arrived at the fog forbidden area.

"Little corpse puppet, I've come to see you!"

As soon as he entered the forbidden area, song Yan raised his voice and shouted.

As soon as the figure flashed, the little corpse puppet appeared: "are you here?"

Song Yan said with a smile, "yes! I intend to release the curse of your family and gather all the dead kings of your family! "


The little corpse puppet was very happy, and he let out a silent roar. Suddenly, a large number of people flashed by, and nearly a hundred corpse kings appeared.

However, more than 30 corpses have been restored to the human form. They should have used the blood he gave before.

So in the next, song Yan gave dozens of drops of blood to the rest of the corpse king.

Blood came to their hands, and they applied it directly to the eyebrows and hearts. Then, the corpse Qi on their bodies quickly dissipated, and soon they recovered to the human shape.

"Little corpse puppet, you said before, as long as I release your curse, you will be loyal to me, right?"

Song Yan suddenly looks at the little corpse.

"Not bad!"

The little corpse puppet nodded: "as long as you release all the curses of our family, we will be loyal to you!"

"Well, gather your people together!"

Song Yan nodded.

The little corpse puppet roars silently again, and then a large number of corpse puppets gather here.

Next, in a month, song Yan took out nearly a million drops of blood and lifted the curse of all the people.

"Well, now it's time for you to be loyal?"

Song Yan looked at the little corpse and said.

"Ha ha!"

The little corpse puppet laughed, with sarcasm and contempt in his voice: "I can't imagine that the descendants of the ancestral gods are so stupid. You are the upper God and want a group of God kings to be loyal to you. Do you think it's realistic?"

"Are you going to cross the river and demolish the bridge?"

Song Yan asked with a smile, but there was no tension.

"Do you know the origin of our family?" The little corpse puppet asked with a smile.Song Yan said calmly, "talk about it. Since you are going to cross the river and demolish the bridge, you are not going to let me go. Then let me be an understanding ghost!"

"Our family is the Tianwei under the former Tiandao!" The little corpse puppet slowly tells a secret.

"Heaven also has guards?"

Song Yan is very surprised.

"That's nature!" The little corpse puppet sneered: "the heavenly way can understand everything, but many things need our heavenly guard. For example, the heavenly way sends out orders. Our heavenly guard carries out the orders, and the heavenly punishment, as well as the invasion of other enemies of the universe, all need our heavenly guard to deal with them!"

"What happened to heaven before then? Why is it replaced by a new way of heaven? " Song Yan asked curiously.

The little corpse puppet said: "it's very simple. The present Tiandao kills the former Tiandao and then takes its place. As the former Tiandao Tianwei, all the strong ones in us have been eliminated, and the rest of us have been cursed. We can only stay in the fog forbidden area for a long time!"

"Have you ever thought of revenge?"


The little corpse puppet looked at Song Yan with disdain: "how can you ask such a stupid question? What can we take for revenge? How powerful is the heaven way? When the heaven way cursed us, it said that if we can get rid of the curse, he would allow us to be his heaven guard. You have ancestral blood vessels. Even if the heaven way swallows, it will have great benefits. Therefore, we plan to catch you Come and sacrifice to the present heaven! "

"Ha ha, it doesn't fit to describe you by crossing rivers and demolishing bridges. I think it's more appropriate to use the word" white eyed wolf "to describe you!" Song Yan sighed.

"Well, you know what you need to know! Are you supposed to get away with it? "

The little corpse puppet sneers.

"Do you think I'm a fool?" Song Yan asked with a smile.

"A little silly, but not a fool!" The little corpse puppet said earnestly.

Song Yan said with a smile, "since I'm not a fool and I don't have any counter measures, how can I untie your curse rashly?"

The little corpse puppet was stunned, then smiled: "is your counter measure the God King around you?"

"It's not!"

Song Yan shook his head and then asked with a smile, "since you know that I have ancestral blood, do you know the ancestral spirit?"

"It's not unclear!"

Little corpse puppet way.

"No wonder!" Song Yan smiled thoughtfully: "I have a spiritual power called" magic ". Once this power is exerted, you will not be able to be independent!"

"Ha ha! You can't control so many of us, can you? " The little corpse puppet is very suspicious.

"If I can't control you at ordinary times, but you use my blood to release the curse and let my blood into your body, so it's easier for me to control you!"

Speaking of this, song Yan looked at the king of Yigan and said, "come on, you gave me a hip dance!"

As soon as song Yan's words fell, the king of the hundred gods moved his buttocks and danced.

[author's extras]: second watch

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