Ileus: The Dark Prince

Chapter 524 - You Sly Wolf

Chapter 524 - You Sly Wolf

It had been over two weeks ever since Aed Ruad was lodged in the dungeon. Ileus hadn't let Anastasia go down to him because he knew that the moment she went, she would lose her temper. He had mulled over where to keep him with Haldir and Isidorus, but their options weren't convincing.

Aed Ruad had lost all his magic after Anastasia had plunged her sword in him. If at all he howled or screamed, his voice never reached the surface. And no one was bothered about a prisoner who was kept in the high security of the palace. It was extremely rare that prisoners were lodged in the dungeons of the palace, and if they were, then they must have definitely committed high crime. And so, no one even dared to enquire about it.

Over the days, Anastasia had grown quiet. Ileus was constantly worried about her. It was early in the morning and he had come for a walk with her in the east wing's gardens. The torches of the palace still shone as smudged stars as mist enveloped the garden and the palace. Slowly when the first rays of sun spilled its golden hues, the snow-clad mountains north of the kingdom of Draoidh illuminated softly. The sky was more cerulean than charcoal. The birds had declared the early morning as their dominion. In their bright feathered plume, they chirped in the gardens singing their love song for the sunrise. The weather had become nice after a long spell of snow and so whatever flowers managed to survive, welcomed the little warmth, and bloomed.

He had made her wear a thick cashmere cloak and buttoned her to the neck and then taken her out for a walk. "Mother sent a message yesterday," he said, as he walked with her on the cobbled path that had been cleared of the snow already.

"How is Iona doing?" asked Anastasia, her arm tucked in the crook of his arm.

"She is doing good. Mother said that her mood had elevated to the extent that she is constantly energized. She insists on going with Rolfe on every venture and if it was possible for her, then she would simply build a new Galahar in a day!"

She chuckled. "I like that she is so busy."

And in a way, Ileus felt guilty that his wife didn't have anything to do. He caressed the back of her hand with his fingers. "Do you feel that you are not busy?"

She sighed and lowered her face. "You don't let me go anywhere these days, Aly. So, yes, I am bored and with Aed Ruad still here—" her voice drawled.

"I can keep you busy… very busy."

"And how is that?" she asked, jerking her head back.

"There's this special mollusk that lives in the sediments at the bottom of the lake in Silver Vales. A few months back, a farmer discovered that if these mollusks are boiled, they form a blue die that can be used for a variety of purposes. The die is very fast and when he went to sell the fabric in the neighboring kingdoms, he realized that it sold like hot cakes. The farmer's business boomed and then he started smuggling the mollusk to other kingdoms."

"Why? I mean it must be found everywhere," she remarked.

"That's what, my dear. It isn't. It is only found in the lakes in Silver Vales."


"A few days back we seized the farmer's business because he was trying to sell the source to those in the black market."

"Why would he do that? Fool!"

"Yes. It's treason because that mollusk belongs to us only. Now Haldir wants to throw him in the dungeons. You know how harsh he is! But the merchant is willing to give up his business in exchange for his life."

Anastasia walked quietly with him for a few paces and said, "And you want me to manage the business?"

"Yes. It could be something very interesting. There would be integration with others from the Lore and it will keep you busy."

"But you don't let me go anywhere, Aly," she lamented with a pout.

"Well, for the last two weeks my people have been combing the forests and the markets and streets of Draoidh and Silver Vales for any other danger, but things are clear. We have stationed Mozias everywhere and law who keep an eye on every movement. It is safe for you to move around, but once again, there are very specific paths that you have to limit yourself and whenever you will go out, there will be five Mozias always with you."

Anastasia squealed. "Really?"

He nodded with a smile, seeing how happy it made her. "And if you need help, Isidorus is always there. He has volunteered to help you, because he too wants to take a break from the court duties."

Anastasia giggled. "And I would love to take his help. He does need a break. It would be a well-deserved one."

Ileus sighed. "I know that the old man wants to retire and go to where Ed and Howard are. But I won't let him go. At least not until our baby is born and we find his replacement!"

She shook her head as she laughed at how clingy her husband was. She leaned her head on his arm and they walked a little more when they saw Haldir coming from the opposite direction. A bird with red plumes came and perched on his shoulder.

"Ah! Off you go," he chided it but the bird only trilled. He walked to the prince and princess and bowed. "You wanted to see me?" The bird flew from his shoulder and perched on Anastasia's forearm making her giggle once again and making Ileus smile once again. It was a beautiful sound to his ears.

Haldir had to cough a little to gain his attention back because he started looking at his wife, fondly, mesmerized.

"Haldir!" Ileus said, coming out of the trance. "I wanted to talk about our latest trade treaty with the Yardraks."

"What about it?" asked Haldir. Anastasia left them and strode off to the hedges hoping for the bird to leave her.

Ileus clasped his hand at the back and said, "I want to involve Rolfe in it. The Yardraks are one of the best architects in the Lore. Seeing that Galahar needs a lot of improvement, a trade treaty with the Yardraks is going to be extremely beneficial. While both he and Iona were into Galahar's development, an expert hand would only speed up the process and in the right direction."

Haldir narrowed his eyes. "The Yardraks are too nitpicky. I wonder if they would agree so easily."

"The Yardraks want money. They can be bought with lots of money, and Rolfe can pay. Moreover, I haven't yet given dowry to my sister. Knowing fully well that Rolfe would never accept it, I think this is the best way we can help him. Buy the services of the Yardraks at the price they want and we will send them to Galahar."

"I have an idea. Brantley is close to the dwarves. I will take him with me to negotiate with them. They won't be able to say no after it."

Ileus nodded with approval. "That would be a great idea. I do wish to call all my cousins and Brantley for an informal holiday."

"Why don't you go to the human realm where Daryn and Dawn are? It would be a great break for Anastasia too," Haldir suggested.

Ileus scratched his stubble. He turned his head over his shoulder and looked at his wife, who was now looking at the snow-clad mountains, no doubt thinking about her parents. "I will ask her, but she doesn't have any experience of the human realm. And she is too beautiful to be taken there on a casual stroll. Besides, she is pregnant. And—"

Haldir put his hands up. "I understand the difficulties. It's fine." He knew Ileus was in his full protective Alpha mode.

Ileus shrugged. "By the way, I have thought of a great place to keep Aed Ruad."

"Where?" Haldir asked. They had failed to come to an agreement over this topic.

"Kingdom of Zmjia."

Haldir's brows furrowed. "That would be like giving freedom to him!"

"Nah! We are going to keep him in the same casket in which they had kept Iona while taking her down. He would be surrounded by the same cerulean lights. Guarhaal and Aidan are going to take him to the Lamia village and then drop the coffer in the sea."

"The serpents would take him out of the coffer anytime and free him!"

"Zmjia is a vast kingdom. We will drop him in the bed and then chain the coffer to the bed. He would never be able to come back. And I highly doubt that Rhys would have interest in an immortal like him. He would, after all, be a liability now." Since his wife would be mining mollusks, he would keep an eye on Zmjia.

Haldir chuckled.. "You sly wolf."

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