I'm The supreme Fairy King

Chapter 79: The Twin Pearls' Fame

Chapter 79: The Twin Pearls' Fame

"What did you say?"

"Ten folds," Rili sighed, "they ask for ten fold the price or there won't be a deal."

Jim returned to his seat while feeling more shocked by their greediness. "Who asked for such an extravagant price?"

"Both," Rili bitterly said, "they said they won't accept any price lower than that."

"They can go and screw themselves then," Jim waved his hand towards Rili while cursing, "screw them all. Whom do they think themselves? I have more precious info than they think."

"That might be the reason why they ask for such a price," Rili tried to reason out with him, "they are very powerful beings in the academy. It's not wise to lose their support, or"

"Turn them into my enemies?" Jim sneered before shaking his head helplessly, "I won't accept such daylight steal. The highest I can work with is just double my initial price, no more."


"I won't sell anything to those who think themselves smarter than me! If I gave them all this info how come I will ask for other services from anyone then?"

"Sigh," Rili knew Jim had a point here but he was also worried about him. "I suggest you leave the town fast then."

"They will wait for me on the road?"


Jim thought for a moment before asking, "How can I get in contact with you at the academy?"

"Well that might be quite difficult," Rili seemed hesitant before adding, "here no one can observe me or track my motions but inside the academy it's slightly different."

"I understand," Jim said before adding, "I'll prepare to leave now then. Hopefully you can stall for more time."

"It's best to send someone you trust next time," Rili suddenly said.

"Someone like who?"

"Anyone will do," Rili said, "it's just for your own protection."

"I can handle myself pretty well, thanks," Jim sighed before standing up as he went to inform everyone about their sudden leave.

He never thought the appetite of those two masters would be this big. "Ten times, f*ck them," he kept inwardly cursing while hurrying in the middle of the night towards the academy.

The only good thing that happened was that they didn't meet anyone through their way back.

This was simply because what Jim and his team did during the past days. The gangs on par with their levels weren't that crazy to stand against such a terrifying group.

"May you tell me again why we are running in the middle of the darkness away from our warm beds?" Saga yawned while everyone around were caring about her more than they cared about Jim.

And that thing made Jim slightly agitated and quite impatient towards everyone.

"We just want to know why we have to trouble the two ladies with us," Rick tried to mediate and act as the good man here, but Jim gave him a stern glance that made him feel slight regret about opening his mouth.

"Just keep moving, we are almost at the academy."

Jim's answer was the same as he didn't change it no matter how they asked him. All the time he kept glancing around, trying to see if there was anyone tracking them from the direction of the town.

But in this dark night he couldn't see too far ahead. The road was only lit up by a triple moon constellation that kept rotating around a small shining object that resembled a dying star.

As they kept getting closer from the academy they finally saw it from far. It was like a small star with its lights that looked like dazzling dots from this distance.

"See? We are almost there," Kro was acting as their guide while the others followed his steps. He only volunteered to impress the two ladies, and Jim had to inwardly sigh for that.

If he had time, he would rather prefer to stop the march and reprimand everyone for their slacking behaviors.

However he was just having some headache about what might happen if those two masters sniffed about his departure.

"Halt right there," suddenly this voice came from a big distance off the outer walls of the academy, "who the hell are you?" another voice asked again.

"We are" Kro was in the forefront but the next instant Jim moved to the front while speaking out loud:

"I'm a privileged inner disciple of the academy seeking a path inside."

"Privilege inner disciple with so small entourage that's a first," the sound laughed before another added:

"It's not wise to take the identity of someone this prestigious."

Jim sighed before he took out his sword. He hated to argue with those he couldn't even see.

The moment he took out his sword it started to shine in gold luster alongside his cloak. Jim looked like a dazzling tiny star in the middle of such darkness.

"Oh" some of those around them exclaimed in surprise before another one said:

"Temo, the kid wasn't lying."

"I can see that" the first to speak was called Temo and he simply was surprised by this, "why are you travelling this late at night?" he asked.

"Shouldn't you show yourself up first?" Jim didn't plan on following orders here before he first understood who they were.

He was sure they were part of the academy, but he had to know first if they were gangsters or not.

