Kaiju Maker in Another World

Chapter 76: Art of Ghost's Terrifying Secret

Chapter 76: Art of Ghost's Terrifying Secret

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Link: /NineClouds69

--- Chapter 75 ---


Yu Long expected this to happen sooner or later. 

And he was gone for three years, so the Shadow Realm's growth was out of his eyes. Besides the founder and core members, Yu Long knows the future members of Shadow Realm will have an idea or two to become independent.

Well, this is the problem of all successful organizations.

It become too big!

"And it's the eleventh base of all bases, as expected." Yu Long commented in annoyance.

The eleventh base is odd. Located on the corner of Divine Phoenix Empire, this Shadow Realm's branch doesn't recruit Shadow Agents like any other branch.

They used a 'fake' sect and recruited everyone in the area.

The problem is that the Divine Phoenix Empire's people are known for their arrogance. After all, the empire is 'widely' acknowledged as the best out of the seven nations.

Like a bloated balloon, this eleventh base finally felt overconfident with its ability and even attacked other branches.

Yu Long should know better, but there were no other choices in the past because the Divine Phoenix Empire is the nation with the tightest security system. 

Right now, he wouldn't get so fuzzed with this matter.

He has the Lost Heaven Sect and deeper foundations now. 

"Technically speaking, I've planned and founded the Shadow Realm for roughly ten years... It's bound to have a problem." He laughed at himself.

Chu Yueli walked to his side and said, "This isn't your fault, Young Master." 

"Those ungrateful bastards should die..." 

"Hong Guan and Lily should know this, probably giving them what they deserved." 

"Are you perhaps consoling me?" Yu Long smiled a little. 

"I'm not so fragile that a half-assed rebellion would crack me." 

"However... Thanks, I appreciate it." 

He turned around and walked away with sleeping Yu Mei in his arms.

Chu Yueli watched Yu Long's broad and muscular back, smiling from ear to ear. Not many people know, but Yu Long carried perhaps the heaviest burden in this universe.

Since Yu Long revealed his power that day, Chu Yueli knows her young master needs emotional support. 

They know Yu Long would like it, even if it was just encouragement and small talk.

In the lonely path that Kaiju Maker took, he was still a human at heart.

Following Yu Long's step, Chu Yueli walked up from the underground facility and was 'immediately' greeted by a bright light. 


After sending Yu Mei to her cradle, Yu Long and Chu Yueli immediately went to the Divine Phoenix Empire. 

On the border of the Divine Phoenix Empire, an explosion occurred as several dark-clothed figures surrounded Hong Guan and Lily. The ladies have a gloomy and cold look on their faces.

Hong Guan, in particular, looks like she wanted to decimate everyone into ashes.

"Shadow Brides, you have no authority to order us around." One dark-clothed figure stepped out. "Our Dark Moon Sect would come out and announce to the world that we are strong!" 

"Dumbass." Lily straight-up commented.

"How strong? You guys are merely a group of Earth Profound Realms, and even the strongest person in your group is only at peak Sky Profound Realm." 

Lily indifferently laughed, "With such a low strength, you're sure having a boundless dream, hehe. Ants who know nothing about reality."

"You have eyes but cannot see the large picture..." 

"Shut up! You know nothing about us!" The dark-clothed figures collectively shouted at her. 

"Since four years ago, we know your main branch people have abandoned us!" 

"Abandoned..." Hong Guan laughed like their statements were a joke. 

Shadow Realm's branches get enough resources to become stronger and survive for years, but the eleventh branch is daring enough to want more.

The eleventh branch has attacked three other bases so far.

And it wasn't due to frustration that the main branch abandoned them.

It was greed!

'We need to revise Shadow Realm's teaching.' Hong Guan patted her forehead. 'In the past, we recruited people that would be grateful and wouldn't doctrine them heavily, but now I see the flaws.' 

She lamented, "Fine, I give you guys a choice..." 

"Surrender now and stop your rebellion." 

"This is your final chance before the Lord Shadow gets the wind of this matter. And he won't be as merciful as me." 

