Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 613 Hugs…

Chapter 613  Hugs…

[Eon's POV: ]

[{ My mother… hmmm… looks like you are worried that my mother would come here to save me if I have been 'abducted' without letting her know. }]

[{ "Yes, that is my concern." }]

[{ Haaa… I can understand that concern. My kind sure is overprotective when it comes to the relationship between a parent and children but you do not have to worry about anything. My mother… haaaa… how should I say this… }]

I can feel a subtle confusion and concern in that voice of hers. It was strange and she genuinely didn't know how to best explain her own situation.

It was almost as if she couldn't find the right words to describe some strange phenomenon that could normally not be put into words.

But, she soon thought things through and reached a conclusion.

[{ Right. The best way to explain my situation would be to say that I have never seen my own mother to begin with. The oldest memory I possess is someone, not my mother but some other creature who possessed as great of a strength as the divine beasts, protecting me from something… dark. }]

[{ "Hmmm? What do you mean by that, my lady? What does this 'dark' mean?" }]

Quin was calling the creature 'my lady' just because the voice we were hearing was a little melodic and low-pitched. It didn't necessarily have to be true that she was a 'lady'… not that there was any concept like 'gender' in the Oceanoids. As a matter of fact, they don't even have a certain sex before they find their partners. But that wasn't important right now.

[{ "She means a demon, right?" }]

[{ Yes… and one so powerful that the one who was protecting me was having a hard time defending against them. }]

[{ "Ah… I'm sorry." }]

Quin was apologizing with a heavy heart. This girl really was a pure person.

[{ It is fine human Quin. You don't have to feel sorry about something I do not even remember clearly. More importantly;y, the fact that I have never seen my own mother is true. And, even though I have tried multiple times, I couldn't feel her presence in this realm at all, so, perhaps, she might not be here to begin with. }]

So… she was ultimately saying that her mother wasn't here and was somewhere and there was a certain possibility that her mother might, someday, on some unfortunate occasion, appear in this world and start destroying everything around her until she finds her child.

'It… was bad, and difficult to take in, but since she says she has never even met her mother, then, the fact that we haven't at least abducted her, stands true. Haaa,..'

But, if she had never met her mother and the oldest memory she has seems to be relatively older…

[{ "My lady… please pardon me for asking this question, however, how have you survived until now in that egg without the help or protection from anyone then?" }]

She was a creature that hadn't even been born yet. She had consciousness and knowledge about this world but she had no physical body or powers to defend herself against the wild creature who would relentlessly chase an egg of this caliber.

It was pretty, but there was visibly an abundant chunk of Mana present just behind these crystals, the crystals were hard but at the end of the day, this was just a very hard eff.

If a (Blue) rank or above creature whisked with all their heart that they had to destroy this egg, then there was no way she would have any way to defend against them.

She was a formless consciousness only. So, if she had survived on her own for long enough to be in the end stage of her hatching, then there were only three possibilities I could think of for the probable reasons for her survival.

[{ Huuuuu… difficult question to answer, special human. }]

She answered a question about her mother so easily but this question was difficult for her to answer. As I thought, she had been through hell.

'There were only three possibilities that she could have survived in whatever place she had been in this world. Either she had someone to take care of her after this divine beast protector she mentioned, or she was in the ocean where the creatures of water instinctively protected her. I thought this was the case at first but, she has more diverse knowledge than just about the creatures of water. So, it means the chances of the third option being true increased by a lot.'

[{ Haaa… but if I have to say myself, then I would only say that I have been in a quiet, lone, secure, place. I had been there for a hundred and fifty-three years but then, one day, I suddenly heard a gentle voice from far away from where I had been, and the next moment I knew it, I was here, in this special garden full of so many humans and beasts and that giant ancient tree.

