Live Streaming: Great Adventure in the Wilderness

Chapter 202: 199 Knife Strike After Knife Strike

Chapter 202: Chapter 199 Knife Strike After Knife Strike

Almost at the moment Legoff aimed, Bi Fang immediately squatted down, using Third Brother’s body as cover, and charged straight at him!

Legoff saw Third Brother’s body curl up like a shrimp as it approached, his eyes nearly popping out of their sockets with everything happening so swiftly that he barely had time for further thought, and fired at the shadow behind Eric!

Sap instinctively used his hands to cover his head, preventing blood from splattering onto his face.

Gunfire erupted, illuminating the dark forest.

Bullets flying out from the fiery gun barrel pierced holes in the trees!

Only one bullet drew blood; Bi Fang’s left arm went numb instantly, as the bullet grazed his upper arm, spraying blood, the searing pain hitting him right after the numbness.

Bi Fang gritted his teeth, not slowing his pace at all, and tackled Legoff across a body!

The tremendous impact made the crouching Legoff completely lose his balance and fall backward, but he clung desperately to his handgun.

As Legoff fell to the ground and continued to pull the trigger, a dark glint stabbed into his wrist, and pained, he dropped the handgun.

Seeing this, Legoff tried to retrieve it but was kicked away mid-air by Bi Fang, who then kicked him squarely in the face.


The sound of a bone breaking was clear to hear!

Damn it!

Legoff, who had been kicked in the head, had his nose bridge directly broken, his yellow, bloodshot eyes instantly turning blood red, his nose quick to swell and bleed, as a strong dizziness overwhelmed his brain, causing him to retch.

The hot, metallic smell rose; blood gushed eagerly from his nostrils, looking particularly horrifying!

However, Legoff had no time to tend to his wounds, as facing the blade-wielding Bi Fang and having lost both guns, he rolled away, drew the broad-bladed Hunting Knife from the side of his thigh, and slashed at Bi Fang’s abdomen!

If this knife struck, it would gut him open!

But in a fight for life or death, no one is just a target to be hit passively; Bi Fang stood his ground, didn’t step away, and swept his arm in an arc that paused mid-air.

Legoff’s violently bloody knife strike was imminent when suddenly, Bi Fang’s knife also disappeared, only relying on a flick of his wrist, and the Harpoon made a sharp jab with not much force at the tip of Legoff’s knife.

This was a technique surpassing speed and strength, the knife acting as a lever, with the force at the tip transferring to the wielder’s wrist, and Bi Fang chose the instant before Legoff truly exerted his strength.

That was when he was at his weakest, and Bi Fang made the cut!

Sap, standing not far off, couldn’t make out these details, only seeing Legoff rush at Bi Fang, who stood firm, simply sidestepping, making Legoff stagger slightly as if he had hit a wall, then stumbling backwards several steps.

The counterattack was instantly dissolved by Bi Fang, and Legoff’s momentum drained away like a flood; in a daze, Legoff even thought himself like a child playing with knives before an adult.

Merely a light flick was all it took to neutralize his attack.

Bi Fang rotated his wrist, trying to shake off the tremendous force he had just felt; although he only touched Legoff’s broad blade for an instant, the force was real. Legoff might be lacking in technique, but he was extremely strong; this white man was built like a bull calf.

The two paused for a moment, then clashed again.

The flashlight fallen on the ground cast beams cutting through the forest, with shadows and flashes of knife intertwined within.

Both wielded their knives with their dominant hands, showing they could kill and defend, proving neither of them was weak.

Legoff stepped forward, relying on his height and size to attempt a straight-on collision, his right hand twirling the knife, stabbing downward, aiming for his opponent’s temple.

Bi Fang raised his Hunting Knife to block, his body sinking and pushing in rhythm with his prolonged breath, dissolving Legoff’s force in the blink of an eye. With another flick, the blade sliced directly towards Legoff’s wrist. Legoff, not dodging or flinching, blocked downwards with his broad blade, diverting the Harpoon with immense strength and, like a wild ox, closed in, the edge of his blade aiming for the fingers of Bi Fang’s knife-holding hand!


Legoff bellowed in anger.

Bi Fang’s heart skipped a beat, with no time to retreat, he made a split-second decision to release the Harpoon, leaned backward, pivoting on his left foot, and spun his right leg, kicking once more towards Legoff’s head.

Not good!

The audience, seeing Bi Fang forced to abandon his knife in just a few exchanges, were so startled that they nearly swiped out of the live stream.

Legoff’s heart swelled with joy as he arched back to dodge the kick aimed at him, ready to close the distance for an attack the moment it passed, determined not to give Bi Fang any chance to catch his breath. But as he dodged Bi Fang’s right foot, a flash of a blade’s edge unexpectedly aimed for his throat!



Almost instinctively, Legoff relied on his extraordinary waist strength to arch back, barely avoiding a slit throat, but still, a long gash opened up across his entire chest.

Only the onlooking audience could see clearly that, as Bi Fang let go of the Harpoon and spun with a kick, his left hand steadily caught the falling Harpoon. As his right leg created a distraction, the Harpoon drew a circular arc from below upwards, aiming for Legoff’s neck.

The Harpoon rose like a dragon ascending to the heavens, its ice-cold tip harshly slicing towards Legoff’s chest!

The cloth tore.

The charge jacket ripped open as the blade sliced through, leaving a deep cut across Legoff’s chest, the skin peeling apart to reveal crimson muscle tissue, with a copious amount of blood pooling into a red hollow at the wound.

It wasn’t over yet!

Upon landing a successful strike and while Legoff was still down, Bi Fang switched his thrust to downward, pressing his arm against the blade, and slamming it vehemently into Legoff’s left shoulder.

In urgent desperation, Legoff hurriedly held up his knife to block!

The metallic clash roared through the woods, leaving many in the audience with a sour taste in their mouths.

Seeing blood, Bi Fang’s ferocity was unleashed, fighting with all his might to drive the knife down. Every bit of force he used caused Legoff to buckle slightly, just like a tiger firmly clenching the throat of its prey, never to relinquish its grip once it had taken hold!


Legoff’s eyes began to blur, his broken nose continually bleeding. From the start, he had been at a disadvantage; the blood clogged his airway, disrupting his breathing rhythm and making it impossible for him to exert his full strength with each effort.

Moreover, the opponent’s strength was strangely elusive, as if no matter how much force he used, it could be easily negated. His own blade felt like it struck cotton when he swung, but when the same techniques were used against him, he felt like a piece of pork about to be chopped into mincemeat.


The intense pain in his chest made Legoff release a heart-wrenching roar, more blood spewing from his mouth and nose. In this life-or-death moment, Legoff’s potential erupted, his strength burning fiercely, stubbornly holding up against Bi Fang’s Harpoon.

Both combatants’ blades faced off, one vertical, one horizontal, locking together at a cross.

Seconds ticked by, the onlookers were frantic with worry, yet the two fighters remained in a deadlock.

Bi Fang’s face turned red, feeling his strength gradually failing, and the blood loss from his left arm left him unable to exert force. But he couldn’t let go, for doing so would change the tide from offensive to defensive; he had to quickly think of a way to break the stalemate!

Bi Fang’s muscles flowed like water, his right knee shot up, crashing viciously into the enemy’s ribs!

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