It Seems Like I Got Transmigrated Into An Eroge

Chapter 45: Council

Chapter 45: Council




Stephanie abruptly woke me up from my slumber. I jerked up and glanced around to check if there’s something going on, but there’s no one in here other than Stephanie and me.

“What was that for, Steph?”

“The member of the council is calling for you, to enter the trial hearing as a witness.”

I heard a tiny voice near me.

“Who said that?”


I look down below and saw a dwarf creature gazing at me with scrutinizing eyes. 

“Oh, how may I help you?”

“The council requests for your presence, to testify for Princess Lily Blanch of the Askar Kingdom.”

'I'm needed? Master Irene didn't say a word about this.'

“Ohh... Okay, see ya later. Stephanie.”

“Okay, behave yourself.”

Stephanie waves her hand to me.


Following the dwarf, he led me into a lofty door that’s probably meant for giants or something, because upon taking a closer look at it, I could say it’s about 15 feet plus.

Then I look down on the dwarf to see what he will do because there’s no way a single person could open this single-handedly—Hypothetically. Since I’m living in a world where magic exists, the door would surely open with magic.

The dwarf puts his palm on the door, and the door automatically opens itself, unveiling a cylinder chamber where there are 12 silhouettes of the council members sitting on each throne, as every one of them has a banner above them that represents their kingdom, floating above. Emitting an intimidating aura, as their glowing eyes are looking down on me. At the center of the room, it was Lily wearing an indifferent facial expression. 

As I walk progressively towards the center of the chamber, I glanced around to see different kinds of races and aristocrats observing me carefully, at the balconies. My first thoughts were that it will be held by a judge and some attorneys or even prosecutors, but it’s different. There's nothing in here, other than the defendant, council members, and the audiences.

At the audience, I saw Master Irene with a serious look that I’ve never seen before. The aura around her was completely different from usual and especially her demeanor. The fact that I’m standing here means serious stuff was about to happen. Because of that, I can feel my heart pounding rapidly from just the atmosphere of the place.

I can feel butterflies in my stomach.

To be honest, I don’t even know what I'm about to do here like my mind was in disarray. I just followed the dwarf who’s leading me into a podium. Not only Master Irene, but I also saw Claude’s biological parents and Aldrich sitting beside them in the audience after I went into a podium.

It seems like they can’t even recognize their own flesh and blood, son. Who am I to care? As long as they wouldn’t bother me, it’s all good.

Suddenly, a deep voice of an old man reverberates through the chamber, spooking me.

[Cloud Weiss, or should I call you Claude Belmont? Which one do you prefer, young one?]

After he mentioned my real name, I look above with gawking eyes.

It caused a huge commotion around the audience. I glanced over at Master Irene and she was just standing there with her knit eyebrows. Lastly, I took a quick glance at Claude’s parents and brother, who are staring at me in disbelief.

It made my situation worse than it is. Now, I need to think about my future course of actions. But I can't throw a fit while in here.

“Claude Weiss, your Honours.”

I replied composedly to whoever spoke.

[Granted, we shall call you Claude Weiss.]

“Thank you, your Honours.”

Soon after the introduction, they started questioning me about the events that transpired that day. But before that, they made me recite an oath on a piece of plate stone to my testament as a witness.

"I swear by the mighty Spirit that the evidence I shall give shall be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth," I said with my palm resting in the plate stone.

[State your name.]

"Claude Weiss."

A slight burning sensation tingles in my palm. Shortly after, runic letters appear in the plate stone. The runic letter is the language that they use in this world, from it, it seems like the oath that I just took was now engraved in the plate stone.

Naturally, after taking the oath, I answered all of them in honesty. Clara already mentioned to me that if I lie under an oath; the Gaia or the World’s spirit will strike me down. Naturally, out of curiosity, I asked Diana about it and said it’s all true, which means I can’t oppose it or I will experience severe consequences.

[Thank you for stating your testimony. You may now leave.]

‘Huh...? I’m not going to stay here?’

I complied and left the chambers with countless eyes daggering at me, especially from 'them'. I walk out of the place with discontent because of the feeling of not knowing what’s happening with Lily’s case; it’s making me antsy.

While walking out, I glance over at Lily, who's showing a smile at me with her left hand waving. I wave back to her with a smile and thumbs up, mouthing to her. “It’s going to be fine.”

After leaving the place, I head back to Stephanie with a noticeable irritation all over my face. I’m frustrated because they called me out of nowhere and sent me back. Now, it only made my mood worse. I can’t get it out of my head. I sat beside Stephanie and place my head on her shoulder once again.

“Are you alright, Claude? You look exhausted. I applaud you. They said the Krishna Council has gotta be one of the most pressuring experience ever. Just standing there would be so frightening. I can't imagine myself standing there without passing out. Not only that, it only made your worries worse."

Stephanie strokes my hair gently.

“That's so true! I'm quite ashamed of it, but I can't deny the intimidating aura that they emit. And yeah, after going in there. I can’t stop worrying about Lily.”

After saying that, Stephanie stayed silent. 

“Hey, Claude.”


“Can you be honest with me? What’s your relationship with Ms. Clara and Princess Lily?”

“Why are you asking that?” I glance up to see her face, but what blooms before me was the innocent eyes of Stephanie seeking an answer from me, wanting a sincere, honest answer.

“Haa... Um... Clara... How do I say this... It’s kind of complicated due to her body nature that involves an uncontrollable lust... Perhaps a sexual partner?”

“Huh? Are you playing with me now? Don't mess around, Claude...”

