Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 255 Samsara? Part 3

During Mira's third life, she actually ended up being a blacksmith, which the Mira watching was pleased about. She's been wanting to get into smithing, but hasn't found the time to learn. However, the only downside was she was born into a rather primitive world similar to the previous two worlds.

But that didn't bother Mira too much since any kind of forging and smithing experience is valuable for her. As long as she can carry these techniques over to the Cultivation World, then every bit of knowledge and experience is precious.

Mira also concluded that the knowledge and experience pertaining to sewing might be useful for her as well when it comes to forging. Mainly because blacksmiths in the cultivation world don't just make weapons and armor, but they should also be able to make clothes as well and mix the two together.

Another thing Mira noticed is that for some reason all of her incarnations, reincarnation, parallel selves, or whatever you want to call them always seem to have the same goal in mind and behave in a similar manner.

They always seek to be the best in whatever field they study in. Her first parallel self was the best seamstress the world has ever seen. Her second parallel self strived to be the best hunter. Her third self strived to be the best blacksmith.

Another interesting thing Mira noticed is that for some reason, she was always incredibly prideful in all of her lives. It wasn't a pride that stemmed from being the best or the most talented or the richest, but more like a pride that came from her own belief in herself.

However, she was never arrogant about it. Well, actually she was extremely arrogant, just not outwardly. Although she would look down on people, it wasn't for superficial reasons. For example, when Mira experienced life as a seamstress, she noticed that that version of herself almost always felt herself above the other seamstresses. Not because of their poor talent, lack of wealth and status, or lack of customers, but because these people were satisfied with what they had. They never strived for more once they reached a certain point!

Some of those seamstresses dreamed of being the best and either they became 'the best' or they realized that the amount of work they had to put in versus the amount of wealth and status they'll receive is just not worth the effort.

Mira, however, never cared for wealth or status. Wealth and status were just a means to an end since she needed them in order to progress her skills. If she didn't need wealth nor status, then she wouldn't strive for it. But humans are complicated creatures and things aren't that simple.

The last thing Mira noticed from these three lives was that she never thought about entering into a romantic relationship with someone. In fact, she always abhorred the thought of being romantic with someone. Although that may be the case, that didn't mean Mira wasn't able to make friends. During Mira's third life as a blacksmith, she was able to make many different kinds of people and developed friendships with all kinds of people. She wasn't a complete loner like she was in not only her two parallel lives, but also quite a few of her reincarnations.

Mira watched her parallel self making friends and connections with a somewhat bitter look on her face. It's like she's watching what her life could've been like without any interference. She could've lived a happy life with her friends and family as she strived to be the best in the world in whatever she was passionate about.

She could live a life without pain and suffering. A life without regrets. A life where she has control over her future.

But she was also somewhat happy that she could at least experience what it's like to live a peaceful life full of love and happiness. Even if she can only experience it from a third person perspective.

Mira continued watching these parallel lives with a complicated expression, but one that was mostly filled with melancholy, sorrow, and a bit of joy.

She stayed in that black room filled with nothing but her and a giant screen on one of the walls as she kept watching and experiencing her parallel lives. It didn't take long until she finished experiencing her fourth life. Then her fifth…







Finally, on Mira's 21st life, she was brought into a world that was in a world different from the previous 20 worlds.

She was born in a world where not only humans but all the creatures in the world were able to temper their bodies in order to strengthen it. There still wasn't any Spiritual Energy, but there was a different type of energy in the world that the inhabitants just called 'Body Aura' since absorbing this energy into one's body would increase their vitality causing one's strength to rise.

Not only that, but ingesting or using various plants could increase the strength of one's body as well.

Unfortunately, this information wasn't incredibly useful to the current Mira who was watching everything. Sure, it might be nice to have this information and maybe she could use it in the future as the inhabitants of this world have deep knowledge of the human body, but they ultimately used two different energies.

Qi and Body Aura were completely different types of energy. Or it could be said that Qi is just a more advanced version of Body Aura since Qi can do everything. It can strengthen one's body, energy, and soul. Hell, it can even enhance weapons, be used to make arrays, inscriptions, alchemy, and everything else. Qi is an omnipresent entity while Body Aura is more like if Qi took a shit and threw its excrement onto another planet and made that place its toilet/dump.

Body Aura was filled with impurities and had very limited use. It didn't even extend one's life span whenever someone absorbed it! There weren't stages of Body Aura so there weren't really any bottlenecks.

Okay, maybe not extending one's lifespan was a bit of a lie, but it wasn't far from the truth. The only thing Body Aura did was make the body stronger and healthier. So the inhabitants of the world generally had longer lifespans on average compared to worlds that didn't have advanced medical knowledge. But people who absorbed Body Aura generally didn't live much longer than 100.

What kind of bullshit is that?!

These people spend their entire lives getting stronger only to die as a pitiful mortal who can still barely live past 100.

What sucks even more for these people is if you don't absorb this energy for most of your life then you'll definitely die young either to those stronger than you or to the environment.

So essentially, in order to survive, you have to do nothing but absorb this energy and risk your life finding various resources in order to make your body stronger to simply have the lifespan of a normal person.

What a sad life.

And Mira got to experience this sad life first hand as her parallel self spent her entire life strengthening her body. Except, she was actually able to live her life to the fullest as she enjoyed killing not only beasts and monsters, but people as well.

That's another thing Mira noticed while watching her various parallel selves is for some reason, they always had a thirst for blood. Well, that's if they ever thought about it in the first place. If they never experienced killing someone or never saw someone being killed, then they would never 'awaken' their thirst for blood.

However, if they were exposed to death, murder, and similar experiences then they would 100% have an urge to… let loose a bit. That didn't mean they were psychopathic maniacs who only knew how to kill as they could control this urge, but they would be more prone to thoughts of killing another person and if they ever got the chance to kill, they would definitely take it.

This is extremely similar to her current self since she often has the urge to slaughter, but is able to control that urge. However, she's reached a stage where she almost has to release a bit or else she might go berserk. This is simply due to the number of people she's killed and how often she's almost forced to end someone or something's life.

Mira knew that most people don't feel this urge even if they were to kill billions or even trillions of people. Sure, those kinds of people might find amusement or enjoyment out of someone else's death, but Mira's slightly different. The urge to kill is something innate and performing that action fulfills her primal urges.

That being the case, Mira's 21st life involving Body Aura was much more bloody than any of her previous parallel lives.

The girl was a fucking savage and as a Mira herself, Mira respected such actions! A Mira should be an unyielding, uncompromising, hard-working, savage!

So even though most of the knowledge and experiences she received from this parallel life was mostly useless, at least she had a good show! The only useful thing she learned during this life was she understood the human body just a bit more, but that knowledge still wouldn't be of much help in the Cultivation World since she can just use her consciousness to understand her body; down to the very cells within if she focuses hard enough!

Now that she was watching and experiencing worlds that contained energy like 'Body Aura', things were much more interesting for her.

She continued to watch parallel life after parallel life until she finally finished watching her 99th parallel life and by this point, Mira's worldview has vastly expanded since she didn't only experience Mortal Worlds with no types of energy and worlds filled with energy like 'Body Aura'. She also saw worlds much more advanced than those and learned things that would be hard to learn even if she tried.

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