I wouldn't lie though… this place, and this person my soul resonates with, are pretty warm. I like it better-" }]

[{ "Ahhhhhunhunhunhuhn. My ladyyyyyyyy. I hads no ideaaaaaaa! You were alone all this time…! Ahunhunhunhunhun. I'm sorrrrrrrrryyyyyy!" }]

"H-hey Quin?! What to you happened all of a sudden?!"

"H-hey Lucifer! What is this?! Why is she crying?!"

"M-miss Quin1 w-what happened?!"

Quin started crying. And everyone else stayed asking me the reason for her to cry all of a sudden like this. She was just fine a moment ago and now she was crying. Why was that, they asked. But, there was nothing grand for me to tell them other than the simple truth.

"The egg and this creature inside it had been left alone in some lone dark corner of some 'safe' place for the last hundred and fifty years.

She had been all alone all this time so, Quin was sad.

The simple-sounding fact that a conscious creature had lived all by themselves, wondering about this world, thinking, feeling it by themselves without ever being able to 'touch' anything at all, is something she found heartbreaking.

It is heartbreaking, actually. And painful to hear. I wouldn't have been able to maintain my sanity after living like that, waiting to come out of this prison-like place, and greet the light that she had only ever felt to see though her imagination."

It was sad, Rein understood and related to this the most. That was the reason, perhaps, that as soon as I said those words, she hugged the large egg closely like Quin. Enclosing the egg, and therefore the creature inside it in their loving embrace.

"Haaaa… join us, Celes."

[{ Whaaaaaaaaaa! Whaaaaaaa! How can someone live by themselves for so long?! Whaaaaaaaaa! }]

I also hugged the egg with them, and my dear family joined us.

She was crying dramatically as well. Good thing no one other than Rein and Zoe heard her heart-racing cries of sadness.

She was cheerful and joyous one among us most of the time but she was sensitive when it came to the people close to us. Mostly, our family and friends.

She knew how Rein had been by herself most of the time of her life. being present among the others but still being all by herself most of her life.

She remembered how she herself had been alone at the beginning of her life or how I had lived by myself in that scary forest. She remembered how my grandma and master had lived by herself for longer than anyone else we knew, so, hearing that even this creature inside the egg had been all alone in some separate place, she couldn't help herself.

Tears weren't there but she still cried. And hugged the egg, just like the three of us.

"Poor thing…"

be known about Zoe's true identity when she was born, so until then, we had to slowly prepare for that time.

Then, Zoe joined us. And hugged this cute creature that had definitely considered her as a normal human. But, I knew it would be known about Zoe's true identity when she was born, so until then, we had to slowly prepare for that time.

Others joined us as well, starting with Chry… who wanted to hug Quin subconsciously but ended up between Zoe and Rein.

Then came Carla, Alf, Titania, and Nox who had been a slave most of his life and his sister was still one, serving in some other place, and then Prince Alph joined us as well.

Princess Luna came for the hug, but she didn't find any place on the ladies' side so, she hugged the egg from the other side beside me, Prince Alph, and Alf.

Hide was surprisingly emotional but was avoiding the hug, but, one push from Nebula and Araxie was enough to push him towards the egg.

Others who had become strangely emotional after all this, or were thinking that we were playing some kind of game, also joined us, some for some weird reason, but that was that.

The creature inside the egg, the unborn Oceanoid, was overwhelmed with the warmth of the people and also the creatures following us. She would have cried if she had a complete physical body to do so, but, our emotions and warmth certainly reached her.

[{ T-thank you… humans, other beings, beats, and everyone else. This… }]

She was emotional. All of us who heard her could tell that much.

She will be Quin's familiar when she comes to this world, which means she would be party of our family.

She will belong with us, and have a place she could live in with us in.

She would be a part of our group, family, this school, this garden, this island, and, this group of people surrounding her.

She will become a being of great status in the future, and, will be with her from her birth. So…

She was part of us now. And, the summonings had to continue now, so that we could finish it all, go home, and have some rest… with our new partners.

And to finish it… Zoe had to go on the stage now. It was finally her turn.

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