Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 610 Golden eyes in darkness

Chapter 610  Golden eyes in darkness 

[Eon's POV: ]

[{ "So, it all started with a dark place so dark, but, strangely so pretty that it's difficult to put into words how unique that place was. Ah, I will just show you." }]

She grabbed my hand and she was practically talking with me only, so this visual was only for me… or it should have been only for me.

[{ "Ummm? What is this? Why can't I…?" }]

I chanted out my (: Vision sharing) and it materialized but, when she tried to share the things she had seen there, for some reason, she couldn't do it.

'I guessed that much.'

My dear fiancée…

[{ "Congratulations Rein. You now have one of your own top-secret memories that you couldn't show to others even if you wanted to. Looks like you really did see a dragon. Or at least, a being on that high of a level." }]

[{ "…" }]

She didn't understand what I said for a moment so she just looked at me with a confused look and blocked a few times, and then she just shook her head.

[{ "whatever… so, the unique darkness, it was amazing.

The whole place was dark so when I first appeared there, I couldn't move my body at all. I couldn't even feel it. It was like I didn't have a body to begin with only my head.

It was weird, but it lasted for only a moment and then I got the hang of the place.

It felt sluggish for a moment after that but I managed to get the normal feeling and body again. I couldn't use any kind of skills or spells though, but since I didn't need that, it was alright.

I was there after the summoning process anyway so it meant this was a place where the creature other than Branwen, whose Soul resonated with mine the most, resided.

I was happy at first that I would be getting another familiar, but the place I was in confused me for a moment.

Just what kind of creature was it that licked in a place like this? I wondered. And walked a few moments only stopping when I suddenly heard a certain voice…" }]

She stopped for a moment, cleared her throat, and took a deep breath before continuing.

[{ "Oh? What do we have here~?" }]

She tried saying it in a heavy voice that resembled a very old kind of grandpa with a strong voice who was trying to be playful at the strangely surprising thing before them.

'But she couldn't replicate that voice that well and ended up saying it in a cute old grandma manner, hehehe.'

But it was better to not tell her… we all thought it was the best at least. But, Carla ended up laughing and she found out that whatever she tried doing, had failed completely.

[{ "Ughhh. You people are the worst." }]

She was annoyed for a moment and didn't say anything. But then Carla apologized, and she forgave her saying that she was a 'generous' being who had met a real dragon.

'Funny girl.'

[{ "Ahem. So, I heard that voice. And it was the most powerful voice I had heard in my entire life.

It contained a strangely great authority, power that was beyond words, and there was something in this voice that made even me feel inferior for a moment.

It was a very… unique voice. Very unique.

It took me a minute to even snap out of the effects of this voice and I could tell this voice had come from the front, but, from how far, was unknown to me.

There was no one before me, no one. I waited for that voice to say something again so that I could get some more information from it but even after waiting for a few minutes, it said nothing.

The entire area was quiet the whole time, and strangely calming.

I don't know what the owner of that voice was doing in the meantime, but, when that voice appeared once again, it wasn't just the voice that had rang this time.

A pair of eyes also opened up right before the dark area in front of me… a pair of golden eyes with a beastly, serpent-like, or more of a draconic pupil." }]

She paused once again recalled those moments in her mind, and smiled happily as if the experience she had in that place was greater and more profound than what she could put into words.

[{ "Those eyes… they were gorgeous." }]

And she meant those words with all her heart. However grand they must have looked, the impression they left on her was deep enough to have been carved into her very soul.

'Perhaps something similar to how master's eyes, the eyes of her original self, had been carved deep into my own soul.'

I genuinely wish to see just what kind of 'eyes' had made so great of an impression on her, but, it won't be possible anytime soon. At least, not until I get the appropriate clearance and authority to know that.

'And to get that information, I will have to guess just who was it that she had met in that place.'

There were six known dragons with golden eyes, six unknown dragons that the master mentioned on a pretty sunny day, and there are also twelve creatures with golden eyes on the same level as a dragon, so, finding out who the one she talked with in that dark place, was going to be a difficult task.

