Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 604 Summoner’s list

Chapter 604  Summoner’s list

[Eon's POV: ]


Everyone was cheerful after hearing those words, so cheerful that they shouted so loudly that the atmosphere itself had been shaken completely. There was no area of this entire garden that was not filled with the cheerful voices of the students and the resident creatures of the island at this moment.

The creatures were all happy and cheerful, not because of the announcement of the headmaster but because the others, the people they had bonded with in the past few hours, were cheerful.

The summoning process didn't mean much to them. The creatures who had been summoned here today would either become the familier of the one summoning them or, they would be free to do whatever they want.

They could go back to the place they had come from, go back to the place that they wanted to, become partners with the students of this academy, or choose to stay in this vast garden.

They were free to do whatever they wanted but if they chose to stay on this island, not in the garden but in the wild outskirts, the creatures already present here or the ones who would be entering a new wild environment would be facing the other creatures of the wild where they could do anything they want.

There were no restrictions on the creatures when they were in the wild.

Only the rules and laws of nature were applied there, but of course, Sir Quesnel still remained the one who oversaw the happenings of this entire island.

He could interfere with the creatures, their lives, and their actions to a certain extent since he was granted that much power and authority by his creators. But, he still only maintained his position as the observer who looked at all that was happening without interfering with it to any greater extent.

He was an observer and preservation of this sky island and guarding this academy, and the students, were some of his top priorities.


'The shouts, screams, and cheers of excitement shaking the atmosphere were mostly produced because of the excitement of the students who were all looking forward to using the grand summoning circle present on the stage before them.'

The summoning process and the summoning circle of the academy…

It is said that the first founders of the academy created this summoning circle with the knowledge and power of some of the greatest beings of their time.

They received help from higher beings and a unique 'law' was established by the powerful Origin skill users that transcended time and space and made this magic circle powerful and special enough that it was able to summon the creatures that the souls of the summoner, or the students in our case, resonated with closely.

'It was nearly impossible to find the matching soul frequencies since they varied a lot on very small scales, however, this unique combination of complicated magic formulas that even I have yet to fully understand, was able to achieve that impossible feat.'

It was phenomenal all in itself but what it could do was even more amazing. But, just as how amazing of a spell formation this magic circle was, the cost and resources required to create it every year were just as absurd as its use.

Not only very rare resources were used that were very, very difficult to find in today's time, their market prices were just too shocking that they were treated as treasures all over the world.

The academy produced some of the materials themselves in the garden and there were special places throughout the island where they could find some more of these special materials. But still, every year, the academy had to spend an absurd amount to complete the required set of materials and they all had to be fresh for better quality of the magic circle so, not even the headmaster's preservation spells worked when it came to these special ingredients.

'That's why the headmaster was surprised when I offered to sell some of the most important materials to him for cheap.'

He at first did not believe that I even had those materials but when I showed them to him, and when he found out that they were of better quality than he had ever seen, he was the most surprised I had ever seen him.

It was a good day, and I didn't want anything in return for those It was a good deal for me anyway. Even though he felt it was too sus that I was giving them such important things for so cheap, he materials aside from the money I was getting. Those materials were all something from our tower garden from back in the forbidden forest so, they were free and the absurd amount of money I was getting for them was also free money.

It was a good deal for me anyway. Even though he felt it was too sus that I was giving them such important things for so cheap, he accepted them, and I was able to see him work on the creation of that unique magic circle.

'Which… was absurd.'

I get goosebumps every time I remember that moment. It was just, mind-blowing.

There were few magics in the world that I could compare this one with, so calling it one of the most amazing magic spells of all time wasn't false either.

It was just amazing, so, when the crowd calmed down and the headmaster was the first person standing before the large magic circle, he looked over everyone else and spoke up with a smile.

"Familiars are special. However, do not be disappointed even if you fail to summon anything today, or fail to find your familiar. I, myself, met Harry when I had reached (tier-8) and was receiving training to be the headmaster from my teacher, and our previous headmaster.

