Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 785 Prime Disciple Competition: Double Staircase Part 4 (End)

Chapter 785  Prime Disciple Competition: Double Staircase Part 4 (End)

On the stairs of light, Mira's Nascent Soul looked downcast, its ethereal form shimmering dimly.

The stairs themselves appeared to be carved out of moonbeams, every step casting off a soft glow that reflected Mira's internal turmoil. They ascended seemingly into infinity, meeting at an obscure horizon where light met darkness.

It was just climbing the stairs as Mira ordered it to, but along the way, a bright golden light crystal appeared before her. It looked like it was a fragment of something much larger, evoking the greed in the Nascent Soul's eyes.

Without thinking much, it grabbed the crystal, only for it to get absorbed through her semi-transparent, almost physical body straight to Mira's soul.

Other than finding it a bit odd, the Nascent Soul just figured it was a unique treasure and thought nothing of it.

That is until it felt the main body's emotions go out of control. Then, it realized it may have been the reason for her current predicament.

However, the allure of the crystal was too great!

The golden light crystal pulsed, sending ripples of energy throughout the Nascent Soul's form. The warmth and vibrancy it exuded seemed to breathe life into the semi-transparent entity, causing it to shimmer with a new intensity.

The Nascent Soul wasn't designed to be overtaken by avarice or desire. Yet, the crystal's mesmerizing allure beckoned it like a moth to a flame. The very nature of this Nascent Soul was shifting, its core purpose of acting on Mira's behalf becoming overshadowed by a newfound greed.

It had turned into a vessel of Mira's desire to plunder.

The crystal, once absorbed, began to resonate, producing a melodic hum. It was enchanting, almost hypnotic, drawing the Nascent Soul further into its grasp.

With a jolt, the Nascent Soul felt a pull, not from the crystal, but from Mira's soul itself. It was a tug of desperation, a call for help. The pain and confusion that Mira felt were palpable, reaching out to her very essence for guidance and stability.

After a few minutes, something snapped, and the connection ended.

She tried to sense what the main body was feeling, but it was like she was reaching out into a void–nothing was there. No emotions. No desires. Nothing.

Confused, it looked around for a moment, not quite understanding what was going on. It was just a reflection of Mira's being, not Mira herself, and thus could really only act based on her wishes.

Not long after, it felt compelled to ascend to the next step, probably because Mira had begun descending again, which it obliged readily.


The chilling void of the Abyssal Torment Steps grew darker and more oppressive as Mira continued her descent. The suffocating air grew colder, each step feeling like a battle against an invisible force that wished to halt her progression.

Suddenly, as Mira tried to keep the image of Maria out of her mind, a haunting whisper grazed her ear. "You can't escape..."

Mira spun around, her eyes darting in search of the source of the voice, but the abyss remained eerily silent and still.

"I can't escape what?" she blurted into the void, her voice trembling with a mixture of rage and anguish.

But the abyss did not reply. Its silence felt judgmental as if it was forcing her to confront her own actions and the weight they bore.

Still, Mira attempted to force those thoughts out of her mind.

'If I can just reach the limit of these stairs… If I can just reach the 1500th step… I can leave this fucking place…' Mira muttered, her mind pursuing a single goal.

Mira's steps began to echo louder in the abyss, each footfall a cruel reminder of the distance still left to traverse. Each time she placed her foot forward, a crushing weight settled onto her shoulders. It was as if she was walking with boulders strapped to her back, pulling her down, drowning her in sorrow, guilt, and pain.

The once vibrant determination in Mira's heart was now a mere ember, flickering in the fierce wind of doubt and self-loathing. Each step drained her, siphoning off joy, happiness, and hope, replacing them with darkness and despair.

At step 1410, her heartache felt palpable, a relentless throb that threatened to swallow her whole. Flashes of Maria's face flickered in her mind, a bitter reminder of things left unsaid, of wounds still fresh. Mira could feel her heartstrings being tugged with every painful memory.

Step 1425 brought forth regret so profound that tears began to fall, each droplet an embodiment of the mistakes of her past. The chill of the abyss seemed to seep into her very soul, icing over the warmth of her memories, leaving behind only cold, sharp shards of regret.