The dark-clothed figure snorted, "Ha! Lord Shadow, you said? Are you sure that person even existed?" 

All of a sudden, the atmosphere froze.

An arm shouldering the dark-clothed figure's neck as a carefree voice echoed in the area.

"Oh, You're saying that I never existed then?" 

"Funny, since when did you decide such a thing." 

"Hahaha, Are you my mother?" Even though the words seem like a joke, there is a thick killing intent behind them.

Every dark-clothed figure stares at the person who locked his arm around their leader's neck. Their eyes widened in shock because they recognized the young man.

He's a tall, handsome young man with mid-length black hair that was 'neatly' tied in a bun and menacing golden eyes. 

They heard he was gone, but showing the older version of their supreme leaders makes them shiver instinctively. 

As if the bucket of ice-cold water dumped on their faces, they knew they were fucked beyond return.

"Hey, why don't you repeat what you said earlier?" Yu Long flashed a smile to their leader. In his cold golden eyes, a measly peak Sky Profound Realm used Shadow Realm's resources to reach this point.

The dark-clothed figure released cold sweats as he trembled because Yu Long's arm felt like a grim reaper's scythe on his neck.

"Everyone, attack!" He roared in panic.

However, none of them could move a muscle.

"I said... It was too late when Lord Shadow knew about this matter." Hong Guan was the first to comment. 

She despised them, "Well, it's your fault for not taking me seriously." 

Chu Yueli arrived at the scene late and noticed Yu Long near a Shadow Agent. A frown appeared on her beautiful face.

Yu Long released a faint dark aura and laughed, "Attack me?" 

"You guys?" 

"It seems all of you forget who makes the profound arts you cultivated..." 

"A mere level 6 dares to move near my presence. How laughable." 

"[Art of Ghost] - [Ghost Emperor's Presence]."


A wail of ghosts echoed throughout the land. Yu Long stood amidst the chaos and watched these trashes suffer from energy loss.

Their cultivation was 'quickly' stripped from their bodies.

Their profound veins got destroyed due to their energy slowly drying out.

Their vitality left, causing their skin to wither.


"NO, NO!" 

"My cultivation, my body, everything!" 

Regretful shouts come from their mouths.

Men become hungry ghosts.

And women become banshee.

They wailed because of the Ghost Emperor's Punishment.

The Grim Reaper God.

Yu Long watched these people turn into husks and crumble into ashes due to the withering force. The man in his arm paled, looking at his comrades as they became handfuls of soil.

"Hey, look at this." Yu Long stretched his hand and opened it.

"This is the accumulation of dead souls..." 

A ball of ghostly flame appeared, burning coldly.

"Why do you think I named the cultivation technique of Shadow Realm, the [Art of Lesser Ghost] and [Art of Reaper]?"

"It's a sign that 'Shadows' aren't human anymore..." 

"You walked in the darkness that I paved with my light." Yu Long said nonchalantly. "Unfortunately, you didn't understand the darkness enough and wanted to walk in the world of living again." 

"What are you without Shadow Realm?" 


"The weak of the weakest." 

"Bottom feeder." 

"Give me one reason I shouldn't kill you?" 

"I-I-I have a family... They are innocent." The rebel responded ghastly.

Yu Long smiled, "But you attacked other bases, and those people are innocent."

"They are innocent, but you're not!" 

"No, No, No! Don't kill me, Lord Shadow!" The rebel panicked.

"I will do anything. Please give me one more chance." 

"It's my fault... It's my fault for not following your order." 

"Well... Just die." Yu Long responded dully. No matter how much this guy pleads, Yu Long never takes his words seriously.

One more chance?

No, I gave you guys that one chance long ago. 

And now you threw it away.


The rebel screamed at the top of his lungs, but he slowly turned into a mummy and ashes. Yu Long emotionlessly watched the man crumble into nothingness.

"Hah, I need to appoint another guy as the eleventh base's leader." Yu Long sighed helplessly. He tilted his head and recalled a thief from the Divine Phoenix City.

If he wasn't wrong, that guy also hates one of the Four Great Sacred Grounds.

"Hehe, I'd get my hands on a better subordinate." 

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