Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 619 Another failure

Chapter 619 Another failure

[Eon's POV: ]

There are many incidents that the academy blocks off completely from the outside world, going as far as erasing the memories of any and all spectators just for the sake of keeping the matters that have transpired here as limited as possible.

'The headmaster took that extreme measure with Zoe and Rayray since it involved the global balance and stability, but that's the top-of-the-line extreme measure.'

There are times when the academy deals with different kinds of incidents in different ways so that at least the basic pieces of information about the happenings are buried and lost with time.

There are some kinds of incidents happening each year that are better left unknown to the outside world as much as possible, and one such incident happened during the familiar summoning event of the previous batch three years ago that was strongly pressed down from all the places possible.

They had activated their 'top class confidentiality' protocol to deal with that situation but there were still some sources who managed to blindside the academy and succeeded in retaining that information.

'I happened to come across that information when I purchased the data on all the known happenings of the academy that was available from the top information dealers on Maginet a few years ago, and through that, I learned the truth of that day and that unfortunate accident.'

Vice President Cradle. She summoned something… catastrophic.

She was just a normal student back in that time, a ranker of her batch who fell just a few marks short of the seat of the top-ranked among the previous generation student council members during the entrance exam.

Her performance at that time was considered extraordinary so the teachers, the grading council members, and the headmasters all had high expectations of her. And since it was known that the top ranker, the current student council president, already had a familiar, everyone had been looking forward to seeing just what kind of creature she would summon back in that time.

'However, when it was her chance to perform the summoning, she ended up caucusing an unexpected commotion.'

The creature she summoned turned out to be a creature who had gone completely berserk and was in the last stages of its transformation, which was almost about to finish after it was summoned here.

'A creature who had lost complete reasoning and was just about to become something similar to that purely impure madness I had witnessed back in the forbidden great forest, but… hopefully it wasn't like that demonic slime shit, or else things would have been even more worse.'

Ten students who were on the stage, eleven more under the stage, three teachers, and around forty-five creatures present were injured, however, thanks to the quick response from the headmaster, our current president and the vice president Cradle herself, no life was lost and everything was able to be resolved relatively peacefully.

It was an unfortunate event and the people who got hurt back then included some of the very famous faces of current times, students who were from powerful backgrounds, and those holding prominent political influences.

The academy had to deal with it covertly and they did it by their protocols. It wasn't the first time they were dealing with situations like these but, it was the first one in a very long time, so, it was still unforgettable to many who still retained the memories of that time, which included the president and vice president Cradel.

'The headmaster personally consulted her and told her it wasn't her fault and went as far as promising her that she would be given another chance if she managed to become the president or the vice president of the council. And for that, for this opportunity, she worked tirelessly.'

Top of her class in any theoretical field, top of any test she took which did not have president competing in it, top of any outside activity she participated in, top of all the house activities, and the ace of previous [Fascinated mages] even though she wasn't a captain, the previous valedictorian and one of the best direct pupils the headmaster had personally trained.

What she achieved in her academic years was nothing short of phenomenal and there was no one in her time better suited for the position of the 'vice-president'.

If not for President Zodiac being in the same batch as her, I have no doubt that she would be the current student council president but… no.

He was better than her, it was a fact she had long accepted after facing countless bitter defeats.

She competed with him to the end for the position of that top spot and the two of them and their passionate rivalry is well known throughout the continents, but, the fact that she had caused that incident always remained in her heart. Always.

She wanted to believe that it was just an accident, that it was just a coincidence that the creature she summoned turned out to be that way, she wanted to accept that it wasn't her fault but, she could never do it.

She could never accept the fact that innocent students' and creature's lives were put into jeopardy because of her.

She knew whatever had happened that day was all because of her, that it was because of her that that creature was summoned and people were hurt.

She knew it, and that's why she was looking forward to this day, even more, to try the summoning again and see if what she had feared was true all along.

'And, she confirmed it a moment ago.'

Once again, the creature she summoned, though of a completely different kind and type, was the same end-stage berserk creature that started spewing explosives as soon as it appeared.

Its physical characteristics didn't need any description since it was a mad creature already, and only death awaited it.

'I had feared something like this might happen so I already had many safety measures in place, but, we didn't need them.'

Cradle was not the same girl she had been those years ago. She was a different person now. She was the vice president and someone who had the responsibility of protecting her fellow students from any kind of harm.

As soon as the creature finished materializing on the summoning circle, she confirmed her doubts and right after that creature's first attacks that landed directly in the place we all were standing, she used her powerful offensive controlled explosions to one shot that near (Indigo) rank creature.

It was a bit weaker than the last one and was a step behind into falling in that completely dark state so she finished it with one of her most powerful attacks, but… right now, as I look at her climbing down the stairs, that heartbroken look she has seems… bitter.

'I don't like her. Not one bit. She tried to kiss my Rein for which I will never forgive her but, the fact that she wasn't really a bad person and that still had many things I could get from her and her 'secret' family remained present.'


There certainly was some commotion since the place our group was standing was now half destroyed, but since she took care of the matter in an instant, there was no great reaction from the crowd. If anything, half were confused about what had just happened and the other half had mostly even failed to see the creature that was summoned.

Everything happened in a matter of seconds so the entire thing just calmed down instantly and the headmaster was announcing the end of the summoning event but still, that look on her face… I didn't like it. It was pathetic.

It didn't suit her usual dignified personality one bit.

And, it was unacceptable as well since she was misunderstanding something right now.

[[ "Celes, connect me with Cradle please." ]]

[[ Yes, master~. ]]

[[ "Hmm? Eon?" ]]

Rein wanted things to end so that we could go home, chat for a while, go to sleep, have some fun, and spend the night comfortably… but still had to wait a little longer than planned.

[[ "I'm sorry dear but, looks like we will have to stay here for a bit longer." ]]

[[ "You will help her with this familiar summoning drama, right?" ]]

She knew it already…

She knew about the things from last time, things about the vice president and that incident and she was smart enough to figure out things on her own. And, she had seen the summoning, so, her pretty eyes must have caught the things mine couldn't during that moment.

[[ "Sorry, and thanks for understanding…" ]]

[[ "Well, let's try finishing it up quickly." ]]

[[ "I will try my best." ]]

There were things for us to gain from this, but, the most important thing we could gain after helping her with the matter, would be her eternal gratitude, and the I.O.U. that I will use very carefully.

[[ "Hello vice president Cradle." ]]

The summoning event was fun but it was coming to an end so, the creatures here, all these new friends we had made today, were going to return back to their homes now.

We will have to say goodbye now and we all knew it would be difficult since the bond we have forged in this short while was stronger than we had expected.

They were fun beings, and cute as well. My bunch especially liked smelling and licking me but since they were cute and Rein liked them more than me, they were good kiddos.

[[ "Hmmm? What? What's this? And this voice… Lucifer?" ]]

The goodbyes will take a while so it will be nighttime by the time the garden clears up for us to perform the summoning one last time.

I had to tell her about these new plans but before that...

[[ "Yes, vice president. It's me. And… it wasn't your fault." ]]

I had to tell her what actually happened over there with the summoning circle as well and why it summoned a creature that was neither fit nor her actual soulmate.

'And also how her unique half-blood lineage played a significant part in this whole situation.'

It wasn't her fault.

She was just an absurd anomaly for this summoning circle that was made to be compatible with every being. That was all.

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