[{ "Those golden eyes looking at me from the darkness like the gods looking over the beings of the lower realms were… haaaa… the owner of the voice later turned out to be a bastard but those eyes remained as attractive as the first moment I saw them. They were gorgeous. Perhaps as pretty as yours darling, hehe." }]

She certainly meant they were prettier than mine… how dare she! It was just the previous night she was praising my eyes, kissing all over them, praising them and saying they were the priciest eyes in the world! Where did all of that go?!

'Ughhh. Now I have conflicting feelings.'

It was a dragon she was talking about, most probably, but she was also calling the dragon a 'bastard' even while praising its eyes and calling them as pretty as mine at the same time.

She was one hell of a complicated girl to fathom.

[{ "So, the pretty golden eyes in the darkness were glowing like two moons in the sky while the voice that spoke up once again was a little milder than the previous one, and it seemed more like it had been adjusted to not make me feel uncomfortable like before." }]

She paused for a moment once again, but unlike previously, her face distorted in a weird manner this time.

[{ "That fucking bastard called me a pretty little girl! That bastard of a beast called me an interesting creature and he definitely wanted to say something like he wanted to do experiments on me or something to find out more about me! I don't know how he even got the idea that I had fallen for his pretty eyes but that bastard started speaking informally to me as if we had been close friends for our entire lives!

That fucking shithole called my eyes pretty but then went on blabbering about how one of his acquaintances possessed the same eyes a long time ago! That bastard said it was his first time seeing eyes like mine after a very long time but that bastard then asked me if I wanted to exchange my eyes with his! That fucking bastard! Why would I want to exchange my eyes for something less prettier?!

And you love my eyes more than many other parts of my body, right information about the things we did in our private time for them.

Thankfully Rein knows how to not say some of the things but in darling? You were kiss-" }]

[{ "Ahem. No, please. Everyone understood what you meant." }]

She was going to say something that these people, at least Carla, would have loved to hear. She loved these juicy details between the sun and she was the only supplier of this juicy information to the ladies back at home so, she had the responsibility to get as much information about the things we did in our private time for them.

Thankfully Rein knows how to not say some of the things but in moments of anger like these, she ends up saying stuff that was NOT for anyone else.

These slip-ups are sweet candies for her and she loves catching every single one of them.

'But she isn't getting anything related to yesterday. Our day had already been fucked with all those things happening in the outskirts so we did some things that were… well, better off not saying them.'

[{ "Ah, right, ahem. We weren't supposed to talk about yesterday. Right…

So, anyway, that creature, whatever it was, was a bastard.

I cussed at it and argued with it most of the time I was in that place but, he just laughed at all the things I said and continued his bullshit.

Some of the things he said were weird though.

Things like how it was destiny and how we will meet one day for certain in the future. They were baseless things that didn't make any sense.

He didn't give me any location or anything like that and just said we would meet one day for certain. And then, that was it. Before I knew it, I was back here, and perhaps I unconsciously used a lot of Thanks for saving me darling, umha~." }]

She kissed my cheeks one last time and finished her absurd story Mana so I was in that state.

Thanks for saving me darling, umha~." }]

She kissed my cheeks one last time and finished her absurd story that… didn't really clarify what these strange golden eyes in the darkness belonged to.

It didn't give her much information but, from the looks of it, it was certainly a creature on a similar level as my master.

It was a being of-

[{ "Ah, right. Before I was here, in the last moments, I also heard him say something in a strange language. Perhaps it was rune language darling. You might know what it was." }]

[{ "Hmmm? Really? Sure… wait, no. Not now. Let's do that after this is done, Rein. Looks like it's Quin's turn." }]

Her story was interesting, certainly. But the only thing it did was to spike up my curiosity even more.

The runes she mentioned. Perhaps she could say the same words she heard but it will be difficult for me to pinpoint what those ruins meant when said by that being.

Ruins were complicated, of course… the most complicated when it came to 'language' and 'communication'.

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