Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 601 Pure darkness that flows

Chapter 601  Pure darkness that flows 

[Rein's POV: ]

"Hmmmmmm?! What happened?! Why are you shouting like that, lady Lament? Is something wrong? Uriel, what happened to her?!"

My dear little friend was worried, well, there was no need to actually.

"It's nothing dear. She's just, how should I say this, surprised? Well, how would you react if you ever see a pure black sea out of nowhere? Surprised, right?"

"Hmmm? What does that mean? Isn't it pretty and attractive? Especially the calm one? Why would a calm sea without a storm be black anyway?"

"It's weird right? It shouldn't be like that, but if you do see one, wouldn't you be surprised?"

"I… guess? But why does that matter?! There is no sea here! Why would Lady Lament react like that when she had been calm and happy all this time?!"

Quin was a cute little girl, hehe.

"Because of me, dummy. In her eyes, I'm like that endless sea that, though flows calmly, is black. And though black, it is surprisingly pure and attractive. It shouldn't be like that, but it is, and that's the cause of her ground-shaking surprise."

My affinity for darkness was too great, but, my affinity for water attribute was not something to ignore either.

One sensitive to the elements like her would sense the vast darkness first, but, they would certainly get a faint hint of water attribute alongside it, creating an illusion that the darkness I have is similar to a vast black sea, something that cannot be described but only felt by a few special beings.

'He says it's unique and lovely, while Zoe calls it pretty. But, I myself have never seen or felt it so I don't know how it actually looks or 'feels' like.'

But, well, I at least know there is something super special about my darkness attribute that I had never liked that much. And he likes it, so, I don't hate it anymore.

"Ummm… so, it's because of you that she shouted like that? And you are saying she will be fine soon, right?"

"Exactly. See, it was nothing difficult to understand."

She caught on to it quickly. My good girl Quin.

"She should be fine any moment-"

[< Ahhh… now that I think about it, hmmm. Hmmmmmmmm. Oh? Is that how it is? How rare… >]

She came back to her senses and nodded positively after calming herself down. It didn't take her that long of a time, which was impressive according to what Eon once said. As expected of a (Purple) ranked creature.

[< Hello. It's nice to meet you too, Lady Lament. I have heard a lot about you from my darling. He admires you, and the same goes for me as well. >]

[< Hmm? Woah. To think you can reproduce this frequency with your Mana… your control is quite impressive. Just like those rare eyes. I have only ever heard about that kind from my predecessor, who had heard about them from their predecessors.

I'm perhaps lucky to see someone who can see the truth, perhaps even luckier to see someone as special as you, young one. But, who is this 'darling' you speak of?

Your mate? Who would be the lucky one to have been chosen by such a precious person, I wonder. >]

[< Ah, no. I wasn't the one who chose him, not accurately at least. It would be better to say we chose each other, or perhaps, he found me first, and then, we fell together. He's over there, by the way, talking with Master Cod, perhaps surprising him with his usual charms. >]

He came to me, I attacked him. He was strong, so he defeated me. Then we talked, and then we walked together. We went to a city, ate together, went around, and went back to my house.

We belonged to each other from the first day, and then we became inseparable.

'We still are inseparable. He's my best friend, my fiancé, my darling, and the bastard that I want to beat the hell out of for never going easy on me during the 'actual' training sessions.'

He's a bastard. But, he's my lovely bastard.

[< Oh…? Just what kind of person is he for even someone like you to praise him so-, oh. It's him? It's understandable if it's that person. I had been watching him from the moment I arrived here. And even still, I have no idea what this strange attraction I feel towards him means. He's even more mysterious than the headmaster Merlin. >]

The feeling of attraction she was talking about was perhaps the result of his extremely high affinity with natural elements. And, she was a guardian energy beast, so she was obviously an important part of this nature.

She was attracted to him, just like most of the other creatures in this place, but, she couldn't approach him even if she wanted to because of her role here.

'She had to look after all the other aquatic creatures who couldn't live by themselves so, she was bound here. She could only wait until he was done with his chat over there and come to her on his own. Which, will certainly take a while.'

According to his planned schedule, he will first go to Zoe and talk to some of the birds, and only after that will he be here. So, she will have to wait for quite a long time for that.

Well, he would be here, That much was true, so she would get her chance to talk with him and see with her own eyes just how amazing that bastard is.

