Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 790 Prime Disciple Competition: Beast Mode

Chapter 790  Prime Disciple Competition: Beast Mode

The light in the Realm cast a warm hue over the island. It was a sight to behold, the various landscapes of the Nurturing Zone shimmering under the various lights. However, for Mira, the landscape was not just about its beauty but the challenges it hid.

Mira, in her 9-tailed fox form, moved stealthily through the vast meadows. She needed to become more accustomed to this form if she were to thrive on the island. Her keen ears twitched as they caught the distant rustling of a creature.

Following the sound, she found herself face to face with a Rank 5 Giant Bear. The bear, sensing Mira's presence, rose on its hind legs, showcasing its imposing stature and giving a guttural roar.

Rather than being intimidated, Mira circled the beast, her tails moving rhythmically behind her. The bear, seeing Mira's size, underestimated her, considering her an easy prey. She wasn't all that massive in this form, probably twice the size of a large wolf, big for a fox, but not for her strength.

It lunged forward, attempting to swat her with its colossal paw.

But Mira, with her newfound agility in her fox form, dodged effortlessly. She lunged onto its back, sinking her sharp teeth into the bear's neck, all the while ensuring she didn't overexert her strength. The bear, in its last moments of consciousness, tried to shake Mira off, but her hold was firm.

After the bear collapsed, Mira took a moment to absorb the feeling of victory. She felt invincible in this form, but she knew she had to remain cautious.

She ventured further, navigating through a dense forest. Every rustling leaf and every chirping bird felt like a symphony to her heightened senses. The Nurturing Zone was alive, and Mira was an integral part of it.

Coming across a pristine lake, Mira decided to test her capabilities in the water.

Diving in, she felt the cool embrace of the water, her tails acting as rudders, guiding her gracefully beneath the surface.

Schools of Rank 4 fish swirled around her, their colors a brilliant dance of nature. One particularly bold fish, a Golden Scale Marlin, darted towards her, its sharp beak aiming for Mira's flank.

With a swish of her tail, Mira pivoted, avoiding the marlin's attack, and retaliated with a quick bite. The fish, realizing it had bitten off more than it could chew, tried to escape, but Mira was faster.

The challenge of hunting in the water, with its resistance and altered sense of movement, was exhilarating. Mira spent hours in the lake, hunting and exploring, becoming one with the underwater world.

As night fell, Mira emerged from the water, her fur dripping wet. She found a comfortable spot atop a cliff overlooking the vast expanse of the Nurturing Zone. The moon bathed the island in a silvery light, making the Zonal Glow even more prominent. From her vantage point, she could see the creatures of the night coming alive.

Her next target was a Rank 5 Night Stalker Panther. With its dark fur and shadowy movements, it was almost invisible in the night. But Mira's enhanced senses caught its soft purring and the slight displacement of air as it moved.

She stalked the panther, matching its every move, her own shadow blending with the night. When the panther finally noticed her, it was too late. Mira had launched herself at it, and after a brief struggle, the panther was pinned beneath her.

Victory after victory, Mira began realizing the true potential of her beast form. However, she also noticed that her human logic and strategy were slowly merging with the beast's instinctual behavior. The melding of the two created a synergy she had never felt before.

As dawn began to cast its first hints of light over the horizon, Mira decided to test herself against a stronger opponent. She descended from her cliff perch, seeking challenges that would further sharpen her combat prowess.

Soon, she came across a clearing where a pack of Rank 7 Thunderclap Wolves was feasting on their recent hunt. These wolves, larger than ordinary wolves, had streaks of electricity pulsating through their fur, lending them an ethereal glow.

Without hesitation, Mira entered the clearing. Her sudden appearance made the wolves stop their feast and turn their attention towards her. Their leader, distinguishable by its larger stature and even brighter electric aura, stepped forward and growled menacingly.

The alpha wolf charged, lightning crackling from its jaws. Mira instinctively dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the electrified bite. As she landed, two more wolves lunged at her, trying to flank her from either side.

Using her tails for momentum, Mira performed a mid-air spin, managing to avoid both wolves. She then lashed out with one of her tails, sending a wolf crashing into a tree.

The rest of the pack, seeing the strength of this intruder, howled in unison, releasing charged energy into the air. Mira felt the hair on her body stand as static filled the environment.

The next moments were a blur. Wolves darted in and out, lightning bolts shot from multiple directions, and the scent of sulfur was overpowering. Mira had to employ every ounce of her agility, strength, and intelligence to fend off the coordinated attacks.

