Lord of Mysteries:Dream

Chapter 238: First Battle

Chapter 238: First Battle

Klein has been a dual-path Beyonder for some time, and he also has some experience on how to tap into his own power.

Nowadays, this kind of focusing all spirituality on crisis sensing is enough to elevate the "divineer's" gatekeeping skills to a higher level.

This method can even help Klein omit the process of "divination" and get the answer directly.

So when the fireball hit him, Klein was already rushing toward the safest corner, preparing to fire a few shots at the outermost edge.


A roar came from the factory, and it didn't even sound like a human being!

Klein saw several illusory but powerful undead spirits surrounding Ms. Daly. These undead spirits were no weaker than Captain Dunn!

Klein feels that this wave has stabilized.

He saw Ms. Dai Li and others rushing into the factory, but the next moment, it seemed like a giant was going crazy in the factory. Klein soon saw Ms. Dai Li and captain Dunn quickly retreating, and the captain even shouted loudly. , "The target is out of control!"

Klein didn't even have time to understand the meaning of this sentence, and a terrifying sense of crisis already made his soul tremble.


Horrifying murmurs began to echo in Klein's mind, as if they were dragging him completely into an endless abyss.

Why is this happening? The target is out of control. Why does he hear crazy murmurs?

Klein's spiritual intuition was beating wildly, and he subconsciously chose the most appropriate response method.

"The highest dream..."

He is communicating the power of the "Supreme Dream" with the spirituality of the "Prayer".

What is different from other ways is that "Dream" has become a favored person of God in a certain sense after becoming a "Prayer".

After all, fundamentally speaking, their power comes directly from the "Supreme Dream" itself.

Of course, the most important thing is the characteristic of the "Supreme Dream" power - purity. This characteristic has the power to suppress madness.

Bits of brilliant brilliance appeared on Klein's body while he was praying. They were flying around Klein like elves, blocking the murmurs in Klein's mind.

Klein suddenly developed a sense of direction in other directions, and subconsciously rolled to the ground to avoid the bullet attack from behind.

Behind him is a clown in a tuxedo, giving Klein a very dangerous feeling!

"Huh? You actually escaped?" The tuxedo clown was surprised, but at this time he had no time to tangle with a "divineer", but wanted to retrieve the Antigonus Notes!

"Bang!" The tuxedo clown made a sound. Klein's scalp went numb instantly and he rolled several times on the ground before he could barely escape.

At the same time, a flame ignited where the tuxedo clown was, and his figure disappeared.

"Captain, there is another enemy!" Klein could only remind his teammates loudly.

"Copy that!" Captain Dunn's tone was calm and calming.

"It only needs to survive one round, and the monster will collapse." All the undead spirits around Ms. Dai Li have entered the factory, and the movements inside are becoming more and more terrifying.


With a bang, the factory door exploded open, and a humanoid creature over two meters broke out.

A series of white bone spurs protruded from under its skin, and the whole body was gray-white, with a rotten-like viscous liquid flowing all over its body.

Its appearance challenged Klein's world view, and he learned more about what it means to be crazy and out of control.

However, it has various black chains on its body, which restrain its body, otherwise it would have rushed over and started killing.

"Death!" Ms. Dai Li's tone became cold and sinister, like the words of the dead echoing in hell.

Those black chains bloomed with black death energy, dragging the monster into the abyss of death.

At the same time, the power of poetry and dreams were also taking effect, cooperating with Ms. Daly to kill the monster.


The tuxedo clown who disappeared in the flames burst in from outside the battlefield again, and once again used that weird air bullet to drive an item placed outside the battlefield into the battlefield.

The black iron-colored box opened with a click, and the palm-sized puppet stuck its head out of the box and saw the two-meter-tall monster.


The monster that was about to fall into a state of death suddenly raised its head, and its dim eyes took on a strange vitality, as if there was a power that wanted to fuse the puppet and the monster into something more terrifying.

Captain Dunn, Leonard and others were pale, and they were all hurt by the monster's roar, and the gibbering was also affecting them.

Ms. Dai Li's face was stern, sweat was dripping from her forehead, and there was a deathly look in her eyes.

But she still waved, and another natural spirit from the spirit world appeared, hitting the box where the puppet was, separating it from the monster.

The box the puppet was in was knocked away and rolled in the air.

"What should I do?" Klein's spirituality has already given him the answer.

Klein even closed his eyes and fired according to spiritual guidance.


The bullet flew out and hit the box rolling in the air, forcibly changing its rolling trajectory. Even the puppet that was about to be thrown out completely left the box.


Another bullet was shot out, hitting the puppet's body in the air, taking it in a certain direction.

"What?!" The tuxedo clown's hair stood on end, and the puppet he threw at the monster was flying in his direction!

"Let's go!" The tuxedo clown was about to raise his hand, snap his fingers, ignite the flames and retreat from here.

But the puppet driven by the bullet was too fast, and it was already within five meters of him before he snapped his fingers.

The tuxedo clown's head buzzed, and his thoughts froze.

He is a diviner...not a weapons master...how could he be so accurate...

I'm within five meters...

The Tuxedo Clown's joints seemed to be rusty, and the finger snapping movement that could have been completed in less than a second slowed down.

"Go to hell!"

Crane's bullet arrives, piercing the Tuxedo Clown's body, then emptying the magazine.

It was also at this time that the monster finally couldn't hold on under the power of several extraordinary people, and exploded with a bang!

Eyeballs, skulls, arms, half of the heart... these things were splashed away by the explosion, causing great damage.

Klein was hit by the air wave and fell to the ground. After getting up, he quickly refilled his bullets and wanted to shoot more.

"He is dead." Ms. Daly said softly. She was not harmed in the explosion, and even the captain was well protected by her.

"Your shooting skills are so accurate?" Ms. Dai Li was amazed.

"...That's the guidance of dreams." Klein breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the tuxedo clown lying dead on the ground.

"Hurry up and help us clean up the battlefield!" Captain Dunn had already found the Antigonus Notes from the pile of human tissue.


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