Last Wish System

Chapter 483 Random Teleportation

Ange spent the last week being with her parent as much as she could after giving up in changing their decision about needing to separate.

She noticed that her parents didn’t want to act like that, so she decided to not put them in a difficult situation by insisting more on the topic.

The day of Ange’s birthday, she was in front of a large formation that would teleport her to a random planet of the universe.

She could only bring with the things that she crafted personally, so her items were all quite lacking in quality compared to the usual ones. After all, everything she used was crafted by Essence Gods while she could only make things restricted to her level.

That was all to prevent that her fate would be affected by items obtained thanks to her relationship with powerful experts. Usually, there wouldn’t be any need of so many precautions as long as she wasn’t too excessive in bringing things far ahead of her level, but her situation before reincarnating was severe enough to force her to reach an extreme point to prevent her fate from being affected.

There were still some minutes until Ange was officially ten years old, and the Origin Path activated. That moment would also be the one that the formation would activate.

Ange walked towards the formation with tears on her eyes. She already bid farewell to her parents, but she was unable to stop crying despite not wanting to increase their worry.

Yale and Lina were looking at her from outside the formation. Neither of them was showing any expression on their faces, but both were suffering inside.

No one spoke until the formation activated and Ange disappeared, but after she left Yale opened his mouth.

"I will track her position right now. I don’t plant to interfere with her, but if I see her in a situation that would lead to her death or that would permanently harm her, I would rather harm her fate than let her experience it."

Yale was really worried about Ange, but he couldn’t tell about his plans to her or everything would have been for nothing.

However, they were doing hat to protect Ange’s fate, so it was impossible that Yale or Lina would allow Ange to be killed on exchange.

Any action from their part would harm Ange’s fate, but it wasn’t the same interfering personally than sending someone to help her, and the weaker the person who interfered, the less harm.

Of course, it was better to not need to rely on that method, but Yale didn’t mind using his bloodline to order some wolves to rescue Ange if she were to be in danger.

After all, all the wolves of the universe would obey to Yale’s instructions, and Yale felt that he could always send a wolf with the best strength to match the opponent as long as the one trying to harm Ange wasn’t a World God or an Origin God. If anyone of that strength tries to harm them, Yale wouldn’t mind acting personally even if that forced Ange to reincarnate again.

Of course, Yale didn’t mind being a demon against anyone who tried to harm her. Although it wasn’t on Yale’s nature harming innocents, he swore that if Ange were forced to reincarnate again because Yale needed to act personally to save her, he would make the culprit suffer even if he needed to harm innocent people.

Yale wouldn’t do that even if it were to protect the universe form hidden dangers like Alter Yale, but his daughter was a bottom line that no one should cross.

After Ange reincarnated, Yale really felt like a father, which was quite different as before because in Ange’s first life, she was born because of Yale’s plan to create bloodline and in her second life, she was Yale’s sister.

However, in her third life, Yale took his role as a father seriously and understood how Lina’s father should have felt in the past when he went to destroy the planets that had tried to harm Lina.

Ange’s situation was far more delicate than Lina’s one, so Yale acting directly would twist her fate to the point that she would need to reincarnate again, which would make that Yale’s reaction would also be stronger.

Of course, Lina had the same thoughts as Yale, but she couldn’t command the wolves spread through the universe, so she would only act if the situation reached a point that without direct interference, they couldn’t save her.

There was no need to say that Lina would also be ruthless to anyone related to a person who harmed Ange.

Yale didn’t need too much time to find the planet where Ange appeared.

It was quite far from the planet where they were living, but it was still easy for Yale to appear there in less than a second with his mastery over space.

After analyzing the planet, Yale didn’t find anyone stronger than a Law God there, which made it quite similar to Yale’s world, but there was a vital difference, the planet wasn’t ownerless like Yale’s planet, but Yale wasn’t the owner of that one.

Moreover, he couldn’t find the owner of the planet anywhere, so he guessed that the owner didn’t reside on that planet.

That kind of planet wasn’t the best for Ange’s training but wasn’t the worst either.

In that planet, Ange was looking around disoriented as she didn’t know exactly where she was.

She appeared near the end of a forest, and she could see a town from there.

Since she didn’t know what to do, she started walking towards the town, but on her way, she successfully fulfilled the conditions to make a breakthrough.

She understood that she could only rely on her own power, so she tried to increase it quickly, but that only worked for the first breakthrough because it was about mastering skills, the rest would need increasing her stats which would take some more time even with her talent.

She never told anyone about the system that Yale gifted to her, but she liked it a lot since she could see the numbers of her stats.

In fact, she didn’t even know that it was a gift from her father, she just remembered having unlocked it when she was six years old, but as for the reasons of that system existing in her mind, she didn’t think about them.

Ange was still a kid, so she needed several hours until she reached the town.

The town didn’t even have guards and wasn’t prosperous at all. In fact, everyone there was ordinary mortals, not a single person had started to practice a Path, which was somewhat strange.

Usually, that situation happened when there was a war that forced everyone to participate, but Yale didn’t find any war on that planet.

It seemed more like if someone had punished that town and left it in that state.

Ange didn’t even have a storage artifact, so she carried her belongings in a bag, which given Ange’s size wasn’t too big.

She tried to bring valuables to exchange for food because the food made by her wouldn’t last too much in a bag.

On the other hand, things like clothes were easy to carry and to sell, so most of the bag was filled with clothes.

She also carried a small sword with her, but that was the only weapon she brought with her due to limitations on her strength and size.

Of course, that was the best sword she crafted, and despite being useless for people at Yale’s level, for mortals, it was a valuable treasure, but she wasn’t planning to sell it, that sword was to defend herself.

She hated violence, and if she could, she would never wield a weapon, but she knew that she wouldn’t be able to survive without using it.

Ange tried to exchange some clothes for food, but the people in that town weren’t planning to do a proper exchange with her.

"Exchange? Sure, give everything to me, and in exchange, I will let you leave this town alive."

Ange tried to exchange with an old woman, but in an instant, a burly man appeared. With that build, he wouldn’t have problems being the strongest among people who didn’t practice a Path.

In his eyes, Ange was an easy target to rob, and if it weren’t because Ange was still too young, that man wouldn’t hesitate in taking another concubine.

In fact, he didn’t discard kidnapping her despite her young age, but he first wanted to check Ange’s bag in case she had some background, and she didn’t like young girls that much to take the risk.

That man felt that no town would attack them for robbery because it was their fault sending a little girl to make a trade, but if he kidnapped her, it wasn’t impossible that some other town became enraged.

The towns of the area lacked practitioners, so they were of similar strength, and each battle among them would provoke a lot of deaths.

"I came to exchange clothes for food. I won’t exchange them for something else."

The burly man’s face darkened.

"Then, you shall die first!"

The man threw a punch, which would be impossible to endure for any girl of Ange’s age. He lost his temper too quickly and didn’t consider if his action would have some consequences or not.

"Water Shield."

Ange murmured before she was covered by water, which stopped the punch easily.

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