In one instance, she found herself surrounded by three wolves. Before they could close in, she unleashed a burst of energy from her body, creating a shockwave that sent them sprawling.

At another moment, when the alpha wolf tried to pin her down with a bolt of lightning, Mira redirected it using one of her tails, causing it to strike another attacking wolf.

As the minutes dragged on, the pack's numbers started to dwindle. Mira had managed to kill several, using their own electric energy against them or evading them long enough to land a critical blow.

Finally, only the alpha remained. It circled her warily, electricity coursing more intensely around its body. Both were panting heavily, but neither was willing to back down.

With a deafening roar, the alpha wolf launched a concentrated bolt of lightning straight at Mira. Instead of dodging, Mira braced herself, absorbing the full brunt of the attack.

The energy surged through her, causing immense pain, but she held firm. Using the absorbed energy, she redirected it back at the alpha in a blinding arc of electric force.

The wolf didn't stand a chance. It was sent flying, crashing into the remnants of the pack's feast from earlier.

Mira, tired yet triumphant, stood amidst the dead bodies of the Thunderclap Wolves. She had proven to herself that not only could she handle her beast form, but she could also adapt and evolve her fighting techniques on the fly.

However, her victory was short-lived. A deafening roar echoed through the Nurturing Zone, sending chills down Mira's spine. Birds took flight, and the ground trembled as a Rank 8 Earthquake Rhino appeared from the dense foliage.

This colossal beast, armored with thick, rocky skin and a horn that glowed with an inner fire, was known for its ability to cause tremors and level landscapes.

Mira realized she was in for a good battle as an opponent worthy of her strength appeared. She'd no longer have to hold back so much just so she could kill her prey.

The rhino, seeing Mira as a threat, charged, its enormous weight causing the ground to shake with each step. Mira, using her agility, jumped onto a tree branch, avoiding the initial charge. However, the rhino rammed into the tree, sending it crashing down.

The impact threw Mira off balance, sending her tumbling to the ground. Before she could regain her footing, the rhino turned and charged again. This time, Mira barely managed to evade, her tails leaving streaks in the dirt as she skidded to a stop.

Gathering herself, Mira knew she couldn't keep dodging. The Earthquake Rhino's strength lay in its relentless charges, and the terrain would only continue to work against her as it got destroyed.

Leaping onto a nearby boulder, she beckoned the rhino. As expected, it took the bait and charged with renewed fury. At the last possible second, Mira leaped high into the air, using the boulder as a springboard. The rhino crashed into the rock, causing it to shatter into pieces.

Seizing the opportunity, Mira descended rapidly, aiming to bite the rhino's vulnerable neck region. However, the rhino was faster than she'd anticipated. With a swift tilt of its head, it caught Mira with the side of its horn, sending her flying several meters away.

Mira hit the ground hard, feeling the breath knocked out of her. Pain seared through her side where she'd been struck. Despite the injury, she forced herself to rise. She could feel blood dripping from a gash, but there was no time to tend to it.

The Earthquake Rhino, sensing her vulnerability, stomped its foot, sending shockwaves through the ground. The vibrations were intense, making it hard for Mira to maintain her balance. Large fissures began to open up in the ground, and Mira had to dodge rapidly to avoid being swallowed by the splitting earth.

Amidst the chaos, a plan began to form in her mind.

Leading the rhino towards one of the larger fissures, she made a show of stumbling at its edge. The rhino, seeing a chance to finish her off, charged with all its might.

As it neared, Mira summoned all her strength and agility to leap out of its path, her nine tails propelling her into the air. The rhino couldn't stop its momentum in time and plummeted into the fissure with a thunderous crash.

Hovering in the air momentarily, Mira watched as the Earthquake Rhino struggled to climb out.

Before it could recover, she lunged, striking its eyes with her sharp claws. Blinded and in pain, the beast's struggles became more frantic but less coordinated. With a few more strategic attacks targeting its vulnerabilities, Mira managed to slay it.

Exhausted, she clambered out of the chasm, her body throbbing with vigor from the intense battle. She took a moment to catch her breath, realizing that this encounter had pushed her further than she thought it would.

'I guess the beasts on this island are a bit different. Not like the ones in the outside world.' Mira thought, wanting to find somewhere to rest while her body healed.

However, before she could move too far, she heard a familiar shout in the distance.

"Sunfire Sphere Spear Shot!"

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