Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 269 Successor Part 1

"Hahaha! As expected of someone who's able to make it this far even after going through all those little tests! You truly don't beat around the bush, do you? I mean, any normal person definitely would be reacting as nonchalantly as you are. Shouldn't mortals, I don't know, fawn over higher beings such as myself? Aren't you all supposed to respect and fear the strong? What's with that lax attitude of yours? You do know I can do things to you that would make those stairs seem like child's play, right? It won't even take an ounce of effort on my part either!"

'The Guardian' laughed and started questioning Mira, but even though he said all that, there weren't any ill intentions behind his questions. He was just curious about the little mortal child in front of him. Not only that but it's also been some time since he last spoke to anybody and he can't help but want to continue his conversation with her since he found her somewhat amusing.

"...While everything you said isn't wrong, that's not exactly how I see things."

Mira was a bit hesitant to answer at first, but she figured that lying would do her no good as this guy can most likely read her mind or at least understand what she wants to say based on her subtle facial expressions.

"Oh? Do tell… How do you see things?"

"Though you're not wrong to say that I fear and respect the strong, that's only in regards to one's strength. For example, I'm not going to challenge a dragon with my current strength because I know even at my best, I won't even be able to enter its vicinity without being reduced to nothing. Out of respect and fear of the dragon's strength, I'll do everything I can to stay as far away from it so I don't die a meaningless death. The strong deserve at least that much respect from me. BUT! That doesn't mean I respect the dragon! Someday, I'll be strong enough to kill it! Why should I respect my prey? It should just do what prey does best and sit and wait for me to devour it!"

"So what if you're strong? So what if you can kill me with nothing more than an afterthought? So what if you can torture me for the rest of eternity?!"

"There's a saying that I like to live my life by and it goes like this. Respect is for those who deserve it. Not for those who demand it."

"Wealth, power, status, strength. None of these are enough for me to respect someone, but it's how someone got those things or how they keep getting those things that deserve my respect."

"Though, for the most part, I don't give two shits whether someone is strong, rich, or has some insane status. I generally only care about two things. Willpower and mentality. For my entire life and through both known and unknown reincarnations, my willpower and mentality have always been my strength. Intelligence, talent, bodily strength, cultivation, status, money, all of these things were almost always severely lacking and even if they weren't it didn't matter because only with the right mentality and enough willpower will I achieve my dreams."

When Mira finished her little rant, her face almost went red in embarrassment and anger. She wasn't angry at 'The Guardian', but at herself for letting loose like that. She's not sure whether it was because of her pent-up emotions after struggling to survive and being tortured for so long, but for whatever reason, she felt the need to release a bit of the boiling anger and rage that was rumbling in the depths of her very being.

She was also a bit embarrassed that she talked this much with a total stranger. Maybe it's because she's sure this guy already knows her thoughts or maybe it's because she felt that she and 'The Guardian' were like kindred spirits. They both have similar auras even if 'The Guardian's' is much stronger and maybe that lowered her guard a bit to know that she's around someone whose thoughts and ideas are most likely similar to hers.

It's impossible to pinpoint the exact reason why, but Mira can at least tell that he and she are similar people in that they are both honest with their thoughts and emotions. She's 100% sure that the man in front of her doesn't care if she's a pitiful mortal in the Foundation Realm and although he's treating her like a child, she can't really blame him for doing that. Not only does she look like a child, but even if she didn't it's probably difficult for someone who has lived for eons to see her as anything but a child.

It's not easy to come across someone like this and the only other person Mira has met that's like this is Maria. Celaine is similar, but even she can't be totally honest with not only herself but those around her.

Maria, on the other hand, although she might be a bit shameless and playful at times, has never once lied to herself or Mira.

Back to 'The Guardian, the man was frozen for a split second before instantly regaining his composure fast enough that Mira didn't even know his face froze. Then, he started laughing so loud that the surrounding void started shaking!

"HAHAHA!! How arrogant! How brazen! Child, you sure got guts to say something like that right to my face! I don't know if you're just ignorant, stupid, or simply that arrogant, but regardless I must applaud your boldness! As expected of the successor, you truly act like how a cultivator should act! Everything in this world is your prey, even the heavens should be nothing more than stepping stones on your rise to the top! Honestly, I can see why that guy has been harassing you for all these years. You truly are one of a kind."

'The Guardian' kept laughing his ass off after saying all that, but Mira was stuck in a daze listening to what the man just said.

Successor? What's that? Did she actually pass?

"Oops! It looks like I accidentally spoiled the big surprise! That's right, you're more than qualified to be the successor of this place! Congratulations!"

She waited for him to finish talking, but Mira felt her lips and eyes repeatedly twitching when she looked at 'The Guardian's' expression. He was looking at her with high expectations like he wanted her to see her shocked expression or see her speechless.

Mira wasn't exactly sure what to do. She wanted this guy to explain what being a 'successor' really means, but seeing his expectant eyes she knew this guy wasn't going to say anything else until he gets what he wants.

However, Mira needed more information! So instead of being shocked, she looked at him with an unamused gaze and said:


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