Inventors system

Chapter 11: And so, there were three...

Chapter 11: And so, there were three...

Azurel great forest was not called like this for just show, it was truly humongous. Countless different species lived here and getting out of the forest was even harder than getting in.

After choosing the direction Morana and Samael started their journey, but even after walking for more than 8 hours. They saw no way out.

"Lets' rest here for now and continue later." Said Samael after seeing the stream nearby.

"Hmm. It's getting late. I will go find food for us. We can rest here and continue tomorrow morning." Answered Morana nonchalantly.

She didn't wait for his answer and disappeared.

Seeing this Samael could only shake his head and said nothing.

After waiting for about an hour and not seeing Morana, Samael got a bit anxious.

"He didn't encounter something dangerous, did he?" He muttered and got up to look for her.

After following her tracks, which seemed to go in circles, for 30 minutes, he finally found Morana sitting under the tree.

Red bump was particularly eye-catching as it contrasted greatly with her white porcelain skin. Her eyes were dull as always and she seemed to be looking up at the sky, giving people lonely feeling.

Seeing her like this, Samael's heart started to ache for some reason.

"Took you long enough." Her beautiful and clear voice brought him back to reality.

"What are you doing sitting here? Your forehead" started Samael as he started to sit down next to her.

Morana didn't answer, fortunately She had a natural poker face and Samael didn't notice her embarrassment.

After she went to hunt the prey she got lost. Because of her 'Seer' ability she lost her sight and was still unaccustomed to blindness.

She tried to get back to the stream with the system's help but turns out this guy had even worse direction sense then her.

All they could do was walk in circles and bump into countless trees. Finally, she just decided to sit and wait for Samael to notice she was gone for too long and find her.

Counting both of her lives this was the most embarrassing moment She has ever faced.

Seeing she didn't answer Samael decided not to ask anymore and diverted the attention.

"Shall we go back?"

"I didn't hunt anything." Admitted Morana.

"It's fine, I met a few rabbits on the way we can eat that." Said Samael with a smile as he started walking back.

Morana used his sense of hearing to follow his footsteps but, she didn't see the vein on the ground and suddenly stumbled. Forest definitely was not a place for a blind person.

As she stumbled and was about to fall, large hands managed to catch her.

"You, what are you doing? Are you blind? Can't you see the vein this big?" Suddenly Samael started scolding her like an old mother, which surprised both of them.

Caught off guard Morana didn't know what to say and just blinked her large dull eyes.

Seeing this Samael was even more irritated for some reason.

'How can this boy/girl be so air-headed and careless.' He complained in his heart, but worry could be seen in his beautiful eyes.

Finally, Morana came back to reality. She understood that since this person was in a way her companion, she needed to come clean.

"I am blind." Said Morana.

"What?" This time the one caught off guard was Samael. He was not sure if he heard her right.

"I am blind." Once again repeated Morana.

This time he was sure he heard right, but he was even more at lose what to say. A minute ago, he was scolding a person asking if she was blind and now, she really turned out to be blind.

An awkward silence came over them as they walked back to the stream.

Samael didn't say anything more he just walked slowly and didn't let go of her hand, afraid she would stumble again.

They didn't talk even after getting back and after Samael quietly barbecued the rabbit, and they set near the stream eating.

Air around them was becoming more and more awkward and this would probably continue for a while if not for the disturbing roars and howls near them.

"Lets' check it out." Said Morana as she stood up.

"Wait." Samael stopped her before she could disappear once again. "I will carry you" he said and picked her up.

Morana didn't say anything as she put her thin arms around his neck.

This was quite convenient for her and she didn't mind him carrying her around.

Morana and Samael were not the only once disturbed by the sounds, the whole forest was shaking and animals tried to run as far from the place of the disturbance as they could.

It was clear that some kind of strong beast or beats were involved.

After Morana and Samael got there, they saw two gigantic animals fighting each other.

One was a beautiful 'Arctic snow wolf' with white fur mixed with a bit of blue-mint at the ends, the other was a huge 'poisonous purple lizard'.

The wolf was losing the fight, but the lizard was not in a good stated ether. No matter what he did he was unable to move this stubborn wolf.

Behind the wolf was another female wolf, she seemed to be pregnant.

[Master, the lizard is at the peak of the earth stage, he seemed to have awakened a bit of his ancient bloodline and have mutated. If he gets Arctic snow wolfs cub he will break into the next stage.]

Said the system.

Arctic snow wolfs were very scarce. They were descendants of 'Divine astral snow wolf'. Every part of their body was a treasure that could help with cultivation, especially if it was a cub.

Because of this 'Arctic snow wolf was hunted everywhere and species almost became extinct.

Older 'Arctic snow wolfs' were hard to hunt because of their large power and unyielding heart. They were even harder to tame.

Different from any other wolf species this type of wolves preferred to be in small groups or completely alone.

Samael and Morana stood there as lizard finally killed the wolf. Because of the complicated pregnancy the other wolf was already at death's bed as well, but the lizard was no better than them. In the end before dying the other wolf managed to bit large chunk of lizard's flesh from its neck and killed it.

Knowing that she was blind Samael tool Morana everything that was going on.

After everything ended Samael and Morana went down to the corpses and found a little cub in female wolfs embrace. Cub was very weak and was barely breathing as Morana picked it up.

Instinctively cub bit down on her finger.

"You can form a contract with it." Said Samael.

[Master this cub is very weak now but if you nourish it, it would be a great help for you in the future.]

"Hmm." Morana hummed as she formed the contract with the cub.

"Do you want anything here?" She asked.

"My injuries could only be healed with dark mana these beasts are useless for me.

Hearing Samael Morana wordlessly put the beats in her space.

Morana hugged the cub in her arms as she stroked its beautiful and silky fur. Samael looked at her back that seem a little less lonely with the cub in her hands.

And so, there were three

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