In Warhammer Fantasy as my ERP Character



“Is this supposed to happen!?” Marissith asked loudly as soon as she wakes

Waking me up and immediately alert

God, how I miss that comfortable feeling of being still drowsy when waking up. Kal and Druig already left my tent. Which leaves me alone with the panicking Marissith as she saw herself already heavily pregnant.

“Yes. Do not worry. It takes at most one day between impregnation and birth. It won’t hurt too.” I sit up and console her by caressing her face

“How did the beastmen not overrun the Old World yet?”

“Because the empire can kill them as fast as they can breed. Only those that stay in the deep forest that are difficult to hunt down.” I answered truthfully

“Isha… I’m going to give birth to a monster.” She pray in lament

“Not exactly.”
“What do you mean?”

“The beastmen, at least those under my command, have been steadily moving away from being a monster. Still looking monstrous but their intelligence is steadily rising, we didn’t even raid for a long time too. They have a chance to be a proper civilization.” I felt a little sense of accomplishment explaining this to her

“That doesn’t exactly sound comforting.”

I roll my eyes at her statement. What she said is true. Not exactly comforting to other races. Then it dawns on me. There might be a chance that the only way I am allowed to join the alliance with the humans is if I abandon my beastmen. Definitely not going to happen. Doing so will make me lose the base of my power and even if I accept, it could be just a ruse to kill me.

“You worry too much.” I simply said as I inspect her pregnancy

“Oh? What’s this?” I inspect on the baby in her womb deeper using along with my divinity

“What? What are you doing?”

“Shuush.” Seems like repeated breeding with the Eonirs have increased the genetic stability of the next generation. Or it might just be because she is impregnated by Kal. But I definitely notice some parts that can be the original part of the beastmen before they are mutated to hell. Then as soon as I make sense of just a small part of it, a notification appears.

Parts of the original geneline of the beastmen have been found

Satyrs - ??? generation until the gene stable enough to be returned to their original state - Originally worshippers of Taal

Faun - ??? generation until the gene stable enough to be returned to their original state - Originally worshippers of Rhya

Returning the beastmen to their original state will return their lifespan to their original state and significantly reduce the effectiveness of corrupted womb and will increase pregnancy time to few months at minimum

Oh. Now this is some delicious news. Another card in my hand in my negotiation against Taal and Rhya. Not so much to the humans though. They might see them as normal Ungors at most. But Satyrs and Faun, aren’t both technically the same thing? That might start some definition war back in my world. But they are differentiated by the nature God they worship, so Satyrs are more wild and Faun are more gentler? And judging on what I know about them, I can see how these satyrs and fauns fall to chaos and corruption. 

The main question however is if I even want to return them to their original state. The only visible good outcome is that the beastmen will return to their original lifespan. Not just two or three decades at most in their current state. At the cost of longer to conceive too. I am not sure it is worth it when there is a coming apocalypse where I would need soldiers rather than beastmen that like to party.

“Hey.” Marissith’s voice broke me from my focus

“You have been silent for a while. Is there something wrong?”

“It’s just that I might be able to return the beastmen to their original state. Though I wonder if that’s a good decision or not.” I decided to just tell her the truth. This kind of news only has value to those directly benefited from it and I doubt the Four would even care if I restore a significant chunk of the beastmen back.

“That is good right? Isn’t that what you aim to do?” She is genuinely confused by my indecision

“Well, if you know what is coming, it might not be a good thing.”

“What? What is coming?”

“In your tongue, the Dragon with Two Tails is coming soon. Though I don’t know much how the elves interpret it other than an omen of things to come.” I explains

“Is it-” I just slightly shake my head. Since the elves are neutral in their interpretation, for them, omens must be both good and bad. Nothing good will happen so I stop her from even asking.

Soon after, Marissith starts giving birth. I held her head in my lap and her hand in my hand. She yelps with every beastmen baby she pushes out. Not out of pain but shock and confusion on how easy it was. But different from the screeching usually heard when beastmen babies are born, those born from Marissith are distinctly crying as they should be. 

I pick the oldest one that is already pushing himself to stand. Inspecting him, the beastmen born from Kal and Marissith all have antlers rather than goat horns. His countenance is sharper. As his chin is not wide and its jawline is thinner, he looks like he is always smiling when his mouth is closed. Unfortunately his teeth are still filled with jagged and thin fangs. I guess this is what the Satyrs would look like, though the insides are still fully beastmen. It opens his eyes and stares at me, what I see is not the usual vertical pupil of a beastmen but horizontal pupil. The baby immediately focuses on Marissith despite me being the one lifting and in front of him.

“Seems like my grandson likes you more than me.” I chuckle as I give him to her waiting arms. Marissith immediately took him and breastfeed him. Though this led her other children to flock and surround her.

“W-wait, this is progressing so fast.” She look afraid as the ones she give birth to already starting to stand or crawl to her

“I would suggest picking the oldest boy and girl to take care of yourself. The female beastmen of the herd will take care of the rest.” As soon as I said that, Mal entered the tent. She side eyed me with all her three eyes, silently saying that these beastmen look and feel different than the rest.

“Wait. Let me name them first.” I shrug at Marissith request and allow her to do what she wants

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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