With step 1435, Mira stumbled. The floor beneath her felt as though it was moving, trying to trap her in its cold embrace. Anger welled up, its fiery tendrils wrapping around her heart, feeding off her frustration. Why was the abyss so cruel? Why did it pry and poke at her like this? What was the point of these shitty trials?

By step 1450, jealousy replaced anger. Jealousy for those who walked a path without such torment, those who danced in the light while she was submerged in shadow. It whispered insidious thoughts into her ear, poisoning her once unbreakable spirit.

The steps seemed to grow longer and the abyss deeper.

At step 1465, Mira's confidence was replaced by insecurity. The weight of every judgment, every sideways glance, and every whispered word consumed her. She could hear them now, louder than ever, the voices of doubt that questioned her worth, her strength, her very existence.

Yet, amid the cacophony of negativity, a tiny voice persisted. It reminded her of the strength she once held, the challenges she overcame, and the love she once felt. But with every subsequent step, that voice grew fainter, nearly drowned out by the overpowering weight of the abyss.

Step 1480 brought a crushing loneliness. Mira could feel the void stretching out around her, consuming everything in its path, leaving her isolated in its vastness. Friends, family, loved ones; they all seemed so distant now, mere specks in the vast sea of darkness.

Determination fading, and on the brink of surrender, Mira reached step 1490. The overwhelming sense of shame wrapped around her like chains, constricting her movement, her breath, her very soul. Every wrong she ever committed, every slight, every hurtful word thrown out in anger came rushing back. The weight of her own guilt threatened to pull her down, to keep her forever trapped in this tormenting abyss.

With each heavy step, a piece of Mira's essence seemed to be stripped away. She could hardly recognize the person she was becoming. The only thing swirling around in her mind were negative thoughts, blaming her for killing Maria. Telling her that she'll just commit suicide after getting her revenge, so why bother? Tempting her to stop right now and just give up.

She's trying so hard, and for what? A family that she'll inevitably kill? Friends that'll die by her side? Enemies that want nothing more than to see her suffer?

If Mira were in her normal state of mind right now… well, she wouldn't have these thoughts. She was going to have her revenge! She was going to rip that god to pieces and torture him until the end of eternity! It didn't matter how many times she died or how many tragedies she went through, everything was pointless if she gave up.

Unfortunately, her mind wasn't even capable of comprehending such thoughts at the moment. It was as if any form of determination or positivity was sucked out of her, not anything of that nature to formulate.

But then, as she took step 1495, a small glimmer of hope pierced the dark. Despite the overwhelming sadness, anger, jealousy, and despair, a tiny part of Mira refused to give in.

Even in the face of god, she refused to give in! Even as she watched her families slaughtered before her eyes. Even when the people she thought she loved did despicable things to her, the flames of life never stopped burning!

'...And it won't stop now!' A voice in the back of Mira's mind roared, waking her up slightly.

'Snap out of it, you useless fuck! Now is not the time to grieve! You have shit to do, and being holed up in this dreary place isn't on the list!'

The blank expression on Mira's face seemed to change, but she still looked like a living corpse. Just that her crimson eyes shone with a bit more brilliance.

'If you don't want me to take over, then you better regain some of your sanity!' The tiny voice in the back of her mind became louder.

Mira slowly took a step forward onto the 1496th step, only for her to regress.

Mira's feet felt like lead, each step a monumental effort. The weight of all the darkness and negative emotions pressed on her, threatening to shatter her completely. But the ember of resilience within her began to smolder, combating the abyss's all-consuming cold.

1497th Step…

1498th Step…

1499th Step…

That's when Mira paused. She tried to move forward again on instinct, but she couldn't even pick up her leg. The voice in the back of her mind waited for several minutes, but when it seemed nothing was going to happen, it burst out in anger.

'That's it! I'm done waiting! I'll clear this fucking trial!' Mira's crimson eyes glowed with an ominous light as killing intent radiated around her body.

All those negative thoughts were forced into submission due to the sheer intensity of rage emanating from her.

Opening her mouth in a silent roar, she picked up her foot in an attempt to take the final step…

Suddenly, a brilliant light pierced through the abyss, radiant and blinding.

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