Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 221 Fight (1/?)

In the middle of an isolated section of grassland, Mira, Maria, and Celaine are all staring at each. The atmosphere around the 3 of them is extremely tense and their auras are flaring wildly as if they are fighting for superiority.

Maria's aura is the strongest due to her cultivation and her higher Dao Comprehension. Celaine's is only slightly weaker than Maria's, but there is a thick murderous intent around her aura due to all the killing she's done over the last year and a half.

While Mira's aura isn't quite as strong due to her lower cultivation, it is laced with a vicious, bloodthirsty, and inhuman aura that makes one have the illusion that they are drowning in a sea of blood and corpses.

Unfortunately, Maria and Celaine have gotten used to Mira's savage aura and they themselves have already formed a fairly dense killing intent due to all the beasts they've killed.

The three of them are staring at each other with narrowed eyes and even Mira has a somewhat serious expression on her face.

'These two have gotten pretty strong over the last 2 years, huh.'

She couldn't help thinking to herself and it's true. Maria and Celaine have worked exceptionally hard to grow in strength, especially Celaine.

All of a sudden and without warning, the 3 of them summoned their weapons and charged at each other without saying a word as no words needed to be said.

Celaine and Mira were the first to clash head-on as they started off the battle purely based on weapon skills.

When Mira's scythe and Celaine's saber clashed, they only had one thought:


It was only at this moment that Celaine truly understood how strong Mira was. In the past, she couldn't quite tell as she was either pummeled by her or Mira was barely using any of her strength.

But now that her strength has gotten close to Mira's, she understands that Mira is more of a monster than she initially thought.

Mira, on the other hand, was a bit surprised at Celaine's newfound strength. It had just crossed the threshold to provide her with a bit of pressure.

A small smile grew on their faces as they realized that this battle is going to be much more fun than they initially thought.

The two of them continued to unleash attack after attack and soon their attacks grew quicker and fiercer until barely a fraction of a second passed between each attack.

Whenever Mira attacked, Celaine would parry her attack and use that momentum to attack only for Mira to borrow Celaine's strength to twirl her Scythe around and block Celaine's parry. Then would keep the flow going and use the momentum built up to counter-attack Celaine.

They both left so few openings that trying to capitalize on each other's mistakes was surprisingly difficult. That's not to say that they were perfect and both Mira and Celaine were able to spot each other's openings extremely quickly, but fighting against highly skilled people like themselves, it's hard to determine if that opening is there on purpose or not.

As the battle raged on, Mira started to realize that this truly is the cultivation world where people, at a high enough level, could even attack at light speed.

Just imagine trying to make calculated thoughts constantly every fraction of a second. It'd be like having to do a Calculus Test, but you'd only have .01 seconds to not only find the answer but also write down said answer with your work shown.

That's what Mira and Celaine are going through right now, except that they are using weapons instead of pencils and instead of doing Calculus problems, they are trying to kill each other.

Needless to say, they both had a smile on their face as they continued to swing their weapons harder with every attack.

Although Mira was thoroughly enjoying her fight with Celaine, she was still waiting for Maria to attack as well. Mira knew that one well-placed attack from Maria might even be enough to turn the tides of the battle.

But what she didn't know was that Maria and Celaine had agreed prior to this that Maria would let Celaine and Mira duke it out for a bit before she joined in. Not out of fairness or any bullshit like that, but because it would be much more useful to Celaine's growth. They'd also be able to get a decent look at Mira's strength.

Even though Maria said that she would still attack Mira if she noticed any real openings to take advantage of. Celaine's saber skills can grow later, Mira's defeat can't.

So she stayed a bit away and watched, but was always on guard. Still, she was impressed with how well Celaine was holding up just based on her saber skills and strength alone.

1 minute…

2 minutes…

5 minutes…

10 minutes…

30 minutes went by and Mira and Celaine were still fighting. If it could even be called that. If any of their attacks were to get a clean hit on one another, then they would surely be severely injured or at worst, one of them might even die!

And just because they don't have any killing intent towards each other, it could be said that they are really trying to kill each other!

Elenei, who was watching this scene in the air, was speechless watching these two 'friends' actually trying to kill each other! Some of their attacks were even aimed at their heart, neck, and head! What the fuck is this?! What happened to just a simple spar between friends?! What happened to 'just testing out each other's strength'?!? Why are you two going so far??

At least that's what Elenei wanted to scream, but she didn't want to disturb their 'spar'. Also, she'd probably get some stupid answer from Mira like:

'It's not a real battle unless you put your life on the line.'

And she's right, Mira would probably say those exact words and Celaine would probably agree with them as well. Maria and Celaine didn't want to beat Mira in a spar, they wanted to beat her while she was at full strength!

Well, that's their excuse, but in reality, Mira is too much of a pain-in-the-ass opponent to fight against in a spar and they would most likely just get trampled on. Even if they did beat her in a spar, Mira's proficiency isn't even in spars but killing blows. Almost all of her moves are designed to either cripple or kill someone.

Naturally, the three of them have spent enough time with each other that they don't even need to talk to each other in order to come to a tacit agreement for this kind of 'deathmatch'.

'It seems the battle has reached its climax. I suppose it's my turn to join the fun! Hehe~'

Maria thought and started to look for an opening to join the battle.

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