Ileus: The Dark Prince

Chapter 297 - Hunt For The Culprit (1)

Chapter 297 - Hunt For The Culprit (1)

Aidan countered, "You shouldn't get your hands in it, Ileus. Haldir is with me and we will get to it soon. If my suspicions are right, I am sure your wedding is going to be announced by tomorrow and will be held in two days."

"Then we have all the time we need," Ileus replied. He looked at Kaizan and said, "The bachelors party is going to be held once we have the culprit in our hands."

Just then they heard a rustle of robes behind them and found Tamara getting down the stairs. She stopped when her gaze met theirs and bowed. When she straightened, her veil fluttered in the cool breeze and her eyes locked with Kaizan's. Kaizan's jaw set in a tight light line as tension radiated from his body. He averted his gaze and said in a throaty voice, "Yes, we can wait."

The three men walked to the women who were talking about the dresses that they could buy or the styles that were in fashion.


Darla was walking with Anastasia for some time in the gardens as Ileus took Aidan and Kaizan with him inside the study of the east wing of the palace. Haldir joined them.

"We have the information that Draven's daughter who was in the human realm when all this happened has a solid alibi," said Haldir, pursing his lips. He was bending over a map of the Level two, which also showed the underground tunnels of some houses.

"And Draven was in the ministry," Aidan said with a bleak face.

"Then we practically don't have anyone to base our suspicions on," Ileus almost barked. He trailed a line from Draven's house to his luxury restaurant with his finger and said, "Is there a tunnel connecting them?"

Haldir shook his head. "No. If there was, we would have known it long back."

"Is there a tunnel connecting his house to the Sapphire Building?"

"Not that we know of," Haldir sighed as if he was tired of investigating. "And that is one of the reasons why we are unable to find the connection. Draven has all his tracks covered."

The door of the study opened and Anastasia entered along with Darla, which momentarily distracted them.

"It is possible that they have dug up something new, which we haven't been able to catch so far," Ileus continued.

Haldir's eyes narrowed as his neck strained with tension. "It is not easy to find out, Ileus. In order to do a lawful investigation, we would need clearance from the ministry of law and Draven is the Minister of Law. Do you think he would give permission to check his own house? Not only that, if you carry out those kinds of investigations on a minister, it raises a lot of eyes. Repercussions will follow for each of them are supported by factions in the wizard kingdom."

"That's right," said Aidan, crossing his hands across his chest. "The risks are pretty high. Investigating the minister of law would likely result in losing control over a faction of his loyalists and the queen can't afford that for now, especially when your wedding is there."

"Then we will play by the rules. We will not take permission, but we will pay a visit to them," Ileus said, as he shuffled in his place.

"And just what do you mean, Prince Ileus?" asked Darla, as she tapped her nails on the table.

Ileus looked at Haldir and said, "Get your top Mozias to work. I want Guarhal also with us. We are going to pay a visit to Draven's and Ozin's house, but it is going to be a private one."

Anastasia's blood became cold. She looked at Ileus with anxiety in her heart.


"Are you sure you want to spy there, Ileus?" asked Anastasia as she tucked him inside the blanket. The fire was burning low in the heart as the last of the logs was about to cave in.

"Yes," he replied.

"I wanted to see the paintings again, for I do believe there is something we don't know."

"No, I won't let you go near those paintings." And then there was no mention of the whole thing.

Ileus did not waste his time in planning the whole thing. They were all supposed to meet at the Sapphire House. Anastasia and Darla accompanied them.

"What are we going to find? The tunnels?" And what if we find them?" asked Anastasia as they got ready for the visit. She was wearing a white silk shirt with silver leggings. She had braided her hair and Ileus had shackled her wings.

"There's more to what meets the eye. How is it possible that they know about what we are going to do beforehand? Either someone is passing information, or I feel there is a device controlled with necromancer magic…" his voice trailed off. He zipped his boots and sheathed his swords on his back side. He helped Anastasia to strap her dagger to her thigh. He walked to the mantle and picked up her Evindal sword. Sheathing it on the side of her belt, he said, "Keep it close. Hit first and think next!"

She nodded.

"But I would prefer it if you stay here."

She declined.

After breakfast, the two wandered in the gardens and Anastasia found herself standing in front of the railing from where she could see Level three and the snow-capped mountains beyond. It was just so beautiful that she sighed, wondering if she would ever go there. She had been in Draoidh for only a few days and had fallen in love with the vista. She knew Ileus would do anything to keep this beautiful place protected and safe.

Just then a portal opened and Haldir stepped out of it along with Aidan, Guarhal and three Mozias.

"Where is Guarhal?" asked Ileus. Anastasia could feel his heart beating fast as a mixture of uneasiness and anticipation swirled inside him.

Darla and Kaizan were seen walking towards them from the west wing, which was for the guests and they had decided to stay for the night.

Ileus looked at the two girls and said, "It would be better if you two stay in Eynsworth rather than accompanying us. It is not safe."

Anastasia said mulishly, "I am going with you!"

Ileus peered into her eyes with his heated golden ones. "You just got out of a huge mess. I don't want to push you into another one, sweetheart."

Anastasia frowned. "You know I won't be able to stay calm. Please let me come with you." She held his hand.

Ileus' Adam's apple went up and down. He brushed his fingers against her palm. "Then remember what I told you. Strike first and think later."

Haldir created a portal. While all others stepped in it, Ileus held her and burst in the shadows. She felt the shadows and smoke whirling around her as they teleported. With his neck muscles corded and face set in hard line, Ileus looked ferocious in his darkness. She asked, "Who are the top Mozias?"

"Aidan, Guarhal, Tadgh, Carrick and Zlu were the top ones," he replied sadly.

Seeing his tension, in order to allay his worries, she teased, "I heard that the larger the vokudlaks in size, the larger is their… manhood."

Ileus' eyes widened. "And where did you hear that from? Surely you haven't gotten hold of my collection of books."

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