"I'm Temo," suddenly a giant silhouette shone in the darkness with silver light before his shape moved slowly towards the front, "I'm the lead guard of the night patrols of the academy. May I know the reason of travelling this late in night?"

Jim noticed some of the characteristics of Temo. "A unicorn!"

He wasn't the one to mutter this but Tina who moved to the front while adding, "I think I've met you before, right?"

Temo's face wasn't that clear under his cloak. He removed the part on his head before a long silver horn appeared from the middle of a big head with yellow hair and bright green eyes.

"No way it's lady Tina."

The unicorn was shocked before he turned his gaze and spotted the nearby Saga. "And Saga as well The twin pearls are here!"

The excitement in the voice of Temo made Jim realize this night wouldn't end any sooner or smoother as he dreamt of. He also realized what was waiting in the end for him inside the academy.

And that made him helplessly smile.

"I'm now following my new master," Tina said as she jumped to hug Jim, "he is our new master, what do you think?"

"Master" Temo turned his gaze towards Jim where he noticed an envious look before he turned his gaze again towards her as he suddenly screamed in shock:

"Don't tell me you are going to stay in the academy from now on?"

The next moment more shadows glowed in the dark while all started to come closer with excited shouts and many words of praise and surprises.

"Calm down boys," Jim suddenly shouted while pointing his sword between his girl and Temo, "she is mine, both are. So stay polite and don't be rude."

"Kid this is the twin pearls" Temo paused before adding, "I don't believe someone like you can have them!"

"Why not?" Jim simply shrugged before putting his arm around Tina's waist and held her closer to him, "she is my girl, as you can clearly see."

"Temo" Tina said with a soft chuckle, "he is my master, there is no doubt in that."

"B- But my lady you know you have huge admirers here. If you want to be freed or escape just give us the signal"

Jim clenched his sword harder as he didn't want this to end in a bad end for him and his team.

"Temo" Tina softly whispered before turning to Jim as she simply took the gesture and softly kissed his lips. "He is my man, please don't say something as harsh as this again."

"T- This" Temo's face twitched and Jim noticed other shadows seemed to be quite unsettled when they saw this.

"C'mon Temo how long has it been since you sworn to me to be my own guardian?"

The face of Temo suddenly changed while others around started to whisper while some even started to laugh.

"My lady, it's my honor to lead you to the academy," Temo said before clearing up his throat and starting to regain his previous domineer, "but we are on a big mission here. There is an outlaw who is planning something big against our beloved academy."

"Oh that sounds scary," Saga moved from behind as she held the other arm of Jim and leaned over his shoulder as she added, "is it safe to go alone towards the academy?"

"Ahem" Temo seemed hesitant for a moment before another sound said in mocking tone from behind:

"C'mon Temo, aren't you the sworn guardian of the twin pearls?"

Temo turned to glare at the speaker while saying in a deep tone: "I swear to let you regret saying these words Sema."

He then turned to Jim while glancing in envy towards him, "It's quite safe behind us. We just scanned the area there. Feel free to go but be haste and don't make more trouble ."

Saga winked as she chuckled: "We will only cause our normal ruckus in the academy, or is it forbidden?"

"Damn," Temo restrained himself as he already was hearing more mocking comments from his back. "You can go with ease and do whatever you want my ladies. Your fame already precedes you. Here is the token of VIP guests. With this no one will stop you even in the forbidden forest."

"Thanks," Jim took the token as he turned to his team and shouted, "let's go boys."

"Damn!" Temo cursed again while watching the two pearls getting far away from him with Jim. "How can a human be so lucky?"

"You don't know him," one of his men laughed before adding, "you were out on a mission and just returned. It's normal for you to not know him."

"Is he that famous?"

"He is, and his face won't sustain for long I suppose," the silhouette said with a sneer, "this kid has many eyes focused on him and believe me, he won't sustain a single week in the academy."

"If so," Temo evilly sneered, "it's rightful for me to secure the twin pearls, right?"

"Right boss," all of his squad shouted in unison.

"Humph," Temo harrumphed before he turned to glance at his men, "don't think just agreeing now on my words will spare you from punishment," he laughed before turning towards the academy direction and softly sighed before vanishing in the darkness with his team.

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