“It’s legit. I’m not kidding around. I can’t say the reason for that, sorry. I just really can’t. Sorry...”

Stephanie pauses for a while before responding to me. “... Fine. What about Princess Lily?”

“Lily, huh...? My close friend...? I don’t know... What do you think about it, Steph?”

“I’m questioning you. Why are you asking me? Claude... From my eyes, you two are more than close.”


“I’m certain. I’ve been observing you two since last week from my stay in the villa. And, I’m certain the closeness between you two is abnormal. In addition to that... The way you look at her... I mean, it’s pretty obvious, Claude... I want to know if you love her.”

Silence took over the entire room. We are the only people are in here. But despite that, the atmosphere of the entire room drastically changed, after Stephanie expressed her honest opinion about my relationship with Lily.

Hearing it, made my heart skip a beat. I know where she’s going with her sentences. It crushes my heart when I imagine Stephanie leaving my side. She’s the first person whom I met in this world, and essentially, the one who became like a family to me.

I do love her. I see her like a woman, not just a friend or like a family member. If so, why didn’t I just confess to her first? Perhaps I’m scared of rejection? The reason that I stated before, was it really for her or because of me? Or was it just an excuse? Countless thoughts of possibility are pouring inside my head, but one thing stood out from the rest—I knew that.

Do I need to lie? 

“Well, I do...” ‘Ah shit, I’m supposed to lie in this scenario, not that one. It came out differently... But I guess this is for the best.’

“I see...”

Hearing that, I went into panic mode and immediately crouch on my knees with my face looking up to her eyes.

“Hey, hey, that doesn’t mean—”


“Yes?” I’m sweating profusely.

“Do I still have a place in your heart?”

Blinking my eyes a few times while assembling my thoughts on how to respond to her question of giving up, but unexpectedly she threw a curveball, making my jaw drop. I can’t help myself but say. “Excuse me... What—? Can you repeat that? I think I heard something weird.”

“...” Instead of repeating what she said, Stephanie averts her eyes away, avoiding eye contact. “... D-Do I still have a place in your heart...?”

I’m not mishearing things. Stephanie was actually asking me that question. Does that mean she’s okay with it? Now that I gave more thought to it, polygamy or polyandry relationships are totally normal in this world either it’s a man with countless wives or a woman with countless husbands in the aristocracy—They’re appropriate to the eyes of everyone in here. But, I'm certain that commoners have a different perspective about it.

"Seriously...?" I squint my eyes.

“Yes. I am.”


"..." Stephanie with the look of contempt.

It surprised me at first, but I realize that common sense here differs from what I have back in my world. So with a smile on my face, I lean closer to her face and press my lips to her lips, catching her off-guard. However, during our deep kiss, we got interrupted by a male voice.

“My, my, my brother seems to be doing fine now, huh? How are things now Claude?”

Listening carefully to his voice, I instantly recognize the voice. I stand up with a plastered smile on my face.

“Oh, it's just Aldrich.”

“Can you—”

“Long time no see! But, can you fuck off? I’m trying to have a moment here, don’t interrupt it. You’re interrupting a lovey-dovey moment of two couples. Shoo-shoo.”

Instead of reacting to it with a vexed expression like he often shows to me, he just smiles at me and went along with it. “... Hahaha, sorry-sorry. Are you really Claude? Everything about you changed, the demeanor, aura, and practically everything.”

“People change as time past by. You know. Ever heard the word 'growing up'?”

“You’re right. But, you know... I’m deeply hurt that you lied to me earlier. As your brother, I’m deeply hurt. Claude.”

“What do you mean, Esteemed Aldrich? I’m certain I introduced myself earlier, as Claude. Perhaps you’re having some hearing problems? Are you by chance deaf now? Oh no, what happened to my Esteemed Aldrich?"

Aldrich took it composedly and replied. “Claude, my dearest brother. On behalf of the family, I sincerely apologize for what happened to you. I have no ill-intention nor I wanted you to leave the house. As your brother, I want what’s best for you. I apologize for being powerless. I know it’s the decision of the family, sorry for being powerless.”

Aldrich clutches his chest while staring at me with a tearful look in his eyes.

'Fucking disgusting.'

Observing him, he definitely got a plan on his back—Aldrich is deceitful and wicked. No matter how much I try to ponder, I can’t think of anything of why he would act like this. If things escalate, I can’t fight him while inside of the Krishna Council.

If I could narrow it down. There's only one possibility. He’s probably trying to incite me into assaulting him or perhaps to check my abilities.

The likely chance of the people inside the chamber earlier of me being Master Irene’s disciple is certain. Parents of Claude must have sent him to incite the hatred inside of me, to check my capabilities since I study swordsmanship under Master Irene despite being manaless.

Stephanie entwines her hand to mine while giving me a worried look.

It’s too early. I don’t want to offend the Belmont Family right now. But, he does piss me off. I will play along. 

I need to play this carefully and be calm as possible.

“It’s okay, Aldrich. Forgive me for my behavior earlier. I didn’t mean to offend you in any way possible. If you are worried about my well-being. I sincerely appreciate the kindness. If I may, we will excuse ourselves.”

I pull Stephanie away to outside. However, as soon, we passed Aldrich who was surprised at my action. The old Claude was abused by him, that’s why I can’t bring myself to believe in his words. He’s not to be trusted. He finds torturing and abusing a powerless child, like Claude, who sees his mistreatment as a sight to behold and a way of entertainment to fulfill his inner sadistic side.

“Wait a minute,” Aldrich said, as soon as we passed him.

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