I could never summon a familiar even though I tried using the summoning circle every time during my time as an assistant teacher, and an official teacher in the academy.

I have traveled the three continents and many areas that not all people could visit, and, when I met Harry, I was roaming a place where you would never expect to find an 'owl'.

We have been together since, and he is a quirky one, but, he's amazing, has lived more than me, and perhaps it was all thanks to him that I am what I am today."

He stopped for a moment, turned around, and looked at all the students and the creatures looking at him with a warm smile, and then laughed cheerfully.

"Hahaha, a familiar is the most important part of anyone's life, especially those who want to be any kind of magician.

They complete us, and meeting your partner is a sacred moment not just anyone gets to experience.

They aren't just some energy beasts. They are special. All familiars are. So, cherish them. And even if you do not have them, don't ever lose hope and continue searching for one till the end. I know if they are out there, you both will find each other."

His voice reached all the students in this garden and they heard him clearly. Many of the creatures present also understood his special voice even though he hadn't spoken in Mana speech.

There was silence for a moment, but it vanished after a moment and the grounds were again covered with atmosphere-shaking cheers.

"It's starting now, right?"

"Yes. And perhaps the first group that tries the summoning, will include Alf and Prince Alph."

Twelve people could try the summoning process at once and the order of the summoning was decided randomly… or so the public thought. In truth though, the sequence of people that will try the summoning process was decided by a very complex process that was so unpredictable that unless one knew the list itself, like us, it was impossible to know who would be up next.

The process they used was very complicated, and a lot of things were on the line when the teachers and the headmasters were creating this list, so every year, just the creation of this list resulted in the loss of many of the teacher's salaries of many months, and sometimes their precious belongings.

'I don't want to describe this complicated process but, I would say it includes the teachers, their belongings, a very special box full of all the names of the students and other participants of the summoning process, and lastly, a generational, silver hammer that was passed down to the headmasters from the beginning of the academy.'

It was very complicated and their mental health depended on it, so, the creation of this list was a special thing.

'We only got the list after I pulled some strings here and there and got help from Celes and her clones to get her all the information I could during these past few days.'

And still, the list I got wasn't fully accurate but, it could be trusted ninety-six percent.

"Alright then, calm down everyone. The vice headmaster will announce the groups that will be coming up here for their summonings.'

Everyone currently present in the academy, every student, teacher, and a few special people, were given a chance to use the summing circle.

And there were thousands of people present here so, well, it will naturally take a few hours for this to conclude.

"Alright, everyone. Please come up on the stage when your names are called."

The vice headmaster was now on the edge of the stage, sitting down, with a magic paper in her hand, an excited smile present on her pretty face.

She was excited as well, however, she looked in my direction and smirked at me, sending a bad shiver down my spine.

"Aaron, Gulietta, Kaisers, Alfred, Alpheus, Uriel, Lucifer, Oleg, Pirimor, Farmir, Iris, Carmmer."

She definitely messed it up. She definitely did it on purpose. We weren't supposed to be there. There was no way. The other teachers and the headmaster's devastated reactions proved it.

Even Uncle El's face was distorted.

'He lost his three month's salary to the others and she was doing something like that on her own. It was cheating!'

Not that there were actually any laws against it anywhere, but she was breaking their social norm. Which was no good!

She had the authority to do it so no one can say anything against her doing it but they had wasted their nights and mental energy on this freaking list!

We weren't supposed to be here yet! What the hell!

"Please come up on the stage everyone."

She was the worst! Ughhh! Now I'm going to lose the bet we made back then, fuck.

[{ Master is angry, hehe. Cursing at your teacher is bad manners master~! }]

[{ "Don't worry, haaa… she did it on purpose, I know. But, well, fuck it. Let's just get done with this." }]

Their comforting was useful but, this was still cheating! Man!

I don't wanna be her punching bag again...!

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