Iron Blooded


There was a funeral for the dead of Ceris.

Wagons carried bodies out of the city in droves. Some were soldiers. Some were Orks. Still others were innocents who had been caught up in this war.

I stood at the sidelines while the priests of the Radiant church blessed the pyres, saying prayers in a language I didn’t recognize.

Draxus and Kato stood to one side near Gills, who had an arm around Vera’s shoulders.

She smiled at him and I saw some of the tension leave my friend's shoulders. Perhaps there would be enough time for a wedding.

Inwardly, I knew better. The signs had been correct. The time of Demons threatened to come again.

In the aftermath, I had pulled Lord Blackthorne aside and asked him the question that had been nagging at me.

“The creature that.. came out of the Governor. Was that”

I had trailed off but Blackthorne had understood my meaning.

“A Herald,” he concluded, nodding grimly. “Yes. It killed half of the room before fleeing through the city. Its manifestation can only mean one thing.”

“The Red Moon will Rise again,” I said, without thinking.

Lord Blackthorne had given me a strange look then, one more calculated than friendly. Since then he had been more reserved and I couldn’t help but feel that he was actively avoiding me.

The thought made me uneasy but at this point, there was nothing to be done. When the bodies were burnt and the prayers concluded, I returned to the new Army encampment behind the city walls.

Hade hailed me as I entered, striding past a group of wounded soldiers being attended to by healers, and gesturing towards the ridge line.

“Ser William,” he said. “The head healer has asked me to give you a message.”

He held a crumpled piece of parchment up in the air. I waited expectantly.

After a moment of silence, I arched a brow.

“What does it say?”

Hade cleared his throat.

“I ah, don’t know Ser. I can’t read.”

Sighing I took the note from him and scanned its contents. Then I nodded and tucked it into a pocket.

“Thank you, soldier,” I said. “Go and get yourself some food. I know you’ve been taking watch for the past few days, but you need to recoup your strength.”

Hade bowed his head.

“Yes Ser, thank you.”

I watched the tired soldier march off for a moment before turning and exiting the way I had come.

The day had been hot, but the burning plains were finally beginning to cool as the sun drifted toward the horizon.

I found Joanna there, standing with her back to me as she surveyed the land before us.

I joined her, propping a boot up on a nearby stone and watching the world turn.

She was the first person to break the silence.

This story originates from a different website. Ensure the author gets the support they deserve by reading it there.

“I used to come here,” she said. “As a girl. It wasn’t always this way. There used to be more than just scorched earth. Back when… back when things were different.”

I gazed across the sparse plains.

“And how long ago was that?” She pursed her lips.

“Too long.”

“Who are you really?” I asked her suddenly. The question filled the space between us, heavy with implication.

Azure eyes find mine. They are the storm at sea, and I am but a man adrift.

“And if I tell you what will you do with that information, Will of Blackbriar?”

For that, I have no answer and she knows it. Her face softened and she stepped towards me, surprising me when she undid the fastening of her veil to reveal her face.

It’s the second time I’ve seen her face unadorned and it feels somehow intimate.

“Forgive me,” she said softly. “I do not keep my identity from you just to spite you. There are.. greater forces at play here than I. The game of politics is a dangerous one, and trust is scarce.”

“Are you a spy for the prince?” I asked her bluntly. Joanna’s eyebrows rose in amused surprise.

“And if I was? What then?”

I stepped closer to her, closing the distance between us. She tilted her head towards me, eyes sparkling with gentle challenge.

“You do so love to answer questions with questions,” I told her.

“Only because I know it annoys you.”

I smiled despite myself and I watched her bite her lip, pleased with herself.

“Give me something tangible,” I said. “Something real.”

Joanna’s eyes never left mine as she studied me with an intensity I had never known before. Then she reached a hand up and cupped the back of my neck, drawing me down towards her.

Her lips met mine and for as long as I live I will never forget their taste.


“Ser William,” I turned, expecting to see Lord Blackthorne as I returned to camp. To my surprise, it was Ser Connel who greeted me.

I nodded to him, trying to hide my disappointment.

“Ser Connel, what can I do for you?”

The Knight came to a halt only a few paces away. Hang fidgeting with the hilt of his sword.

“I’m afraid it has to do with the Witch,” he said. “The Witch that the Inquisition captured.”

I arched a brow.

“I thought she was handed over to the Inquisition in the city,” I said carefully. “That she was to be burned.”

See Connel’s face was troubled as he watched several rows of soldiers tromp by.

“That’s just it,” he said. “The Inquisition in Ceris.. have all been killed.”

I frowned.

“Were they killed in the attack?”

Ser Connel shifted uneasily.

“We can’t be certain,” he said. “But rumor from the townsfolk claim that noises could be heard from inside the church. Strange noises. When the soldiers went to check, the bars of her holding cell had been bent open.”

He paused.

“They were bars made of blessed steel.”

I rocked back on my heels, letting out a breath.

And I suppose Lord Blackthorne is hoping i’ll chase her down for him?

See Connel was spared a reply by the sound of boot steps from behind.

“Actually Will, I was hoping you’d join me on the hunt.” I turned to see Gills striding towards me, followed by what looked like half of the 3rd.

“But only after we take care of some.. more local business.”

It took me a moment to put the pieces together.

“You’re planning to go after the Firebrand?” I asked. “That’s a bold move. One might even say, a reckless one.”

“Not just me,” Gills pulled the piece of wheat he had been chewing on from between his teeth and gestured towards the camp.

“Orders came in from on high. We were striking a counterattack, now while the iron is hot. What I want to know, is if you’re with us.”

My old friend waited, and I realized for the first time the significance of his request. Here now in front of everyone, Gills was acknowledging me as an equal and an independent party.

It was a significant gesture, and one I knew would cause ripples in the Army hierarchy. Already I could see some of the other Knights watching me with weary expressions.

I waited a few beats, letting the silence linger. Then I looked ar Gills and grinned.

“Yeah, alright,” I said.

The Veteran rolled his eyes.

“That’s our boy,” said Kato, stepping around gills to jostle my shoulder.

Ser Connel looked like he’d rather be anywhere else. He made a noise in his throat and turned away. I heard him mutter something about improper mode of address before clattering off towards his men.

“So, we’re going on the offensive,” I said. “And then what?”

“Then we’ll see.”

Gills hefted his legendary spear, its lethal bronze tip gleaming in the setting sun.

I was going to say more when a system notification popped into my vision. I stared at the tiny blip for a moment, my heart thudding in my chest.

A notification of this kind only meant one thing.

I excused myself on the pretense of ducking back into my tent for supplies. There in the confines of my space, I opened the Quest tab.

New Quest available: prerequisites 0/8

New Quest: Find the Witch

I sighed.

“Never a dull moment.”

** I am told some readers don't read chapter notes so I wanted to add in that if you don't want to wait for book 2 the start is already available on Patreon and I will be dropping a chapter a day there. Royal Road will get the first chapter in a week. Thank you everyone, and looking forward to sharing more of Wills story!

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.