[< Yeah, so, anyway. He's my darling, and it will be a while but he will definitely be here. But, that aside. I wanted to talk with you about my friend here. What do you think about Quin? Isn't she impressive? >]

Her affinity with water revealed mine, perhaps it would surpass mine under certain circumstances. Which was amazing in itself, but, that wasn't all.

Quin was a special person with special talent and powers of her own. Even if she had yet to find her familiar, she had powerful spirits guarding her. She was strong already, but she would become even more amazing in the future.

But, since her main form of magic arts was the manipulation of water, this being before us could teach her some things that even Eon and I could not. Therefore, if possible, I wanted to teach her a few tricks when she gets free in the future.

There was no rush, we had a pretty long time on this island and the academy.

[< She is impressive. Really impressive actually. It's fascinating to meet someone who possesses such a close friendship with water. And, from your expression, I believe you want me to teach her a few things, am I right? >]

[< Well, not quite. >]

She wasn't someone who could or would teach anyone even if they had potential. She was a guardian of her land and an impotent force of nature.

She had many beings to look after, so, she couldn't possibly leave them, or reveal the information about the secret lake they lived in.

There could be problems if some wicked people get the information about that place, and she couldn't let that happen.

She had a duty to protect, and a responsibility to take care of those under her.

She couldn't risk it, we knew that already, so, Eon told me to offer her a deal.

[< How about in exchange for teaching our friend, we repair the weakened 'barrier' around the lake, upgrade the 'guardian tower', reinforce the 'border station', and offer you food that all of you will love to have after eating the same 'grass' every day? >]

I didn't even know what half of those things were but, he told me to say it exactly this way, which, certainly seemed very effective.

[< You!! How do you know about all that?! How do you know- >]

[< Calm down, Lady Lament. There are still people here who do understand everything that we are talking about. Not you headmaster, you already know all the problems but not the solutions. He said you can be there if you want to watch us work. >]

I glanced towards the strange and the bastard headmaster gave me a pleased nod, fucking bastard. I really didn't like him sometimes.

[< Haaaa… right. You are someone who possesses those special eyes, and your weird darling is perhaps the one behind all this from what I understand. He surely seems to be an unfathomable person if even Merlin has such high regard for him. Now I'm curious just what kind of person he is. >]

[< He's the amazing kind of person that you will have no choice but to like even if you don't want to with all your heart. Well, you will find out soon enough. And since you are curious about him, my work here's done. >]

There wasn't much I wanted to talk with her. Playing with the cute water creatures here was the main goal I had here. And since the work talk was over, I could go play with them like Araxie.

She was inside the huge water wave around Lady Lament and she was playing with the young aquatic creatures that looked supppppppper fun!

I wanted to go in there as well, and Quin was coming with me.

[< Hmmm… looks like you are more interested in playing with the children instead of talking with an old one like me, hunh? It's fine, we can talk about some other things as you play with them. >]

She didn't mind it since I wasn't going away just yet so, she was alright. She loved these children so she thought it was better if I played with them instead of just standing among this crowd of surprisedpeople.

"Let's go Quin~."

She could faintly understand Lady Lament's words but not as well as I did.

She didn't know her language completely like my darling did, and she didn't have powers like mine to understand the truth of her words.

It was still amazing how she could communicate with her even after not being a merperson like the people inside the water around her, so, she was impressive. Even Lady Lament acknowledged that.

"Hmmm? Go? Where though? I want to watch things here a little more-"

"No dummy. Let's go in there~."

She was a giant whale that carried a small pond's worth of water with her. And the water was clear, so clear that we could see everything and everyone in there.

[< Here you go. Hop in. >]

Everything looked fun in there, and Lady Lament even gave us a water platform that would take us up there.

circling her.

We just had to hop on, so, without wasting any precious moments, I grabbed her hand and we jumped onto the platform that went up, and only stopped when we were before the surface of water circling her.

"U-u-ummm, Uriel. I think-"

"Don't think dummy, just jump in~!"

I had a pure darkness that flowed, but her pure, sparkling water attribute was better than mine inside this kind of environment.

It wasn't like we would have to breathe in there or face the lack of oxygen. It wasn't the usual water, nor were we the usual people.

"Come~. Let's go~."

Water was part of us, and we were part of water.

Hers loved her as a close friend, and mine followed me like a faithful friend.

We were its friend so, water wouldn't harm us.

We just have to believe in it, our connection, and the relationship we share…

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