Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 782 Prime Disciple Competition: Double Staircase

Chapter 782  Prime Disciple Competition: Double Staircase

The wide staircase, constructed of ethereal crystal, spiraled upwards. It was surrounded by a massive pillar of light, telling her that she had made it to the center of the island.

Mira stared at the steps, the glistening facets reflecting her disgruntled expression. She wasn't just looking at a set of steps; she saw an endless climb, another trial.

She looked around, trying to spot any other participants, but for the first time, she saw none.

Hell, she didn't even see any traces of anyone else.

"Seems I'm the first one here," Mira said aloud, not all that surprised. She didn't think many people would choose to enter a place where there was nothing but darkness.

Unless you were a specific kind of beast, had a unique affinity, or were crazy, you wouldn't come to this island. Even then, those voices and monsters were quite unnerving.

'There shouldn't be very many people here who are as sensitive with auras, gazes, and movements as me. So, I guess it makes sense I'm the only one here.' Mira thought, but even if there were people here, she wouldn't care.

At most, she would just kill them and keep her spot as the only person to reach the center of the island.

Mira shrugged, 'Well, while I'm here, I might as well look around before I take part in some ungodly trial.'

Mira began to explore the serene clearing. The environment was peculiarly tranquil compared to the hellish abyss she had just battled through.

The grass beneath her felt soft and springy, and she couldn't resist bending down to touch it, feeling the fresh dewdrops on her fingertips. There were vibrant flowers dotting the landscape, their petals gently swaying to an invisible rhythm. The animals she spotted were equally mesmerizing. Creatures that looked like rabbits but with iridescent fur hopped around, completely unfazed by her presence.

Mira approached a small pond where the water sparkled brilliantly under the celestial light. She noticed, with slight amusement, fish with tiny wings that flitted above the water's surface, looking like an amalgamation of fish and dragonflies.

The serenity of this place was such a stark contrast to the trials she had just faced that Mira momentarily felt disconnected from reality. It felt as though she had been transported to a different realm altogether.

She decided to meditate for a bit, feeling the dense Qi around her. She might as well harness the benefits of this environment before proceeding.

Mira sat cross-legged, taking deep, controlled breaths, feeling the world around her. She channeled the abundant Qi, feeling its coolness rush through her veins, revitalizing her very being.

Time seemed to lose meaning as she continued her meditation. She figured she might as well top herself off before she jumped head-first into the unknown.

When she finally opened her eyes, feeling rejuvenated, she found the ethereal staircase bathed in a more radiant glow. It beckoned her, almost challenging her.

But instead of rushing towards it, Mira decided to speak to the Guardian. "Alright, before I ascend, any hints or advice?" she called out, half-expecting no answer.

To her surprise, the Guardian's voice resonated in her mind, albeit slightly shaky. 'First, please don't hurt me. Second, yes, I have some advice. The stairway isn't just a mere set of steps; it looks like it's a test of the soul. As for its particular function, I'll leave that up to you to discover.'

Mira sighed, feeling a hint of annoyance. "Always with the vague advice. Thanks for nothing," she muttered.

However, she took a moment to mentally prepare herself. If the Guardian was right (and she had a begrudging feeling he might be), then this trial would be quite troublesome.

Anything that involved the soul always was.

Drawing her scythe and holding it close, Mira approached the staircase. With a deep breath, she took her first step.

However, just as she did so, she was kicked off, and her Nascent Soul flew out of her body and onto the stairs instead.

Standing there, her semi-translucent 16-year-old Nascent Soul looked back at her with confusion written in her eyes. She was in Mira's Progenitor Form, different from her physical body, which was back in her original hybrid form.

Mira's eyes widened, and she panicked a little.

"Hey! Come back here!" She yelled out, trying to force her Nascent Soul back inside her soul.

She watched it attempt to return, only to be stopped by an invisible barrier.

Mira clutched her head in pain when she felt it smash against something and stopped trying to retrieve it.

"What the hell is this?! Give back my Nascent Soul, you bastard!" She raised her scythe and slashed it against the stairs, but it rebounded off of them, doing no damage.

Putting that to the side, she tried to rush back onto the stairs to grab it but was blocked by the same invisible barrier.

"Dammit!" She punched the barrier in rage, sending ripples of energy along the side of it, "This is why I hate these fucking staircase trials!"

Unfortunately, that wasn't the end of her troubles.

While she was distracted, there was a stir in her Soul Sea. The Firmament that had stayed there ever since she became the successor surged with power and flew out of her body.

Mira's rage turned to horror as she watched the Firmament rise, its power intensifying with a dark glow. It sent out tendrils of energy, which quickly crept into the darkness, wrapping around the entire island.

Nobody had a say in what was happening. Not the Secret Realm. Not the competitors or its inhabitants. Not Mira. Not the Guardian. And certainly not the island.

Everything was at the mercy of the Firmament.

Everyone on the island, regardless of their strength, was pushed off into the enigma between the floating islands, their life and death unknown.

Only Mira and her Nascent Soul were left and could only watch as the Firmament forcefully altered the darkness on the island into something different…

Something oddly familiar…

Soon, the Firmament pulsed again, but this time, it sent a shiver down Mira's spine.

The entrance to a dark tunnel formed opposite the light staircase. A familiar sign was then placed in front, which read: [Abyssal Torment Steps - Record: Step 1251.]

She couldn't see a centimeter inside the tunnel, but Mira already knew what was in there. It was the one thing in this world that could actually put her unwavering spirit to the test.

No matter how unfeeling or cold-blooded she was, this place would ensure she suffered more than what any living entity could possibly do to her.

"Guardian… What the hell is this?" Mira muttered out loud in disbelief. Why did she have to go through this now? She shouldn't have to complete the next segment until she reaches the peak of the Nascent Soul Realm!

'This… I'm not too sure what's going on.' The Guardian responded, equally as confused.

He might be a god-like entity and the Guardian of the Firmament, but even he couldn't figure out its intentions.

'It must have something to do with the staircase of light. Maybe it reacted to it? I'm not really sure, but whatever it is, it should be beneficial.'


Mira took a moment to calm down. One major event kept happening right after another that it was conflicting with her emotions.

After a few deep breaths, Mira felt like the Guardian's words made sense. The FLDIL might be a treacherous place that sought to destroy her, but it wasn't without benefits. Should she live through its trials, she always got something out of it, and it was never anything minor.

Every single trial she's gone through has provided significant leaps in power. Even the ones Dominique went through were no different.

Mira's Nascent Soul, now shimmering even more radiantly than before, sent its intentions to her. It was as though it was trying to comfort the physical Mira.

She felt an odd warmth, realizing that, in times of crisis, she could always rely on herself.

"First the light, now the dark," Mira mused, looking between the two contrasting paths. The ethereal staircase seemed even more inviting in the face of the Abyssal Torment Steps, but no matter what she did, she couldn't enter it with her physical body.

She tried to walk around the Abyssal Torment Steps, but the same situation occurred. She was blocked by something.

'Seems like I'm forced to go through with this shit.' She cursed under her breath, but her eyes were focused on the dark entrance, burning with resolve.

Gathering her courage, she walked towards the Abyssal entrance. She knew she'd have to go through another 250 steps eventually, but just didn't expect it to be now.

Even worse, her Nascent Soul was stripped from her and thrown into some unknown trial.

What happens if her Nascent Soul is obliterated or is injured? What about when she's all messed up in the Abyssal Torment Steps? What'll happen to her Nascent Soul then?

All these questions echoed in Mira's mind.

"Well, there's only one way to find out." Taking a deep breath, she stepped forward into the entrance.

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